Trump and Netanyahu | Political Cartoon | A.F. Branco
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Branco Cartoon – L’Chaim

Branco Cartoon – L’Chaim

All years in Jerusalem

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I approve of this message.

From his comments at the press conference, Trump doesn’t seem to understand what a one-state solution would mean.

He, rightly, doesn’t care. He, rightly, is happy with what ever arrangement BOTH sides can live with.

Perhaps next time watch with your ears instead of listening with your eyes.


    mailman: He, rightly, doesn’t care. He, rightly, is happy with what ever arrangement BOTH sides can live with.

    BOTH sides can’t live with a one-state solution. The suggestion strongly tilts towards the Israeli far-right.

      impeach obama in reply to Zachriel. | February 16, 2017 at 1:37 pm

      the Fakistinians are an imported arab marauders who came to the mandate when Jews started farming our original homeland.

      Read some history and learn why there never can be a permanent agreement, ‘2 state solution’. These bahstards will NEVER agree that Jews (Judeans) have come back to OUR homeland.

      Psalms – Chapter 137
      1 By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat, we also wept when we remembered Zion.

      2 On willows in its midst we hung our harps.

      3 For there our captors asked us for words of song and our tormentors [asked of us] mirth, “Sing for us of the song of Zion.”

      4 “How shall we sing the song of the Lord on foreign soil?”

      —> 5 If I forget you, O Jerusalem, may my right hand forget [its skill].

      6 May my tongue cling to my palate, if I do not remember you, if I do not bring up Jerusalem at the beginning of my joy. <—

      7 Remember, O Lord, for the sons of Edom, the day of Jerusalem, those who say, "Raze it, raze it, down to its foundation!"

      8 O Daughter of Babylon, who is destined to be plundered, praiseworthy is he who repays you your recompense that you have done to us.

      9 Praiseworthy is he who will take and dash your infants against the rock.

        impeach obama: the Fakistinians {sic} are an imported arab marauders

        The Palestinians have ancient roots in the region.

        impeach obama: Read some history and learn why there never can be a permanent agreement, ‘2 state solution’.

        There can’t be a democratic Israel and a one-state solution, so there’s the conundrum. A two-state solution is certainly possible.

Can only pray to G-d that Bibi does not put his country’s future in DT’s hands.

They’ve been trying for a two-state solution for many, MANY years, and it hasn’t gone anywhere. When Israel gave Gaza to the Palestinians, Hamas turned it into a rocket-launching platform and ruined its economy. Logically, the same thing would happen if the west bank were run by Fatah, probably later Hamas. Maybe it’s time to try something different. “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” (attributed to Albert Einstein)

Jordan has forgiven Palestinian aggression?

After the Left failed to paint Israelis with apartheid, I wonder why they didn’t just wage social justice and mass abort the native population as they did in their other adventures.