Jill Stein Escorted off Hofstra Campus
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Jill Stein Escorted off Hofstra Campus

Jill Stein Escorted off Hofstra Campus

When debate-crashing goes awry

Green Party candidate Jill Stein attempted to hold a rally on the Hofstra University campus on Monday, but the police removed her after she completed an interview with MSNBC. Stein had not obtained proper credentials.

A 15% polling threshold must be met to qualify for the presidential debate stage. Stein planned to virtually attend the debates just outside of Hofstra and livestream her responses on Facebook and through Twitter.

*side note* America is not a democracy. America is a republic.

Police were made aware of Stein’s presence because of this tweet:

Stein did not have credentials for the event, which pushed officials into action:

According to Stein’s campaign she was on her way to do a series of interviews with broadcast outlets when they finally caught up with her.

“We were there under legitimate pretenses,” Meleiza Figueroa, Stein’s press director, told USA TODAY. But as the group walked from one broadcast outlet’s setup to the next they were approached by Hofstra security and Nassau county police. The officials told the Stein contingent that after the interview they “would be escorted off campus immediately, so that’s exactly what we did — we complied,” Figueroa said.


The Nassau County Police Department told CNN that Stein failed to provide the proper credentials at the university, which led to her being escorted off campus.

“She was on the college campus, we asked to verify for proper credentials, she did not have them, and she was nicely escorted off the campus,” a police department spokeswoman said.

Stein wanted to hold a rally at 4:30PM and then a Twitter Q&A at 5:30PM. But the Nassau County police and Hofstra security stopped Stein right before her interview with MSNBC at 2:30PM.

The officials even checked out MSNBC despite having credentials.

No one knows if Stein will have to move her events off campus, but as of right now she is at a location near the university:

“Our supporters are going to attempt to escort Jill in. We are expecting they will be unsuccessful,” Figueroa said. If she’s not allowed in “Jill will be holding a people’s debate outside the crowd.”

This isn’t the first time Stein pulled this stunt. She crashed the presidential debates four years ago when she handcuffed herself to a chair.


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She’s getting the publicity she wants. It’s a win for her.

As the day and evening progress, let’s hope that any other attempts to circumvent the rules and procedures of the presidential debate, whether outside or inside the debate scene, will be dealt with just as properly and firmly.

A very determined lunatic, but she has a vagina and that would confuse voters that believe it is time for a woman president.

Here in the Commonwealth the Better Half and myself figurtively “grew up” with Jill Stein, watching her campaign commercials for years, literally growing gray with Jill. Just another pamphleteer at Beacon and Tremont Streets.

But this year, the good doctor became a rabid BDS’er.

Jew Washers are not so cute.

“We were there under legitimate pretenses

Funny stuff.

She had business to either get credentials to be at the debate, or make arrangements to hold her commentary elsewhere.