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FLASHBACK: George H.W. Bush Reads Love Letters to Barbara

FLASHBACK: George H.W. Bush Reads Love Letters to Barbara

Classic American love story.

I noticed President George H.W. Bush trending on Facebook and immediately thought the worst. Instead, he is trending because news outlets have circulated him reading his old love letters to his wife of 72 years Barbara. Why not keep sharing it? These two are the definition of RELATIONSHIP GOALS. They fell in love when she was 16 and he was 17. You can tell they’ve fallen more in love every day since. Grab the tissues!


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Let’s not romanticize the presidency of George H. W. Bush.

He was not an Obama, but he was so rudderless, that right after coming into office as Ronald Reagan’s former VP, he was voted out after one term, giving the White House to…Bill Clinton.

“I’ll deal with things as they come up.” “Read my hips.” Remember that one?

Bush I gave us Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Bush II gave us Barack and Michelle Obama.

Great job.