Is there still hope for Conservatism?
A breath of fresh air

Watching the rise of this new populism, one of my many concerns is whether the charlatans wearing the cape of Conservatism will damage its value, diminish its meaning, and in general, confuse those who know no difference.
But then I see people like Sen. Sasse and I’m somewhat relieved. At least briefly.
History being an indicator, populist movements rise and fall, but they leave behind a scarred landscape.
What will Conservatism look like when the dust settles?
That’s not a question anyone has an answer to, but as long as we have people like Ben. Sasse carrying Conservatism’s mantel, I think we’ll be just fine.
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“That’s not a question anyone has an answer to, but as long as we have people like Ben. Masse…”
That would be “Sasse”. Jeepers.
And OF COURSE CONSERVATIVES will survive. We are right.
Let’s recall that for all the “tea party” claims made of Sasse, he held three positions in the Bush Administration (one more than Ted Cruz, who also held two with the 2000 campaign) and the first nationally-known figure to endorse his Senate run was Mitt Romney.
“Establishment” is the term used by the ignorant to describe anyone they don’t like.
Let’s also recall that in the aftermath of San Bernardino, Sasse was telling us we couldn’t prevent Muslims from immigrating or scrutinize them in any way because “that’s not who we are”.
Eff Sasse.
That’s not true.
But, Mariner is a Donald Ducks supporter, and from what we’ve seen of them lying is what they do.
Like the guy they support (running pussy, NYC). He lies all the time, and they just slurp it up. Like Obama voters.
Oh. OK. Let’s remember that Duh Donald was ALL IN for importing Syrian “refugees” until he stuck his moistened finger in the air.
Shall we…???
For Tyrants and Tyrump and his gang: “Right turn Clyde!”
Of course, if people who express themselves like this are examples of true “conservatives”, then we really don’t need it, because Trump does it better.
I admit it. Twump is MORE obnoxious than me.
So are the mouths of a lot of Marines I know.
But folks need to face reality. We were right on track to losing another election until Trump came bulldozing his way in. And that’s why he did it. Winning comes first.
First things first: conservative principles need to grow in the heart of the people. Winning an election does not make that happen.
I am promoting Ted Cruz, a true conservative figurehead, win or lose.
And, as people now know, Twump has used as much shock value as any shock jock.
We have preachers and academics for that.
Whatever you may think of Trump personally, he’s a patriot and he came into this race to prevent Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, and the DC cartels from destroying this country. He should be given some thanks for that, and the conservatives ought to be assisting and advising him.
When the hurricane is coming you help board up the windows; you don’t argue that it looks bad or that the mister has to do it alone because he didn’t help with the laundry.
We will lose with Trump because there are many Republicans who will not vote for him. They ate the ones who meant it when after 2012 they said to themselves No more RINOS.
You give too much poltical weight to Twump. He is NOT the savior of this country. The other ONE tore up the place like a hurricane. And each new hurricane comes with a new name. “TRUMP” would be a category 6 hurricane.
I am the preacher and the academic and the “rest of the world” and I choose the True Conservative figurehead Ted Cruz.
FYI: I don’t share Clyde’s digital ‘sentiment’. He’s been dealing with some bullies lately.
“Conservatism” will reinvigorate and fine-tune the many minor issues once the country is back on the right track on the big things. But if we lose this election, or merely give it to one of the GOPe candidates (and that includes Rubio), then you can kiss it all goodbye.
Trump has the highest negatives in the general. Many, many people are repelled by his swaggering braggadocio (which is worse than Obama’s) and his habit of hurling insults (“How stupid are the people of Iowa!”) and trying to destroy anyone who impedes his ambition.
The candidate who’s most fit to reverse the damage of Obama & Pelosi & Reid & Schumer would NOT be the candidate who has spoken most highly of them and given them the most material support.
Trump’s view on health care is to the left of Obamacare. He’s already telling us how well he can work work Schumer and Pelosi — so it’s insane to keep insisting that Trump is the only one will save us from curse of quisling Republicans who cut deals with Democrats.
Why do you let Trump have the power to turn your brain to mush?
Radegunda, the mush brain that refuses to name who he supports.
I assume it is shrillary.
“Watching the rise of this new populism, one of my many concerns is whether the charlatans wearing the cape of Conservatism will damage its value, diminish its meaning, and in general, confuse those who know no difference.”
I doubt these “charlatans” will do any more damage than did charlatans like Bush, Romney, and the whole crop of losers in Congress who have managed to extract precisely nothing from their majority.
The clown with the goatee is either utterly corrupt, or an incredible ingnoramus – or both.
Senator Sasse’s comment that an otherwise psychologically normal American (Trump) wants to do ‘anything he wants’ is outrageous, if not pathetic, considering his GOPe has worked diligently to ensure a cypher and a traitor calling himself ‘Barack Hussein Obama’ can do ‘anything he wants.’ Watching McConnell, Ryan and Boehner toadying to that freak should have Sasse jumping out of his sweatsuit. Instead, he looks rather comfortable, and but appears duplicitous, his espousing the greatness of the US Constituion.
Watching NBC is akin to standing directly under a toilet when its flushed. No surprise what comes out at you. Sasse’s appearance was no different.
Message to Sasse: the corrupt, cowardly group of hacks you’ve aligned yourself with are aiding and abetting in the destruction of our nation. In other words, you are one of them.
To the bearded guy on NBC: who are you? Never mind, who cares.
“Psychologically normal” Americans down go out and bellow “I’ll easily go down as the greatest president in the history of this country!” They don’t feel a need to keep telling everyone they’re very rich and very great — and that anyone who’s not on their side is “stupid.”
Trump is the kind of person who launches a series of “extremely abusive, pathetic attacks” on a British producer when he finds that he won’t have absolute control over a documentary she’s making.
Former friends & acquaintances of Trump have spoken of how vindictive he became when they didn’t endorse him or weren’t fully on board with his ambitions.
Only a cultist would overlook such glaring character flaws.
Ben Sasse has vastly more decency and principle than Donald Trump could ever dream of — except that Trump mostly dreams of making himself very rich and very great, and then telling everyone how rich and great he is, and how stupid people are not to revere him.
It’s beyond absurd to keep trotting out the baldly irrational meme that anyone who mentions any character flaws (which are easy to see) in Donald J. Trump or points out the fluidity of his “principles” or mentions his pro-Democrat inclinations must be a traitor to conservatism.
Why do people let a swaggering showman turn their brains to mush and turn ethical standards upside down?
Why do people refuse to name who they support?
Cuz they’re hiding something.
Sasse will likely be challenge in primary next time he runs and will be defeated.
And what is up with thise teeth? He looks like he could eat an apple through a picket fence.
What a lying SOS…!!!
The guy has a 92%CR rating. You just lie and slime anyone without their lips on Donald Ducks’ bung.
Sasse is not going anywhere. He is doing a great job for Nebraska. Besides he won a primary against at least 2 other candidates last election. Why don’t you go lie about Trump so more and leave my senator alone.
Why, one of your white supremacist enclaves have a branch in Nebraska?
Fuck you Estragon. Being conservative doesn’t equate to white supremacist.
Estragon won’t say who he/she/it supports which means it supports Hillary or Bernie or Lenin
There are many reasons why people decline to say whom they support. One of the most reasonable is to prevent cretins from engaging in ad hominem attacks via an indirect ad hominem attack on whomever they support. Futile here, it appears. One big reason is that they haven’t decided whom they support, if anyone. Maybe respond to the points they make?
ray, you obviously aren’t familiar with Estragon’s and Radegunda’s posts. They constantly make ad hominem attacks on Trump and on other posters here. So they aren’t fearful of ad hominem attacks. They like them. Yes maybe they haven’t made up their minds yet, but surely they know whether they are voting in democrat or republican primary. They keep that fact hidden as well.
They are not delicate flowers hiding out of fear of being mistreated. More often than not they do the mistreating. They hide who they support because it would affect or color the perceptions of others about their constant attacks on Mr. Trump. Plain and simple.
You need to back off, Bierhall Bully Britt.
Such language!
You’ll be physically threatening people again, if you are not careful.
Poor, hysterical lil’ moonbat.
Fuck You Troll.
In your eye sockets, you cowardly, lying bullying sack of shit.
Any time.
Fuck you. You know how to find me. Come visit anytime you pussy. Big talk and name calling while hiding in Mommy’s basement with your computer.
You are a vile piece of TRASH!
Looks like you’re taking lessons in manners from Donald J. Trump.
Sasse must be a “loser” because he doesn’t have “billions and billions” to buy new teeth (and when he gets older, to buy himself a “beautiful young piece of a$&” as a new trophy wife).
They guy’s nickname is Bucky what can I say.
“They guy’s nickname is Bucky what can I say.”
How ’bout, “I’ll slime any conservative to suck T-rump’s bung”?
That would at least be honest…
Fuck You Troll
Normally, I don’t comment much for the slant on LI’s articles, but it’s hard not to see a trend that almost daily Ms. Kimberlee Kaye is posting articles pushing Marco Rubio.
He’s a non-starter for me. Not because I’m for Ted Cruz, but because I won’t vote for the Establishment Republican candidate. Not anymore. Continuing the same old, same old in DC is just to let the rot continue. In the eyes of the Founders, I’m sure that’s not what they envisioned or defined as Conservatism.
Fiorina was her first love. Now its Marco as she chose practicality over love.
Conservatism will be fine.
Mr Trump comes from an older tradition of conservatism, associated with Taft and McKinley, that is well within American Tradition.
Many thought that that version of conservatism was drummed out of the party when Pat Buchanan first lost to Dole and then later got kicked off of Television. But a lot of the stuff Pat predicted came to pass. Things are bad for working class people, for example suicides for white middle aged working class people are through the roof.
George w. Bush didn’t help much. His legacy gave us Obama. Shouldn’t his cronies, ex officials, and media cheerleaders be held accountable by letting others have a chance? A lot of people feel that way.
Ronald Reagan famously based every action of his life around conservatism. Two of his children wrote books blaming him for the fact that he would do the right thing instead of what was best for them. That’s principle.
But what is conservatism? It’s not taught in schools like it was to Ronald Reagan. Sadly, it’s not taught in Christian churches anymore either (they are incrementally surrendering to liberalism as people leave in droves).
Does conservatism belong to Rupert Murdoch and the rich donors of the national Review? Is conservatism just what the learned elders say it is? If so then conservativism really is just shilling for globalist Billionaires and we should all be voting for Bernie Sanders.
Conservatism is none of that. It is time tested principles. America has a long tradition of cleaning corruption usually called religious revival, where children clean up the mess made by their parents. It’s past due for another one. The Roves and the Bushies need to get fired as the first step. They had their chance and they failed. Next are the jellyfish conservatives, the “cuckservatives.” If you are too weak to stand up for your voters, then you shouldn’t be a leader.
Does Donald Trump know how to fire people?
And because Trump comes from the older tradition of conservativism, he won’t become Schwartenegger, an unprincipled “practical” candidate who will govern like a Democrat. He’s got Arnold on his old TV show. Look at the contrast between the two men when it comes on. A “pratical deal maker,” candidate would have said none of the things Trump’s said.
Trump a conservative? You are well and truly an idiot. Wear a helmet when you venture outside, Zippy.
“Does conservatism belong to Rupert Murdoch and the rich donors of the national Review? Is conservatism just what the learned elders say it is? If so then conservativism really is just shilling for globalist Billionaires and we should all be voting for Bernie Sanders.”
Straw man, lies, bullshit, MORE lies, with a coda of complete insanity.
Way to go…!!!
Insanity is the dominant characteristic of most arguments for Trump — which are usually just arguments against Congress (do they want it abolished?) or “the Establishment,” followed by expressions of implicit faith that Trump will fix everything, or he’ll smash everything to bits and then someone else will rebuild it all afterward.
Or else it’s “I’m willing to roll the dice,” or “We need to give Trump a chance.” Whatever.
Just a straw man.
But, re watch the video. Sasse mentions that conservativism is the churches, rotary clubs, little leagues…
But the churches are emptying out because they became too liberal. At this point the Episcopal church is just a land holding trust of empty buildings run by gay people. Even the liberal Anglican Church had to disown them.
The little leagues too are disappearing, especially in the cities. They are becoming infested with anti-competition self estee, nonsense, and are gutting rules of sport for fear of injury.
The rotary clubs have an age 70+ membership. They will die off without new blood very soon. They erred in pursuing outreach instead of recruiting younger membership.
He also mentions the Constitution, but what does the constitution mean when one major political party is telling the 4 billion incoming “new Americans” that the constitution is the dead white man’s lies?
But Sasse is on to something. Conservativism is people. And politicians are supposed to represent people even over abstract academic principles. That’s well within the American tradition of conservativism, even if the current conservatives think they drummed out that strain after 1996.
Trump has always represented himself first and foremost. The whole career of Ben Sasse has been much more other-directed. He has worked in a practical way to improve the delivery of medical care, for example. Trump just says everything will be great when he’s in charge.
Trump has been a big supporter of Harry Reid, who exploited his government status to enrich himself — because Harry Reid, of course, could help Trump’s casino business. It had nothing to do with serving the American people.
The point of the Constitution is to protect the citizens from the government — and that includes the government working hand-in-glove with the wealthy and powerful. The more the government exceeds its constitutional boundaries, the more we see billionaires and other interest groups buying favors for themselves.
Trump has shown no aim to bring the government back within constitutional boundaries. For decades he’s been supporting big-government politicians and seeking to buy favors — such as kicking little people out of their homes so he can build a casino parking lot. (For Trump fans, that makes him true Red White & Blue American.)
Bill Clinton subtly reminds us that he’s wealthy – Arrogant and tacky!
Trump says “I’m very rich. I’m worth billions and billions” – He’s unapologetic about his success! That’s so American!
Trump EARNED his money the American way.
Clinton’s got rich off of their protection racket scheme knows as the Clinton Global Initiative. Maybe running a little coke in and out of Arkansas as well back in the day.
You missed the point (again): The point was whether it’s good or bad to boast about one’s wealth, not about how the wealth was gotten.
To Trump fans, Trump boasts are always good, no matter how bizarrely extravagant.
Other people’s boasts, on the other hand, are arrogant and vain.
And Trump fans are completely comfortable with their own double standards and contradictions.
Well, if you consider getting a 20 million dollar real estate portfolio handed to him, along with a million dollar “loan” from dad-ums…
yeah. A veritable Thurston Howell III story.
Whadda moron…
Your jealousy, avarice, and greed are showing.
It isn’t where he started but where he’s finished that is the measure of the man.
No. It’s the measure of his cronyism, avarice, greed and corruption, you lying POS.
And you’re displaying your lack of vocabulary again, stupid.
Fuck Off Troll
Trump is and has never been a conservative. He is also not an emotionally stable person. Trump is appetite incarnate, a narcissist with an exceptionally grandiose personality wedded to a code of conduct that goes little further than how much can I get away with today. . In that regards he reminds me a lot of Bill Clinton. Like Clinton, Trump’s presence as a nominee will result in a significant number of people voting third party because they don’t trust a word he says. Like Clinton, if elected most of Slick Donald’s accomplishments will come from making deals with the opposition party. And like Clinton, he will punt on all really tough issues because he will always be steered by the latest poll numbers. Like both Clinton’s he will also continue the process of turning America into a corrupt b
I cut off the end.
into a corrupt banana Republic. There is no such thing as too much money for the likes of Trump.
Nor is there such a thing as too much self-reverence for the likes of Trump.
Michelle Obama joins with Jill Biden in a project to help military families – Cynical PR posturing!
Trump precisely times a veterans’ fundraiser for maximum political advantage to himself – He’s the real deal! The other are all frauds!
Most of you are just unhinged whiny fools.
Behold, another powerful, intellectually impressive pro-Trump argument.
Presumably you have the superior wisdom to explain how this pattern of Trumpbot thought makes sense:
Obama bullies his opponents — Nasty!
Trump bullies anyone who gets in his way — He knows how to win!
Obama reveals an inflated sense of self — Pathological narcissist!
Trump boasts that he will “easily go down as the greatest president in the history of this country” — He’s confident!
Boehner and McConnell cut deals with Democrats — Scummy RINO sellout traitors!
Trump says he gets along great with Pelosi and Reid and he can make deals with anyone (except Cruz) — He’s a genius!
Rubio made a deal with Schumer — Anyone who sits down with Schumer is dead to me!
Trump says he’s close to Schumer in many ways and can work with him — He’s a great negotiator!
Obama makes a joke at the expense of Special Olympians – Heartless creep!
Trump mocks a reporter’s physical disability – He’s not politically correct! It’s refreshing!
People wonder if Trump fans are disregarding inconvenient facts – How dare you question our intelligence!
Trump tells people they’re “stupid” if they don’t vote for him – He’s unfiltered! He’s honest!
Palin endorses Trump – See, he’s the real conservative!
Trump disses people who call themselves “mavericks” and don’t sit down to cut deals – He can get things done!
Politicians do favors for donors – Corruption!
Trump buys favors from politicians – He’s a businessman! They all do it!
Obama can’t bring himself to apologize for anything he’s done — Self-righteous narcissist!
Trump says he never repents and hasn’t done anything that requires forgiveness — He’s authentic!
Bill Clinton subtly reminds us that he’s wealthy – Arrogant and tacky!
Trump says “I’m very rich. I’m worth billions and billions” – He’s unapologetic about his success! That’s so American!
Michelle Obama joins with Jill Biden in a project to help military families – Cynical PR posturing!
Trump precisely times a veterans’ fundraiser for maximum political advantage to himself – He’s the real deal!
Who is your candidate?
crickets, all you need to know.
In other words, you can’t explain away the bizarre, self-contradictory world of Trumpbot-thought. Therefore, the typical deflection.
It’s inane to suggest that I cannot weigh on the weirdness of Trump-mania or say anything critical of Trump unless I announce to the world who “my candidate” is. Did you never hear of the sacred privacy of the ballot box?
Trumpbots thought they had their hero as soon as The Donald said “I’m running for president and I’ll build a wall.” Trumpbots pretended that no other candidate existed except Jeb.
Trumpbots furiously swipe away any uncomfortable facts about their demigod, and resolutely refuse to consider anyone else.
Meanwhile, the rest of us continue to evaluate and compare the other candidates, as thoughtful people do. And my state has a late primary.
So tell me, Barry: Who is my candidate? Apparently you seem to know.
But Gary already informed me that I’m a Democrat supporter of Hillary/Bernie, which was certainly news to me. Here I was thinking that Hillary and Bernie were running against each other. But what do I know?
Since I “just don’t get” the towering moral authority and surpassing wisdom of Donald J. Trump — not to mention his impeccable manners — that means I’m merely a whining fool.
“…that means I’m merely a whining fool.”
yes, agreed.
Now, just answer the question: Who do you support?
Why are you afraid of this?
So, here’s this lying puke who will literally say ANY-flucking-THING, and he expects you to eat it like candy.
And there’s ANYTHING “conservative” about this Progressive, lying sack of shit…???
How many more crap sandwiches are some of you morons DEMANDING…???
Trump has actually pegged his fervent fans as being totally uncritical devotees — and they’re apparently quite happy to prove him right.
So yes, they will eat anything Trump feeds them like candy. Or else they say: “I really think he’s gonna give me the candy, so I’ll take the whole bag of [word I never use] too!”
““Trump has come along and for whatever reason flushed out the not-quite-so-conservative conservative media types and their agenda is now exposed,” he continued. “So what has happened here is that agendas are being dragged out of the shadows everywhere, all over the place kicking and screaming. And people are learning that the places they thought were conservative may not be. People they thought were conservative may not be quite as conservative as they thought. Maybe some of them are much more tied to the establishment than they originally thought.””
As I said a long, long time ago, Trump is our murder weapon.
He is exceeding my expectations.
Trump did say he could murder someone and his fans wouldn’t care. Trump really understands his base — and not in a flattering way.
Yep. Last night through his courage and superior strategic thinking he, effectively, shot Fox News, Cruz and Rubio in front of 12.5 million viewers.
Sort of a Thursday Night Massacre…
“They forgot who they were fu*cking with” (Vin Diesel as Riddick in Pitch Black).
Rush Limbaugh goes full chickenshit.
He insinuated today that the “conservative media” has shown it’s real agenda, but never had the balls to name who he was impugning.
I never thought I’d see the day…
The traits that Limbaugh has in common with Trump are generally not the admirable ones.
Who do you support?
Another so called conservative flushed out, Rags.
Hey, if you don’t agree with Rags, even if you are the conservative icon, well you are just “chickenshit”.
As I said “Most of you are just unhinged whiny fools.”.
I’ve never considered Rush infallible, you idiot.
What he said today was despicable. IF you’re going to veer of into the kind of crap he opened with in that segment, you need to have the balls and integrity to name names.
I understand you don’t understand, having no integrity of your own.
“I understand you don’t understand, having no integrity of your own.”
Your a legend in your own mind. But please tell us more about integrity.
Tell us more about “you need to have the balls and integrity to name names” and how that means Rush has no integrity.
That’s funny coming from a vulgar loudmouth who can’t even use his real name.
I thought that Rush had left the wording vague enough that he did not say who was not conservative enough. I do not care much for Mr. Limbaugh myself, but even he cannot argue that lifetime movement conservatives like Thomas Sowell are not conservative enough.
I was sure he was making it sound like he considered Trump conservative, but left the wording such that he can come back later to clarify his remarks and turn us all on our heads.
If I am reading this wrong, and Rush is really calling Trump the true conservative in this scenario, then Rush has gone nuts.
Just 5 minutes with Google turns up the real reason for Sasse.
Sasse also supports legal status for illegal immigrants. – See more at:
Sasse is an open borders corporatist in the pocket of the global corporations and chamber of commerce. So naturally he opposes Trump. He doesn’t support or endorse Cruz because he supports the open borders candidates, probably Bush then if not Bush Rubio.
Oh and here for the pure conservative Cruz crowd singing the praises of Sasse:
Sasse supports federal subsidies for farmers and ranchers, particularly in the form of crop insurance.
So. Very much like your man-crush, except opposing government run health-care, respecting property rights, an’ stuff….
Rags, do I really have to tell you the First Sacred Tenet of the True Doctrine of Trumpism?
1. It isn’t wrong when Trump does it!
Alternatively: It’s only acceptable when Trump does it!
Who do you support?
This means Cruz has given up on thoughts of winning Iowa. Now he’s playing to try and hold onto second place in Iowa. After last night’s spotty debate performance by Cruz and better performance by Rubio, Rubio is positioned to pull votes from Cruz.
One thing the debate did last night was make clear yet again how Cruz supported amnesty and paths to legalization previously, and how both Cruz and Rubio have flip flopped around on Amnesty and illigal immigration.
Only Trump is left as the ONLY candidate clearly against amnesty, for deportation, and the enforcement of our laws.
Here is Politico’s description of the destruction of Rubio and Cruz on immigration last night:
Kelly flummoxed Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, currently polling second and third in Iowa, with brutal video montages that vividly demonstrated their flip-flops on immigration reform. To make things even more delicious for Trump, his other favorite bullying target, “low-energy” Jeb Bush, helped twist the knife into Rubio. And another one of his punching bags, Rand Paul, helped deliver the beatdown to Cruz.
It’s hard to see how the debate could have gone any better for Trump than if he had actually participated.
Takedown Cruz:
Cruz once filed an amendment to Rubio’s bill that would have created a path to “legalization,” but he has argued that it was really a poison pill designed to kill reform. Last night, though, Kelly effectively quashed that argument, playing several clips of Cruz insisting that he did want reform to pass. “Was that all an act?” Kelly asked him. “It was pretty convincing!” After Cruz flailed around for a few minutes, arguing that it was unfair for Kelly to focus on 38 words in a 1,000-page bill, Kelly turned to Rand Paul, yet another frequent target of Trump’s barbs. “Senator Paul, you know how Washington works,” she said. “Do you buy that?”
Paul—who has denounced Trump as unfit for office, and who has been mocked by Trump for his poll numbers and even his looks—obligingly continued the evisceration of Cruz. “He can’t have it both ways,” he said. “What is particularly insulting is, he’s the king of saying ‘You’re for amnesty.’ Everyone’s for amnesty except for Ted Cruz. But it’s a falseness, and that’s an authenticity problem … I was for legalization. So was Ted—but now he says he wasn’t. That’s not true.”
Takedown Rubio:
She began by airing several video clips of Rubio promising to oppose amnesty when he ran for Senate in 2010, at one point arguing that an “earned path to citizenship is basically code for amnesty.” She then pointed out that in the Senate, Rubio helped lead the push for a bill that included an earned path to citizenship.
“Haven’t you already proven that you cannot be trusted on this issue?” Kelly asked.
“Kelly flummoxed Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, currently polling second and third in Iowa, with brutal video montages that vividly demonstrated their flip-flops on immigration reform.”
Since you’re posting, we know you are LYING.
Kelly had to admit she was WRONG.
There you go. lying sack of shit.
About 4:30.
OTOH, Donald Ducks (Running Pussy, NYC) DID support the bill that Cruz KILLED in 2013.
Lying SOS.
I think Sarah’s endorsement of Trump ended Ted’s chances of a 1st place finish in Iowa.
should be titled “the Case Against Donald J Trump, America Does Not Need Another Obama. Trump Conservative? Just Like Obama Liberal Progressive
Judge a philosophy by its principles, not philosopher.
Perhaps not Conservatism, but conservatism. Every generation is conservative. Liberalism is a degenerative ideology.