Podesta Emails: Hillary Campaign Sparred Over Wall Street Speeches
We hate Wall Street, but need its money!
A chain of emails exposed in the John Podesta email dump shows the campaign worried about President Bill Clinton speaking to Morgan Stanley only three days after Hillary Clinton announced her candidacy for the presidency.
Aide Robby Mook told others that campaign chair John Podesta wanted Bill to cancel. Top aide Huma Abedin reiterated that Hillary did not want Bill to cancel the Morgan Stanley speech.
According to OpenSecrets.org, through her political career, Morgan Stanley has donated almost $1 million to her.
But the Democrats put on a show about their hatred for these evil Wall Street bankers so obviously it wouldn’t look good for her husband to speak to the group.
Mook reminded Abedin that “Wall Street ranks first for Iowans among a list of institutions that ‘take advantage of every day Americans,’ scoring twice as high as the general electorate.” He continued:
I recognize the sacrifice and dissapointment [sic] that cancelling will create, but it’s a very consequential unforced error and could plague us in stories for months. People would (rightfully) ask how we let it happen.
I would suggest that if she is determined to keep this speech that she talk with John becuase [sic] this is a very big deal in my view.
Abedin returned Mook’s email the next day to confirm that Hillary and herself “are good to cancel esp if WJC is ok with it.” Abedin also remarked they “needed a cool down period.”
Interesting. The emails do not specify how much the Clintons lost because he cancelled the speech. A CNN analysis found the family banked $153 million since 2001 from Wall Street speaking fees:
In total, the two gave 729 speeches from February 2001 until May, receiving an average payday of $210,795 for each address. The two also reported at least $7.7 million for at least 39 speeches to big banks, including Goldman Sachs and UBS, with Hillary Clinton, the Democratic 2016 front-runner, collecting at least $1.8 million for at least eight speeches to big banks.
Wikileaks also released emails that contained excerpts from her paid speeches.

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through her political career, Morgan Stanley has donated almost $1 million to her.
So, one of the smaller donors.
More evidence that Hillary doesn’t understand that people in the public eye not only need to avoid impropriety, they need to avoid the mere appearance of impropriety. But when you’re not concerned even with impropriety, why worry about avoiding its mere appearance?
Wall Street is diverse. Obama, Clinton serve at the pleasure of the 1%ers, foreign and domestic.