British Left-wing Group ‘No Borders’ Incites Refugee Violence in Calais
Port of Calais stormed by refugees trying to get to Britain
The refugee crisis in Europe is causing a huge number of problems for European governments and people, and now British “anarchists” from No Borders have traveled to Calais to incite refugees to violence.
British anarchists were among some 35 people under arrest in Calais on Sunday after leading a ‘scandalous’ invasion of the ferry port by some 500 migrants.
Not only did the thugs tear down security fences and threaten violence, but they also defaced a statue of France’s wartime leader and former president Charles de Gaulle.
Masked agitators from the left-wing group No Borders were filmed during the trouble on Saturday afternoon as they tried to get people to the UK.
Apparently, the “anarchists” were attempting to force officials to allow the “migrants” to enter the UK.
The Mail continues:
The Port of Calais was forced to close on Saturday evening after a storm of migrants broke into the harbour.
Around 500 migrants stormed the site and around 50 made it on to the Spirit of Britain ferry, where they remained for several hours until they were removed by police, with the port now reopened.
The incident triggered fresh calls for the French military to be deployed at the port by the Road Haulage Association.
Its chief executive Richard Burnett said the incident was just the latest in a string of instances.
‘This shocking breach of security clearly shows that the migrant mayhem in and around Calais is not being tackled,’ he said.
‘This latest episode has made the headlines, but the many incidents of attacks and intimidation faced by our British drivers on a daily basis are going unreported as, depressingly, they are now being regarded as routine.
‘It is now time for the authorities to acknowledge and meet our demand for the French military be deployed to secure the port and its approaches.
‘I am now publicly calling on government to join my call for this decisive action.’
Mr Burnett said immediate action was necessary, warning that it is ‘only a matter of time before our worst fears become a reality and a UK-bound truck driver is killed’.
Watch the report:
And the $64,000 question:
Gilles Debove, of the Calais police union, said: ‘I cannot understand why British citizens come to Calais to incite migrants to break the law and defy the French authorities’.
[Featured image via The Daily Mail]

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Because the took the chunnel of love?
Shoot ’em. Repel “no borders”…!!!
How soon before the talking heads are reminding us that we ‘can’t judge’ all illegal aliens, oops migrants, by the actions of this crowd. You know, in case you were thinking of voting for controlled borders or something.
Gee, lots of young men in those pictures. Where are the women and children the left claims are escaping persecution?
When the overloaded fishing boats were in danger of sinking, they “volunteered” to lighten the load.
Wondering if a certain community organizer is offering covert assistance to the rioters.
Welcome to the invitation. The refugee crisis was an opportunistic creation.