Drew Carey’s Son Helped Start Fire at Anti-Trump Protest
“Screw our president!”

Uh oh. A source close to Drew Carey told TMZ that the Price is Right host’s son started the fire at an anti-Trump protest and proclaimed, “Screw our president!” TMZ reported:
News footage of the boy went viral after the inauguration eve protest in Washington D.C. — and we’ve confirmed it was 11-year-old Connor behind one of the night’s most memorable moments.
A source close to Drew tells us Connor got caught up in the emotions of the crowd around him, and he was in hot water afterward. We’re told Drew and Connor’s mom were upset about how he expressed himself to the reporter, and talked to him about his language.
The source says Connor “regretted his choice of words” after the chat with his folks.

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He needs to regret his actions more than his words.
so, i lieberal douchecanoe, just like his wind bag father…
that figures.
His father’s no liberal, unless you mean in the classical sense.
Where exactly were his parents while he was doing this? Who was accompanying this child?
An 11-year-old shouldn’t be wandering around during a riot, he shouldn’t be playing with matches, and he shouldn’t be blabbing to the press.
With smarts like that, the kid has a great future.
So the main problem was how the kid expressed himself, not what he said or did.