Former DNC Chair: Hillary Making Mistake Attacking FBI Director Comey
That time I agreed with a former DNC Chair

Maybe kicking the Clinton attack machine into overdrive isn’t the best way to go this time, especially when it evokes criticism from rank and file party betters.
From CNN:
(CNN)Ed Rendell, the former governor of Pennsylvania and former Democratic National Committee chairman, said Tuesday that Hillary Clinton’s campaign was making a mistake by attacking FBI director James Comey over how he handled recent developments into the investigation of Clinton’s private server.
“I think that’s, I wouldn’t do that,” Rendell told radio host Rich Zeoli on 1210 WPHT Philadelphia. “Again, you know, I’m not running the campaign by any means, but I wouldn’t do that. I agree with you.”
Earlier in the interview, when the host said he thought that the strategy of attacking Comey was a “mistake,” Rendell replied, “I generally do as well.”
“Although I will say the more that comes out about this, the stranger it is,” he said. “Like the agents had this material or knew about the existence of the material at the beginning of October and didn’t tell the director until the end of October. That makes no sense at all. So the more that this comes out, I think the more facts that come out, the better it is for Secretary Clinton but I agree with you, I wouldn’t attack him.”
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