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Hillary Clinton wins something

Hillary Clinton wins something

… on GQ list of “Least Influential People”

Hillary Clinton concludes 2016 a winner.

If you consider being placed alongside Anthony Weiner, Tim Kaine and some others as 2016’s “Least Influential People Of 2016” list!

GQ contributor Drew Magary pens this analysis:

I hate putting her here, given that liberals turned on her like pit vipers the moment she conceded, and given that nearly three million more people voted for her than her opponent, and given that Russia deliberately hijacked the election cycle. But I have no choice. When you lose an election to Donald Trump, you belong on this list.

… It’s Donald Trump! I genuinely doubt whether that man can tie his own shoes, and he still beat her. Would it have killed you to visit Wisconsin, Hillary? I know it’s full of fat people and bad pretzels, but sometimes you gotta come out of your fundraising hole and kiss some babies. I’ll never get over it. I’ll be 80 and on my deathbed and my kids will be around me and I’ll beckon them closer and, in my final moments, I will whisper these words like a secret: “I can’t believe she lost to that asshole.”

I must admit, I am still enjoying November’s gift of schadenfreude through this holiday season.

Speaking of gifts, Democrats may want to ask Santa for a new slate of presidential candidates for 2020 (while there is still time). It will be challenging to actually nominate the current front-runner.

On the theory that it’s never too early to launch the next campaign, the new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll has identified an overwhelming front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020.

It’s someone entirely new.

Literally. Not an identifiable person. Just “someone entirely new.” When that description was included on a list of possible contenders, 66% of Democrats and independents said they would be “excited” to see such a person jump in the race; just 9% thought he or she shouldn’t run. That’s an overwhelming yes-please-run score of 57 percentage points for, you know, whomever.

A whopping 62 percent of those polled don’t want Hillary Clinton to run again.

Now, that is what I call an entirely believable and thoroughly reliable consensus!


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“I’ll never get over it. I’ll be 80 and on my deathbed and my kids will be around me and I’ll beckon them closer and, in my final moments, I will whisper these words like a secret: ‘ can’t believe she lost to that asshole.’”

Ahahahahhahahaha. Thanks for sharing.

That picture (and video) has got to be one of the reasons that the shrew lost!

“On the theory that it’s never too early to launch the next campaign, the new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll has identified an overwhelming front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020.

It’s someone entirely new.”

I’ve read some are looking to de Blasio of N.Y. Now that would be great.

    Henry Hawkins in reply to 4fun. | December 26, 2016 at 4:45 pm

    Democrat slate of nomination candidates for 2020:

    Rod Blagojevich (pardoned by Obama)
    Kanye West
    George Clooney
    Shaun King
    Bill de Blasio
    Flea from RHCPs
    Chelsea Clinton (following gender reassignment)
    Whoopi Goldberg
    Joe Biden
    Rachel Dolezal
    Glenn Beck (responding to prophecy)
    Bill Kristol
    Colin Kaepernick
    That guy who cried over treatment of Britney Spears

Who is Drew Magary? And why do we care? Seriously.

Ms Leslie – Let’s mount a parody demand, played for laughs, for a petition demanding a recount.

VetHusbandFather | December 25, 2016 at 7:46 pm

Sorry Drew, but visiting Wisconsin wouldn’t have helped. You see people aren’t just there to be pandered to by the politicians and media. People didn’t vote for Trump because he went there. Maybe they voted for Trump because unlike you and Hillary, he saw them as more than just fat people with pretzels…

That photo captured a perfect Bobble Head moment!

“I know it’s full of fat people and bad pretzels,” keep thinking that and saying it out loud your making it easier to run the tables again.


Democratic failure can’t possibly be tied to the way the Party’s handcuffed itself to the putrefying corpse of Progressivism, and the customers want nothing to do with either one … it must be because Hillary was too lazy to go to Wisconsin, kiss some pretzels, and eat a few overweight babies. Therefore, there’s no cause to rethink the whole D’rat raison d’être; the voters will flock back if the Party can just find the right candidate (well, the right candidate who isn’t Bernie); a candidate who gets out more and does, like, stuff, and all.


“Would it have killed you to visit Wisconsin, Hillary? I know it’s full of fat people and bad pretzels, but sometimes you gotta come out of your fundraising hole and kiss some babies.”

Sure! THAT’S how you woo voters, Hillary! With constant insults! You should’ve listened to this genius!