John kasich suspends his campaign | republican president
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John Kasich To Quit Presidential Race

John Kasich To Quit Presidential Race

And then there was The Donald

Son of a mailman, eater of tons of food, Ohio Governor John Kasich is expected to suspend his presidential campaign Wednesday:

According to NBC News:

Ohio Gov. John Kasich plans to suspend his run to be the GOP presidential nominee, a senior campaign advisor told NBC News on Wednesday.

He had previously cancelled a planned event in order to make a Wednesday night statement in Ohio.

Kasich was left the only man standing against Donald Trump in the Republican presidential primary race after Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas suspended his run on Tuesday night.

Republican U.S. presidential candidate John Kasich eats a pickle at PJ Bernstein’s Deli Restaurant in New York City, April 16, 2016.
Brendan McDermid | Reuters
Republican U.S. presidential candidate John Kasich eats a pickle at PJ Bernstein’s Deli Restaurant in New York City, April 16, 2016.
Ohio Gov. John Kasich plans to suspend his run to be the GOP presidential nominee, a senior campaign advisor told NBC News on Wednesday.

He had previously cancelled a planned event in order to make a Wednesday night statement in Ohio.

Kasich was left the only man standing against Donald Trump in the Republican presidential primary race after Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas suspended his run on Tuesday night.

Republican presidential candidate, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) walks away after announcing the suspension of his campaign during his election night watch party at the Crowne Plaza Downtown Union Station on May 3, 2016 in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Ted Cruz suspends presidential campaign
Trump won a resounding victory on Tuesday night in Indiana, taking all 57 of the state’s GOP delegates, according to NBC.

In response, Cruz suspended his run, concluding that he had there was no longer a “viable path” to his becoming the Republican standard-bearer in the general election.

“From the beginning I’ve said that I would continue on as long as there was a viable path to victory. Tonight, I’m sorry to say, it appears that path has been foreclosed,” Cruz said during a Tuesday night speech. “The voters chose another path, and so with a heavy heart, but with boundless optimism for the long-term future of our nation, we are suspending our campaign.”
For its part, the Kasich campaign said in a Tuesday evening statement that the Indiana results “are not going to alter” the candidate’s plan.

“Our strategy has been and continues to be one that involves winning the nomination at an open convention,” the Kasich campaign said.

Cruz and Kasich had spearheaded the (now almost assuredly unsuccessful) attempts of some members of the GOP to stop Trump’s roll to the nomination. But that “Never Trump” movement appeared to stall on Tuesday night after Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said the real estate magnate would be the “presumptive” nominee.

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Oh, so now he quits!

    jabster in reply to showtime8. | May 4, 2016 at 1:19 pm

    No kidding. #MissionAccomplished Mr. Kasich. Cruz is out; you’ve helped deliver the nomination to Trump.

      Gremlin1974 in reply to jabster. | May 4, 2016 at 1:23 pm

      I would be that is exactly what Trump paid him to do. I think in the future we are gonna find out about large sums of money that The Donald has been throwing around that might be inappropriate.

        Common Sense in reply to Gremlin1974. | May 4, 2016 at 1:29 pm


        Do you have any proof of that?

        Crickets….. Did not think so!

          Trump’s and Kasich’s campaign managers are business partners. The co-own Manafort and Black lobbying firm.

          Gremlin1974 in reply to Common Sense. | May 4, 2016 at 3:30 pm

          Do you have any proof that Trump is a real conservative who plans to actually do anything he has said he will do?

          Wow…Same Crickets!

          gulfbreeze in reply to Common Sense. | May 4, 2016 at 5:10 pm

          edgeofthesandbox | May 4, 2016 at 2:31 pm
          Trump’s and Kasich’s campaign managers are business partners. The co-own Manafort and Black lobbying firm.

          This is false.

          Kasich’s campaign manager for his President has always been Beth Hansen, who managed his 2010 and 2014 campaigns for governor of Ohio. She has also been his Chief of Staff in that office.

          Paul Manafort is not, and has never been Trump’s campaign manager. Rather, he is a campaign advisor. Trump’s campaign manager is Corey Lewandowski, who has filled that role since the first day Trump announced his candidacy.

          Charles Black, Jr. and Paul Manafort were partners from 1980 or 1982 (different sources ascribe different dates) to 1996 in the firm Black Manafort Stone & Kelly (BMSK). In 1996 Manafort left BMSK to join Richard H. Davis in forming the firm Davis, Manafort (later Davis, Manafort and Freedman). Manafort is still a senior partner in the firm.

          Also in 1996, Charles Black continued on in with BMSK, merging with Good & Liebengood, and later Scruggs & Healey to form Black Kelly Scruggs & Healey (BKSH). BKSH & Associates merged with Timmons & Company in 2010 to form Prime Policy Group. Charles Black, Jr. is the current Chairman of Prime Policy Group, a public affairs firm associated with Burson-Marsteller (a global public relations and communications firm headquartered in New York City).

          So, to be clear, Charles Black Jr. and Paul Manafort have not been partners since 1996. That’s 20 years.

          You may want to try a different conspiracy website next time.

        Common Sense in reply to Gremlin1974. | May 4, 2016 at 3:48 pm

        As we all knew… NO PROOF at all.

        Just spreading nonsense and yelling about Trump
        not being a conservative.

        Try to spin your false assertions.

        #Fail-No Proof!

    snopercod in reply to showtime8. | May 4, 2016 at 1:24 pm

    His only function was to take delegates away from Cruz. With Cruz gone, he no longer had a mission.

      forksdad in reply to snopercod. | May 4, 2016 at 4:21 pm

      With Cruz gone there is no hope for a brokered convention. Without a brokered convention there is no chance Kasich wins. He was in single digits last night. He couldn’t be more irrelevant to the electorate and he knows it. GOPe sure. Squish rinos, yeah. Americans nope.

good enough morgan | May 4, 2016 at 12:44 pm

So tomorrow Trump quits? (Joke. I think.)

I smell a McConnell behind his whole spoiler waste of a campaign. Now get back to wrecking Ohio with massive Medicare debt, Mr Governor. At least you don’t have to pretend to be a nice guy anymore.


I question the timing, but no doubt Kasich dropped out because it’s rumored the Nashional Enquirer will publish a story that Kasich’s father was seen years ago on his mail route talking to Ted Bundy during the time pederast Bundy was murdering all those kids.

Breaking news on FOX…

Was he a Trump plant the whole time?

Was his purpose to assure that Ted Cruz (or anybody else) never got a 1v1 with Trump?

Was his purpose to steal votes from Jeb and Rubio so that their campaigns never gained traction?

Do his backers (Soros Funds) no longer care about smearing Trump going into the convention?

Or is he just embarrassed that he was running in 4th place in a two man race?

    Gremlin1974 in reply to rotten. | May 4, 2016 at 1:27 pm

    “Was he a Trump plant the whole time?”

    Does a hobby horse have a wooden pecker?

    RodFC in reply to rotten. | May 4, 2016 at 1:42 pm

    Isn’t it obvious. The restaraunteurs told him no more free chow.

    gulfbreeze in reply to rotten. | May 4, 2016 at 7:39 pm

    “rotten | May 4, 2016 at 1:04 pm
    Was he a Trump plant the whole time?
    Do his backers (Soros Funds) no longer care about smearing Trump going into the convention?”

    Hilarious that LI has turned into a bad reflection of today. In case you actually missed the facts about Kasich’s donors (and aren’t purposefully lying), here’s the actual story:

    Scott Bessent – Donated $200,000 to New Day for America, the pro-Kasich super-PAC. Bessent worked for Soros for 12 out of 32 year career (8 years as London-based portfolio manager overseeing European investments at Soros’ Quantum Fund from ’92-’00, and Chief Investment Officer for Soros Fund Management for 4 years from ’11-’15, from 2016 forward now managing his own hedge fund).
    “UPDATE: The Daily Caller also reported on this story and learned that this hedge fund manager is a long time Republican donor and according to a statement from Kasich’s super PAC these funds did not come from Soros or his company.

    “From The Daily Caller:
    “UPDATE: “Scott Bessent is a longtime Republican donor and absolutely none of our donations have come from George Soros or his company. In addition to supporting our efforts, Mr. Bessent has contributed to numerous other Republicans in the past, including Rand Paul, Carly Fiorina and Marco Rubio,” said New Day for America in a statement provided to The Daily Caller.”

    Bessent once donated to Carly Fiorina????
    OMG, Soros donated to the Cruz’ ticket!!!
    “Hair on fire, hair on fire!”
    So the Cruz-Fiorina ticket was controlled by George Soros!!!!!

    Of course, that’s a complete falsehood, just like your falsehood asserts Soros donated to the Kasich campaign.

    Also, Bessent donated $2,700, the maximum allowed, directly to Kasich’s campaign. Last March, he donated $1,500 to Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), and $5,000 to Right to Rise, the pro-Jeb Bush super-PAC.

    And that other donor to New Day for America?

    That would be Stanley Druckenmiller (net worth $4+ billion), ofrmer Chairman and President of Duquesne Capital, which he founded in 1981 (closed it in 2010 with $12 bilion in assets), and lead portfolio manager for Soros’ Quantum Fund from 1988-2000.

    From Forbes Wealthiest lists:
    #338 Billionaires (2016)
    #120 in United States
    #577 in 2015
    #124 Forbes 400 (2015)

    Drunkenmiller is widely known for his philanthropy:

    “Druckenmiller was named America’s Most Charitable Man of 2009 by the Chronicle of Philanthropy after he pledged $705 million to endow his foundation in support of medical research, education, and the fight against poverty, particularly among children.”

    Druckenmiller was a major supporter of Republican Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey. In 2015, Druckenmiller donated over $300,000 total to the presidential candidacies of Christie, Jeb Bush, and John Kasich. Druckenmiller has focused his political giving largely on Republicans, but he has donated to a few Democrats. Last year, prior to donating that $150,000 to the pro Kasich super-PAC, he wrote Right To Rise a check for $103,000. He also gave $100,000 to a super-PAC backing Chris Christie.

    Do you finally get it now? Bessent and Druckenmiller are not George Soros or George Soros’ money? They’re filthy rich enough to make it rain on their own charities and political campaigns.

    But as for clearing up that rumor about Soros donating to the Cruz campaign, that’s all on you.


Now that the GOP primary has been resolved, can we get coverage on other pressing issues?

For example… what IS it with all the ABBA videos on the site lately?

VetHusbandFather | May 4, 2016 at 1:12 pm

Don’t you actually have to be in the race to quit the race?

And now, in the center ring, the “working class hero” and “hands-on” master debater Donald will finally debate. Bring him his mirror.

Gremlin1974 | May 4, 2016 at 1:26 pm

He is probably dropping out expecting Trump to name him as his VP pick.

Coalescing. Now the hard work begins, as people find a chair around the table.

    persecutor in reply to n.n. | May 4, 2016 at 2:42 pm

    Don’t need or want a chair at any table with TheDonald® or his butt boys, so please feel free to take mine.

Thus confirming he had only remained in the race to drain support from Cruz. Duly noted.

It is part of his plan for 2020. He figures he needs to improve his reality show chops. So he will be entering “The Biggest Loser” and workout to “Kung Fu Fighting”.

inspectorudy | May 4, 2016 at 3:29 pm

I am not sure if John “My father was a mailman” Kasich was a Trump employee of not but he did the exact same job the Huckabee did to Romney in ’08. The political world is as alien to me as the voters are. Anything that we discover about Trump or hillary will not surprise me. hillary should be convicted of influence peddling while SoS. Her crimes were ten times as bad as McDonnell’s in VA. I guess we’ll have to wait and see what the orange chimp does to hillary. If he gets as nasty as he did with his fellow Republicans we can expect large-scale defections from our voters to no vote or a vote for hillary.

Gremlin1974 | May 4, 2016 at 4:15 pm

Then there is that part of me that wonders how you can quit something you were never actually in?

According to some reports, Kasich only has $1.2 million left at the end of March.

No wonder he was gobbling down all that free food.

Looks like there is going to be a run on tin foil. I think I’ll pick up a couple of cases as an investment.

Because so much has changed in his bid for POTUS in the last 24 hours?

24 hours ago there was no way in he!! he was going to get the Republican nomination either, so what on earth could have changed in those 24 hours?





YourMaster | May 5, 2016 at 4:24 am

George Soro’s probably panicked when he found out Ted Cruz dropped out of the race after Indiana unexpectedly.

His dream was to get a contested convention going and award the GOP nomination to either Cruz or Kasich… in the latest polls …Trump either ties hillary or beats her by a large margin… while hillary beats Cruz by 14 points and kasich has zero chance of beating her.

Hillary is f*cked now… so there is no point in funding Kasich’s useless campaign anymore. …with the hillary’s FBI investigation and many scandals… your not going to find too many hillary supporters.

…also the bernie supporters are even more vexed at hillary’s inevitable win over bernie. so this election I think she has even less chance than when she was running in 2008.