muslim countries | lgbt groups banned | aids meeting | un
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Muslim Countries Block LGBT Groups from U.N. AIDS Meeting

Muslim Countries Block LGBT Groups from U.N. AIDS Meeting

Still waiting on the domestic uproar

While Americans squabble over which bathroom stall to use, a block of fifty-one Muslim countries blocked eleven gay and transgendered groups from attending an upcoming AIDS meeting at the United Nations, scheduled for June.

Western countries are not happy.

The International Business Times has the full story:

Uproar is ensuing among major Western countries after the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) managed to block 11 organisations – linked to gay, lesbian and transgender rights groups – from attending the United Nations conference on Aids in New York next month.. The letter, dated 26 April from Egyptian authorities, was submitted on behalf of the 51 OIC member countries.

No reasons were given for the request to block the attendance of these groups but non-governmental organisations say that the OIC is trying to ban are from Egypt, Estonia, Guyana, Jamaica, Kenya, Peru, Thailand, Ukraine, Africa and even the US from attending. All of the countries facing potential bans are all believed to focus on LGBT rights.

The request however has not gone done well with a number of Western countries. The US has written to the General Assembly President Mogens Lykketoft, asking that these groups be allowed to attend the conference. US Ambassador Samantha Power, in a 13 May letter to Lykketoft, said that the groups singled out “appeared to be chosen for their involvement with gay and transgender issues”.

She continued: “Given that transgender people are 49 times more likely to be living with HIV than the general population, their exclusion from the high level meeting will only impede global progress in combatting the HIV/AIDS pandemic and achieving the goal of an AIDS-free generation.”

The EU has also written a letter expressing concern. In a letter signed by Ambassador Joao Vale de Almedia, it said asked for information about which countries objected and the reasons why the groups had been struck off from the initial list of participants. “If you’re serious about getting zero [Aids cases], then it’s vital to include all communities,” the UK’s deputy UN ambassador Peter Wilson said.

Not surprisingly, American LGBT groups are not quite as concerned about the United Nation’s bigotry on issues that directly affect large swaths of their communities as they were about where people in North Carolina relieve themselves.


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Meanwhile, in an audio released today from international human rights groups….crickets

There really is absolutely no reason for us to be hosting the UN, or financing it. It lost its legitimacy loooooooong ago.

We can keep our membership…nominally. But get us out and it out of the US.

Morning Sunshine | May 22, 2016 at 7:20 pm

popcorn, anyone?

muzzies vs pervs — please pass the popcorn

    Morning Sunshine in reply to DaMav. | May 22, 2016 at 10:47 pm

    sometimes the enemy of your enemy is NOT your friend.

    Arminius in reply to DaMav. | May 24, 2016 at 4:45 am

    Spoiler alert. Muzzies win.

    Judging by the count of the bodies piling up at the base of tall buildings or swinging by the neck from construction cranes.

If anything, won’t their exclusion decrease the spread of HIV/AIDS?

JackRussellTerrierist | May 22, 2016 at 8:30 pm

I love it. 🙂

Xenomethean | May 22, 2016 at 10:00 pm

Oh no! Muslims worried of other cultural influences forced on them. Hypocrites!

It’s time for LGBT missionaries to go to the Muslims, bringing with them their rainbow message of tolerance and hate, inclusion and bullying, LGBT values for all and Christian values for none. And a pride parade to show the Muslims what it means to be gay would go a long way to further their message.

I agree with Rags’ comment above. The UN must go and go now. The UN is a strong undertow that will pull America under.

The UN is notable for its desire to control nations through international law. And there are Progressives in high places who want to see that happen:

“What does [Justice] Breyer see as the objective of this global judicial enterprise? The advancement of “acceptance of the rule of law itself.” This “rule of law,” you’ll no doubt be shocked to learn, bears an astonishing resemblance to the rule of lawyers—in particular, the judges along with the army of equally unelected transnational progressive lawyers who urge them on.

International law is especially fertile soil for growing this empire. It continuously discovers new legal rights—i.e., new progressive pieties that undermine national security, commerce, and bourgeois sensibilities—by the judicial ascertainment of “the general assent of civilized nations.””

-Andrew C. McCarthy

“Not surprisingly, American LGBT groups are not quite as concerned about the United Nation’s bigotry on issues that directly affect large swaths of their communities as they were about where people in North Carolina relieve themselves.”

That’s because the LGBT only picks fights with organizations that don’t chop peoples heads off for disagreeing with them.

It’s notable that white is not a color in the rainbow spectrum. Neither is black. The rainbow paradigm is based on the pro-choice or selective exclusion doctrine. I guess Muslims are less tolerant than their Western counterparts of evolutionary and social dysfunction.

“No reasons were given for the request to block the attendance of these groups…”

I was laughing out loud when I read this. Serious? It’s actually a mystery to this reporter why the UN reps of the member states of the Organization of ISLAMIC Cooperation don’t want LGBT groups at the conference.

No doubt this reporter actually believes Obama when he says the Islamic State is not Islamic.

I despise every member of this administration, but if I were in Ben Rhodes position I wouldn’t have been able to resist playing these people for fools, either. And then doing the public victory dance laying it all out, knowing they’ll all be willing to do it all over again.