MS State Rep to Constituent Opposed to Tax Cuts: Move back to Illinois
Don’t you make my red state blue
It seems that everyday residents of red states aren’t the only ones fed up with people moving to our states from their failed progressive fantasylands and bringing those failed policies with them.
One Mississippi State Representative echoed the sentiments of many of us; while I live in Florida, not Mississippi, Florida is being inundated with blue staters fleeing the results of their policies . . . only to try to force them on us.
The Clarion-Ledger reports:
When Becky Guidry of Gulfport emailed freshman Rep. Karl Oliver, R-Winona, expressing her concerns about the tax breaks being considered by the Legislature, she was shocked by his response.
“It is irresponsible of our leadership to suggest eliminating income and corporate franchise taxes when: revenue projections are already down, budgets for various services are being cut across the board, funding for public education and other critical services such as child care, foster care and roads/bridges are underfunded,” Guidry wrote in an email she said she sent to most representatives. “… If and when this bill reaches the full House for a vote, again, I urge you to vote No.”
Cutting taxes in a red state!? Who ever heard of such a thing? Needless to say, Oliver had a fitting response:
The Clarion Ledger includes the email he sent Guidry:
Mrs. Guidry,
I normally don’t return emails that do not request a response, but I found yours so intriguing I simply felt led to respond.
I see you are not a native to the Great State of Mississippi nor do you and I have similar political views. The people of our Great State overwhelmingly share my same or similar views on Government responsibility. I appreciate you going to the trouble to share yours with me, but quite frankly, and with all due respect, I could care less. I would, however, recommend that there are a rather large number of like minded citizens in Illinois that would love to see you return.
With warmest personal regards,
Karl Oliver
WJTV12 is calling the response “shocking” and quotes Guidry’s response:
“It seems that I don’t count since I was not born and bred here,” she said in her Facebook post about the email exchange. “Guy’s family has called Mississippi home for at least five generations. For what it’s worth this is my home now and as long as we live here I will keep fighting for my family’s future here.”
I don’t find his response “shocking”; instead, I find it refreshing and hope more red state elected officials follow suit should they be urged to do something that is not only in opposition to their own ideology and political beliefs but is also contrary to those of the majority of their constituents.
[Featured image via Karl Oliver’s State Rep web page]
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As an Atlanta native (where everyone’s from somewhere else) I’ve experienced this all my life. People are transferred here by large corporations. They like the weather, real estate prices and lower taxes but they don’t like the South and they don’t like Southerners. They complain because it isn’t just like where they came from. They don’t find the welcoming friendliness they expected. I replied to one such complaint that I had lived in New Jersey for several years back in the sixties. I enjoyed the things I liked and kept quiet about what I didn’t. If they would do the same, they’d find that welcoming friendliness they are missing.
Mr. Lee, I am not a real “native” of anywhere. My family moved around quite a bit because of my dad’s AF career. We settled in VA and as an adult I’ve moved around a bit too but finally settled in MD.
I have found the South to be full of some of the friendliest people I’ve ever been exposed to. Sure there are those who aren’t, they’re everywhere, but in very large measure I have found my brothers and sisters in the South to be warm, kind, helpful, concerned, and just plain friendly.
My time in VA first exposed me to the hospitable south. I moved there from NJ, where I had one or two friends, to a small town in central VA where I inherited about two hundred friends almost right away. I say inherited because the friends I made when I got there had friends who became my friends too. I was invited to their BBQs and the front porch and on and on.
BTW, I was also introduced to Ham Biscuits and Navy Beans.
Florida native here. My stepmom and her mother were northerner transplants. They have a tendency to meddle in things. The nanny state mentality is strong in them. Recently in a discussion of the welfare state in Brazil (wife is Brazilian) the stepmom said, “we take care of our people here.” I had to bite my tongue but wanted to blurt out, “and we are racking up insane debt to do so.”
Back in the 1980s, Colorado was a red state that occasionally leaned purple (i.e., we’d send a Gary Hart-type from time to time–but they were Reagan Democrats)…not anymore. The oligarchs of technology began to descend and we’ve gone to dark purple leaning to blue since. If it weren’t for the Taxpayer Bill of Rights that Doug Bruce got on the ballot and passed, we’d be as broke as Illinois or New York today. As it is, we now face the destruction of our economy with a ballot item to institute single-payer healthcare thanks to a Soros-based busy-body group which begins its lies with the name of the group, Build Better Colorado.
My wife and I are beginning our planning to leave for a more sane environment.
I say Thank God for TABOR. You are so correct, if it wasn’t for that, Colorado would be in similar shape as Illinois, etc. As for single payer in Colorado, lets hope our common sense principles rule. But I’m not holding my breath.
I just have 4 words to say about this-
He Lair Ree Us
and I’m through!
I am in Texas but used the link to his web page to send him a note lauding his willingness to try to stop the insane spending.
If this woman really care about her kids’ future she would be happy he is trying to make sure they have a future
Just curious — I don’t know at much about Mississippi, so I’m wondering what is the “insane spending” to which you refer. As far as children, last I knew around 34 percent of children in MS live below the poverty line, and the MS foster care system is underfunded and in pretty bad shape.
Please remember that the “poverty line” is just a number. A federally-determined number (as of this writing, $11,880 annually for a single person, plus $4,160 for each additional person in the household) that is not adjusted based on local economic health.
The real issue is how a family’s income fares in the local economy. If housing and food prices are low, one doesn’t need to earn six or seven figures to make a good living (additionally, local and personal values vary on what a “good living” means).
As an extreme example, just think how a family of four at the U.S. federal poverty level ($24,300) would be living in India. Why, they’d be in the top 1%!
BTW, foster care systems are underfunded everywhere. It’s what happens when the children’s best interests — often, staying with the parents, who need help instead of legal harassment — aren’t valued by the State that’s supposed to represent and protect them, and so the default option is to take the kids rather than provide that assistance to the parents (which is significantly less expensive). Just my experience.
Whatever the poverty numbers, and whatever the defects of the foster system, it seems to me that in a state such as Mississippi it’s legitimate to question the appropriateness of tax cuts and how such cuts might affect the lives of children. And such a question deserves more than “move somewhere else.” If Republicans are the party of rationality then a rational answer should be forthcoming from an elected official.
In no state is it appropriate to question tax cuts. So long as one penny is taken by force from one person for the benefit of another, taxes are too high. If you think children need something, go solicit donations for them. You have no right to extract the money you think you need by force of arms.
Liberals don’t care about the future of kids. All they care about is how many dollars they can fleece from the taxpayers. Here in the West, it is the liberal refugees from Kalifornia that infest our states.
I find it shocking that an elected official, writing to a constituent, should write that he “could care less”, when of course he couldn’t. Constituent mail deserves better care than that. Also, pointing out that her fellow parasites in Illinois would like to see her back is not a recommendation, it merely informs her of something she may not have known.
The person sent the email to many people in the MS house. She lives in the south part of MS and he is in the middle of the state. He does not represent her, but the people in Winona area.
He just should just “blessed her heart.”
Another point – I contact the Rep and Senator that I elect because I expect them to listen to my views. I would not contact other representatves since they need to represent who voted for them.
Nevertheless, my points stand. He couldn’t care less about her view, so he should not have written that he could. And he should either have recommended a course of action for her, or not have offered to do so.
I too am shocked, SHOCKED that he would use ‘with all due respect, I could care less’ in a letter to a non-constituent.
The proper use of the phrase is ‘I could NOT care less’ to convey the proper amount of contempt for an opinion that every dollar belongs to the government and only that which the loving government permits you to keep is yours.
I sincerely hope the congresscritter issues a correction.
“Could care less” and “couldn’t care less” are equivalent colloquialisms; the definitions are the same, sort of like “regardless” and “irregardless”.
As to “constituent mail deserv[ing] better care”, he wrote back. I’m guessing that took more of his time and attention than any other constituent mail he received this month. Also, he specifically called out their difference of opinion and values — which is perfectly acceptable — even if he did couch it in questionable comments on her non-native background.
“I could care less” means you do care, though not a lot. Using it when you mean “couldn’t care less” is always wrong, no matter how many other wrong people do the same. Everyone who uses it is wrong. It is not a colloquialism, it’s an ignorant and careless way of speaking.
And he said he was going to recommend something, and then he didn’t. Pointing out that her fellow parasites in Illinois are missing her is not a recommendation. Advising her to go back and join them would be, but he didn’t do that.
I wish the East coast liberals and Californicators would leave my state. Worst thing that ever happened to my state.
OK, Fuzzy — I see your subtitle (“Don’t you make my red state blue”), and it’s just begging for a song.
So here’s Crystal Gayle.
(Perhaps somebody could update the lyrics for us. Any lyricists out there in Insurrectionland?)
If progs took a laxative…then Gayle’s song would fit very well. …. as they are so full of it.
That said, I think many are tired of “we haven’t done enough” label placed on every social issue in a never ending plunge toward a eutopia that spends us into poverty for all. You can’t help others if you Enid up not bring able to help yourself.
It never ceases to amaze me how people miss such an obvious result of corporate taxation.
Corporations NEVER PAY TAXES!
Their customers/clients pay their taxes.
Money being fungible, they pass their taxes on to their customers/clients in the form of increased prices/fees.
YOU, the customer/client, pay the taxes of the corporations you do business with. Whether directly through fees or indirectly through the cost of goods that you purchase from them.
They add any taxes to their overhead which determines the prices they set on their goods/services.
It’s as simple as that.
Right. You (gasp!) lower taxes, and it reduces overhead, which in turn reduces prices. Shockingly, people tend to consume more when prices are lower (Econ 101, right there), which means they’ll pay more of the (reduced) taxes that remain by buying additional goods and services they’d otherwise not buy.
State tax revenues, at worst, remain the same. At best, tax revenues increase due to lower taxes. Oxymoronic, but again, just and extension of Econ 101 principles.
Here is Becky.
Mock her without mercy.
Yogini? (see her Twitter id).
She really doesn’t fit in MS.
I think I’d say to her: I am thrilled to get your email. It has inspired me to introduce a bill to raise taxes on willing volunteers. Since you want more government, which takes more money; how much can we increase your personal tax rate? Twenty-five percent? Fifty percent? More than that?
As an Illinoisan, her sentiment is mainly in Chiraq, up in the northeast corner. Unfortunately, that is where the populace that drive the state is too. It truly sucks some times. It is what the Dems on the federal level are working towards ie: electoral college.
As an Oregonian, we have the same problem in Portlandia, up in the northwest corner (and to a lesser extent, the Eugene/Corvallis area). The leftist urban (Portland) and college (Eugene/Corvallis AND Portland) population centers drive the state politics, and the rest of us are left unheard and unacknowledged.
And yes, it does suck. A lot.
After growing up and living in New England for most of my life, we moved to the deep south to escape the winter, taxes, and general decrepitude of the major urban areas. My yankee accent gives me away but I tell people I am northern by birth and Southern by choice. they smile and accept me most graciously.
And deimos, they will continue to smile and accept you because you don’t tell them, in a smug tone, how ‘we do things up north.’
Reminds me of an old southern saying…Do you know the difference between a yankee and a damn yankee? A yankee comes down to visit, a damn yankee comes down and stays.