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“Clinton Cash” Documentary to Open Right Before Dem Convention

“Clinton Cash” Documentary to Open Right Before Dem Convention

“Filthy rich — with the emphasis on filthy.”

The new film “Hillary’s America” is opening this summer right before the Democratic convention and so is a documentary called “Clinton Cash” which has an obvious focus.

The New York Post provides an overview:

First look at explosive Hillary documentary, ‘Clinton Cash’

Hillary Clinton says that when she and her husband moved out of the White House 15 years ago, they were “dead broke.” Today, they’re worth more than $150 million.

In the new documentary “Clinton Cash,” it becomes all too clear how the former first couple went from rags to filthy rich — with the emphasis on filthy.

As the movie shows, the Clintons are political Teflon dons compared with another Beltway power couple, former Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell and his wife, Maureen.

The McDonnells were convicted of accepting more than $150,000 in gifts from a businessman while the governor was in office. Meanwhile, the Clintons raked in 700 times that amount — $105 million — under the pretext of speaking fees while Hillary was in public office.

Yet while the McDonnells face time in the Big House, the Clintons are once again aiming for the White House.

The documentary is based on a book by former Hoover Institution fellow Peter Schweizer and was just screened during the Cannes Film Festival. It is set to be shown in major US cities, including Philadelphia during the Democratic National Convention there in July.

Schweizer’s research has withstood a year of intense scrutiny from critics because it is fact, not fiction. And the facts are compelling.

Watch the trailer below:

The movie debuted at the Cannes Film Festival this weekend. The Daily Mail reports:

‘Follow the money’: Movie exposing secrets of how Clintons became rich after quitting the White House to be shown on eve of Hillary getting her party’s nomination

Audiences in Cannes are getting a taste of the searing new documentary ‘Clinton Cash,’ which offers a harsh indictment of the paid speeches, personal favors, and personal enrichment that have accompanied Bill and Hillary Clinton through their decades in politics.

And if the movie-maker’s wishes come true, so will Americans – the night before Clinton is formally named her party’s White House candidate.

The hour-long movie attempts to follow the money that has flowed toward Bill and Hillary Clinton since the former president left the White House, and suggests that much of it came from a cast of companies and countries seeking favorable treatment from the powerful pair.

Among the more damaging revelations in the film: out of 13 speeches ex-president Bill Clinton gave that earned more than $500,000 on the speaking circuit, 11 of them were during his wife’s reign as secretary of state.

The film also probes the $1.4 million Bill Clinton got from a Nigerian newspaper to deliver two speeches in 2011 and 2012, notwithstanding Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan’s human rights record.

So many movies, so little time.

Featured image via YouTube.


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For years, there’s been enough public evidence to prove that the Clinton’s are nothing more than a mob organization. Anyone who votes for, or makes excuses for, her or him doesn’t want to know the truth. It all boils down to the ancient saying: Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur, a Latin phrase, which means “The world wants to be deceived, so let it be deceived.” The ball’s in their court.

And this just scratches the surface…

The Clinton Foundation is a huge pile of tax-free money controlled by the Clinton family and primarily spent paying them and their friends generous salaries and living expenses.

Word is the Foundation has long retained the Justice Brothers as legal counsel.