Joe Biden for Secretary of State?
Is this real life?
I would say we’re being trolled, but this is about par for the 2016 course.
I’m not sure why Hillary’s camp is floating the idea of Joe Biden as a potential Secretary of State, but they are.
Politico reported late Thursday night:
Joe Biden is at the top of the internal short list Hillary Clinton’s transition team is preparing for her pick to be secretary of state, a source familiar with the planning tells POLITICO.
This would be the first major Cabinet candidate to go public for a campaign that’s insisted its focus remains on winning the election, and perhaps the most central choice for a potential president who was a secretary of state herself.
Neither Clinton, nor her aides have yet told Biden. According to the source, they’re strategizing about how to make the approach to the vice president, who almost ran against her in the Democratic primaries but has since been campaigning for her at a breakneck pace all over the country in these final months.
“He’d be great, and they are spending a lot of time figuring out the best way to try to persuade him to do it if she wins,” said the source familiar with the transition planning.
I smell a deal quite similar to the one allegedly made between Obama and Hillary in the 2008 election — sit out and I’ll give you the Secretary of State gig.
This bit was particularly entertaining:
The vice president, who chaired the Senate Foreign Relations Committee before joining the administration, is one of the most experienced and respected Democrats on the world stage. He’s also coming to what would be the close of a 44-year career in Washington, first with six terms in the Senate and then two terms as President Barack Obama’s closest adviser — and the keeper of the portfolio on some of the most difficult international issues, including Iraq and Ukraine.
I know, I chuckled too.
Because really…
Biden says he’s not interested:
BIDEN tells CNN affil KBJR re Secretary of State: "I don't want to remain in the administration. .. I have no intention of staying involved"
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) October 28, 2016
Which is what he also said about running for president, before changing his mind and deciding he’d made a mistake.
At this point, we may as well turn the entire hill into a real life version of Veep.
Lord help us all.
Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

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If Hillary gets elected and appoints this idiot as SoS I’ll start an office pool: how long until he starts an international incident by groping some foreign dignitary’s wife or daughter?
But it might actually be a good move by Hillary… few people are likely to be a bigger fuckup as SoS than she was. Drunken Uncle Joe is one of the few.
Does he have the $20 million “contribution” to the Clinton Foundation?
How low will she go? I recall reading that if she won, she would nominate Obama for the Supreme Court. But she’s not going to do that – her body will give out before then.
It’s BS. She’s trying to tie herself to Biden because he’s way more popular than her. But it looks like he’s not going to go along with it.
It wasn’t all that long ago that Sec of State was a position reserved for people with outstanding academic or military backgrounds like Rice, Kissinger, Powell, Marshall, Albright, Haig, Eagleburger, etc. Even Democrats wouldn’t let someone like Biden who barely has the qualifications to run an automated parking garage near that role.
But in this new era of Hope & Change, sure why not Biden. Then put Kerry in Treasury and Elizabeth Warren at Defense. That way all the most incompetent people are positioned where they can cause the most embarrassment to this country and do the most long-term damage.
Is this what he was offered to keep him from running for Prez? Or is it just a way to get people chattering about Hillary’s amazing judgement?
On the bright side, Biden is one of the few people who can make Kerry and Hillary look (almost) competent.
I think you’re giving him way too much credit.
It sounds like desperation to me. Like when Cruz appointed Fiorina as his VP pick just before losing the nomination to Trump.
Please, Joe. Ride off into the sunset and take your retirement. Don’t know that you’ve earned it, but we surely have earned a break from you.
I have always believed that Obama picked Biden as VP in order to make himself impeachment proff. That, and the secret joy he gets out of knowing that millions of conservatives pray nightly for his good health.
Slow Joe has been wrong on every major foreign policy decision for over 40 years now. Our country is so screwed! Continues the legacy of idiots!
Is this real life?
No, it’s not, Kemberlee. Klara is real life. Hold on to her and your life will make more sense.
And hitlery will probably put Jeffrey Epstein up for Child and Protective Services. He’s all for the children you know.