Snowzilla LIVE: DC Blizzard Snow Cams
Looking for a break from politics? This is the place to go.
May I suggest taking a moment to step back from the bitter election news cycle and enjoy watching the snow fall? It’s quite lovely.
Speaker Ryan is livestreaming the D.C. snow storm all weekend long. They’ve even included a little background music.
From the Speaker’s blog:
Here’s something from Washington, DC, that won’t make you want to throw your phone across the room. No speeches. No politicians. No media pundits. It’s just a pure, uninterrupted livestream of the snow falling on the National Mall, as seen from the Speaker’s office in the U.S. Capitol.
Give your Netflix a break and check out the snowfall for a few minutes. Or a few hours. It’ll be here all weekend long.
Here are some other snow cam views in DC.
From roof of Washington Post Building:
The White House:
Washington Monument
Washington Monument web cam in Washington DC. #blizzard2016
— Epic Cosmos (@EpicCosmos) January 22, 2016
Some Live local News Coverage
Watch Fox 5 Washington DC on @Livestream:
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) January 23, 2016
Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye
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So. Publishing views of snow from WaPo, Pres Obama and Spkr Ryan.
I detect a pattern. The major forces leading the US over a cliff: MSM, Dem and GOPe. Hmmm.
Or maybe just willing to get the interesting stuff from any available source.
It’s snow, in the middle of winter. Our “leaders” want us to focus on that, maybe even stare at it for hours, and KK is right there pushing the meme.
I don’t give a shot about what the weather is for our “leaders,” just as they don’t give a shot about our concerns.
State Deparment’s using the snow as an excuse not to release Hillary’s emails FOR ANOTHER MONTH is just too rich for words.
We’re snowed in for a few days where I live in NC but, being retired, that’s not a problem. Yesterday I made up a small thermos of hot buttered rum (Martha Stewart’s recipe) and went out to play in the snow. I drove the Polaris up and down our steep gravel roads, admired the beautiful mountain scenery, then brought in some more firewood. There’s a lot to be said for sipping a hot buttered rum while sitting in front of a nice warm fireplace reading a book.
Who would haven’t thought Ryan doing a snow job.
Have thought.! I hate spellchek can not figure how to turn off
Snow? In the winter? Who would have ever thought that was possible….
It’s all part of global seasoning. Or something.
It’s Bush’s fault.
Isn’t KK from Texas? Most southern folks don’t see snow on a regular basis which probably makes it somewhat fascinating.
I’ll take the snow, y’all can have the heat in the summer.
We’re having a very mild winter in Michigan so far. Only one 16 inch snowfall so far and a couple of dusters.
For more snow pictures check out Michigan cams, and check out Houghton cams in the tip of the Upper Peninsula.
And know the roads leading to the canal separating Hancock and Houghton resemble San Francisco’s hills. Then imagine having to drive up and down those hills in the winter.