It ain’t over yet – Israelis worried about more Obama UN moves
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It ain’t over yet – Israelis worried about more Obama UN moves

It ain’t over yet – Israelis worried about more Obama UN moves

January 15 Paris Summit could formulate final agreement terms, with a quick UN Security Council vote.

I’ve been warning that Obama’s passage of the recent anti-Israel UN Security Council resolution was not necessarily the “final” jab at Israel.

Obama still has three more weeks left in which time he can achieve substantial UN action.

The Israelis have reason to be fearful, asserting they have ‘Ironclad Information’ the Obama administration both pushed and helped craft the prior Resolution.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is urging his ministers not to attack Obama personally, reflecting the widely accepted view that Obama was acting out of spite and personal animus:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged Likud ministers Sunday to stop criticizing US President Barack Obama and calling for annexing territories and building in settlements as a response to United Nations Security Council resolution 2334 that passed Friday.

In a meeting with Likud ministers, he warned them that Obama could follow up on his decision to abstain on the anti-Israel resolution by taking further steps against Israel before he leaves office on January 20.

Haaretz reports on how Israel Fears American, French Initiative in Paris Conference Before Obama Leaves Office:

Israel fears that the United States and France want to advance another move on the Israeli-Palestinian issue before the Obama administration wraps up its term.

A senior official in Jerusalem said that during Sunday’s security cabinet meeting, ministers were presented with an assessment that during the international foreign ministers’ meeting scheduled for January 15 in Paris as part of the French peace initiative, a series of decisions on the peace process will be made. These will immediately be brought to the UN Security Council for a vote and will be adopted there before January 20.

The move presented to the ministers led Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to tell the Likud ministers during their subsequent meeting that Friday’s vote in the Security Council on the settlements was not the end of the story and that there are liable to be other steps taken by the international community, the official added.

Representatives of the Foreign Ministry, the National Security Council and others who attended the security cabinet meeting presented information indicating that the trend in talks between France, the U.S. and other countries in preparation for the foreign ministers’ meeting tended toward advancing such a move, he added.

According to the information that Israel has, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry wants to utilize the foreign ministers’ parley, which will be attended by representatives of dozens of countries, to deliver an address that presents his vision for the two-state solution. The senior official said that Israel fears this address will include American principles for resolving the core issues of borders, refugees, security arrangements and Jerusalem.

This all could be done on very short notice, as the recent UN Resolution, which technically was a non-binding expression of views, not subject to the Security Council’s enforcement authority.

Except this time, the new Resolution imposing a “solution” of the conflict could become binding if done under Security Council enforcement authority.

For his part, Netanyahu is lashing out as the countries that supported the prior resolution, defiantly going to the Western Wall, a place the Obama-backed resolution declared illegally occupied by Israel:

Netanyahu continues to rail against the 14 countries who voted in favor of Resolution 2334, asking “those same states who wish us a Happy Hanukkah — how could they vote that [the Western Wall] is occupied territory? We were here much earlier.”

Meanwhile, Israelis are united in opposition to the use of the UN to deprive Jews of their rights in Jerusalem and elsewhere:


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The more ‘binding resolutions’ emitting from the UN that Israel and her soon to be renewed ally the US cannot abide, the sooner we withdraw from that farce called UN and push it into the harbor.

liberalinsight | December 25, 2016 at 8:44 pm

“how could they vote that [the Western Wall] is occupied territory? We were here much earlier.”
But under that thinking, Romans have a right to that land as well, and of course Muslims and Christians claimed it in one crusade after another. For that matter, why not present day Ethiopians, didn’t humans migrate out of Africa?

    Walker Evans in reply to liberalinsight. | December 25, 2016 at 11:41 pm

    History, among other things, isn’t your strong suit, is it? The land of Israel was Jewish territory before Romans and Christians were there, and of course over 1500 years before Islam even existed. Go back to your Legos and leave weighty discussions to the adults.

    Neither the Romans nor the Arabs, Crusaders, Ottomans, or British had any right to it, because it still belonged to its previous owners. Land doesn’t stop belonging to someone just because they’ve been forcibly kept off it for some number of years. Adverse possession requires that the owner abandon his claim, which the Jews never did. We’ve been serving notice on the world and on all squatters, not every seven years but three times every day, that the land still belongs to us, that anyone who squats there has no claim on it, and that we intend to take it back as soon as we were able. Nobody who moved in can claim to have been unaware of this.

liberalinsight | December 25, 2016 at 9:08 pm

Israel, land of bigots and racists. Don’t get me wrong, plenty of bigotry to go around. But here in the USA where taxes are collected from minorities who fought, protested, sued and suffered for decades as victims trying to right an obvious wrong, to be forced to support an apartheid regime abroad must sting. Lets face it, if you do not see Jews as a race, it is impossible to justify Israels claim to any of the land they now occupy (other than “we stole it fair and square”)
The USA has been the sole hold out for what?50 years? against the whole world in the UN. 50 years where the world was wrong and the USA was right smacks of improbably in the extreme. When will the USA’s roll be based on compassion or logic in regards to the rogue state of Israel? One resolution after another condemning overtly illegal and heavy handed actions, vetoed by the USA. Thank God, that Obama had the coverage to stand up to the bigots in the USA.

    johnny dollar in reply to liberalinsight. | December 25, 2016 at 10:42 pm

    You are not well.

    Walker Evans in reply to liberalinsight. | December 26, 2016 at 12:08 am

    “an apartheid regime”? Apparently knowing the actual definitions of words in our language is something else you missed in school. The definition in the several dictionaries I own reads as follows:

    “Apartheid was a system of institutionalised racial segregation and discrimination that was in use in South Africa until 1991.”

    Since Israel is not South Africa (and even there the system you refer to was eliminated fully a quarter century ago), your use of it to describe Israel in 2016 is ludicrous, leaving absurd in the dust! Arabs, Muslims, Christians, and Jews live side-by-side there and the only problems come from the Islamic Supremacists that call themselves “Palestinians”, a name derived from the name the Romans gave the area while trying to put down the revolt of Simon bar Kokhba; it was a part of their attempt to remove the Jewish identity that land had held for centuries!

    You have demonstrated two things:
    1) You should not be interjecting your childish gibberish into the discussions of adults, and;
    2) If you must subject us to this drivel, your screen name needs to be changed. You may very well be a Liberal, but you have made it quite clear you really have no Insight at all.

    {Or perhaps, you are yourself an Islamic Supremacist practicing taqiyah, Mohamed’s favored form for the dissemination of lies and misinformation? That would explain a lot.]

    The United States has never been particularly on the side of the kleptocracies you support in many countries. Fortunately, the second best weapon against pigs is to empty their trough. On January 21, Donald Trump should announce that there will not be another dime given to the UN until that resolution is reversed by one that has binding authority.

    Liberal blindsight, you clearly have no understanding of either what apartheid is, or the situation in Israel. I suggest you go try celebrating Christmas in Saudi Arabia. I wouldn’t suggest Hannukah at all because if you are Jewish the Saudis won’t even let you into their country.
    Amazing how Sudanese refugees crossed all of Egypt and the Sinai in order to reach Israel. They apparently know a lot more than you do.

    This is a personal insult to Professor Jacobson, our host, and I think this person should be banned from this site.

    Lets face it, if you do not see Jews as a race, it is impossible to justify Israels claim to any of the land they now occupy (other than “we stole it fair and square”)

    Who denies that Jews are a race, in the old sense of the word? Jews are a nation, which until the late 19th century was synonymous with “race”. And our claim to Judaea is that it’s where we’re from. It was stolen from us in 70 CE, but we kept our claim alive so it never stopped belonging to us, and nobody else has any right there.

Looks like LI picked up a dopey troll. Fun.

    The Livewire in reply to BuckIV. | December 25, 2016 at 9:36 pm

    I figured the new person was a satirist myself.

    No one can be that dense.

    casualobserver in reply to BuckIV. | December 25, 2016 at 10:17 pm

    Just a lonely attention seeker. Every post is controversial and antithetical to the purpose of this site. Hit and run nonsense. No engagement. No deep thought or observation.

    userpen in reply to BuckIV. | December 26, 2016 at 11:08 am

    I don’t consider it to be fun, nor right, nor fair to the other members of Legal Insurrection when someone comes to this forum with the intention of causing trouble.

    buckeyeminuteman in reply to BuckIV. | December 27, 2016 at 1:07 pm

    Everybody’s old time favourite “secondwind” from the primary season is back as “liberalinsight”…

liberalinsight | December 25, 2016 at 9:34 pm

“Israelis are united in opposition to the use of the UN to deprive Jews of their rights in Jerusalem and elsewhere” as if this was a goal of some group! HEY!!! What rights are the world trying to deny Israelis anyway? The right to a fair trial? WHAT???? is somebody trying to bulldoze the houses of Israelis? Does some foreign country station troops inside Israel? Did some foreign power partition their country? Take their country over with a vote held 7000 miles away by non-participants in the conflict?
Why is it that when Israel rolls out the UN resolution creating the boundaries of Israel, they seem to forget it also told Israelis where Israel was NOT? The USA has fed this cancer on the land for 62 years, sent it’s children to die on foreign soils defending it, for what?

    Inappropriate comment.

    “Israelis are united in opposition to the use of the UN to deprive Jews of their rights in Jerusalem and elsewhere” as if this was a goal of some group!

    Um, yes, it is. That’s what the whole dispute has been about since the 1880s.

    HEY!!! What rights are the world trying to deny Israelis anyway?

    The right to live in their own native land.

    The right to a fair trial? WHAT????

    Yes, or to any trial at all.

    is somebody trying to bulldoze the houses of Israelis?

    Um, yes. In fact the Israeli government, at the orders of that gang of traitors known as its high court, is poised to do exactly that to the residents of Amona, who bought their homes in good faith, and despite the left’s best efforts no claimant can be found who can show that he owns the land those homes were built on. No matter, says the court, we assert that they belong to somebody so down your houses must come.

    Does some foreign country station troops inside Israel?

    How is this relevant? Does Israel station troops inside some foreign country? Which one?

    Did some foreign power partition their country?

    Yes. First the UK did so, by cutting away Transjordan, and then Transjordan occupied Samaria and Judaea for 19 years, calling them its “west bank”, a name that has somehow stuck even though Transjordan has now renounced all claim to it (so why hasn’t it changed its name back?)

    Take their country over with a vote held 7000 miles away by non-participants in the conflict?
    Why is it that when Israel rolls out the UN resolution creating the boundaries of Israel, they seem to forget it also told Israelis where Israel was NOT?

    No UN resolution has ever even purported to set Israel’s boundaries. You seem to be referring to a General Assembly resolution, which can of course not do any such thing. In casae you didn’t know it, GA resolutions are mere expressions of irrelevant opinion, and have no legal effect whatsoever.

    The USA has fed this cancer on the land

    That’s right. Let your inner Nazi show. Don’t try to hide it. You’re not haggling over the Jews’s boundaries but seeking to exterminate them altogether, just like your ally Hitler.

    for 62 years, sent it’s children to die on foreign soils defending it, for what?

    Blatant antisemitic lies. The USA has never once fought to defend Israel, let alone lost any of its children doing so. Nor does Israel want the USA to defend it, precisely because that would inevitably lead to accusations of this sort the moment the first serviceman died.

DieJustAsHappy | December 25, 2016 at 9:53 pm

Couldn’t Congress pass a resolution outlining the relationship of the U.S. and Israel, that though the present administration failed to support Israel this is inconsistent with established alliances, that the U.N. do well to recognize that our Executive Branch is in a period of transition so this ought to be a matter of consideration before adopting any other resolutions?

As an aside, I’ve wondered for some time about just what has come about with the Obama administration; that is, breaking with past foreign policies. Isn’t it a weakness of our system that under one administration a country can be our ally while under a different that might not be the case?

    If course it’s a weakness in our system! – Look at the chaos and fraud at our learning institutions and our media, and thus look at how people have voted. (Obama, for two terms!)

    No American president has been a cancer on our society and the world than the malignant fraud currently in office.

    Put Obama/Jarrett in the White House, and you’ll have a “weakness in our system.” Put a Hillary Clinton in office, and you’ll have an even worse weakness. Put a GOPe hack candidate up for national office, and you’ll have an Obama or a Clinton in high office.

    Free nations are free to vote themselves into oblivion. Which is why we need to retake our learning institutions and our media: children and the public need to be taught and re-taught why they have it so good in America.

    Couldn’t Congress pass a resolution outlining the relationship of the U.S. and Israel, that though the present administration failed to support Israel this is inconsistent with established alliances, that the U.N. do well to recognize that our Executive Branch is in a period of transition so this ought to be a matter of consideration before adopting any other resolutions?

    Congress can pass any resolution it likes, but the UN Security Council isn’t subject to Congress’s jurisdiction and doesn’t have to pay any attention to Congress’s opinions (any more than Congress need pay any attention to the Security Council’s opinions, except in the case of Chapter 7 resolutions, which this one was not).

    Isn’t it a weakness of our system that under one administration a country can be our ally while under a different that might not be the case?

    How else could it be? Foreign policy belongs entirely to the president, so how can any president be obliged to continue his predecessors’ policies? For that matter, if we were to amend the constitution to give Congress a role in setting foreign policy, how would that change matters, when any election can change Congress overnight?

Aren’t there 5 new temporary Security Council members starting terms January 1?

Could that affect the vote?

“Sweden, Bolivia, Ethiopia and Kazakhstan (will) serve on the world body’s Security Council for a period of two years, starting from 1 January 2017. … The newly-elected countries will replace Spain, Malaysia, New Zealand, Angola and Venezuela.”

    Milhouse in reply to wyntre. | December 26, 2016 at 6:10 pm

    Aren’t there 5 new temporary Security Council members starting terms January 1?


    Could that affect the vote?


    “Sweden, Bolivia, Ethiopia and Kazakhstan

    And Italy. All of which can be counted on to vote exactly as the outgoing five members did.

Somehow this was predictable, with Obama just wanting to take a parting shot at Israel against better judgment, and this supposed followup by John Kerry is also not surprising. Regardless of what the UN may do, Israel will have to defy the world and do the right thing–the UN has proven itself to be evil, and this will not stand.

After January 20, there will be a new policy. It will be for the best.