More Mizzou Madness: Prof Under Fire Over Exam Outrage
“If you don’t feel safe coming to class, then don’t come to class”
The Mizzou clown show continued today with the online flogging and ensuing resignation of Dr. Dale Brigham, a professor in the university’s Nutrition and Exercise Physiology Department.
Breaking News from a local NBC affiliate tells me that Brigham’s resignation was not accepted by the university. We’re waiting for more details.
BREAKING: MU News Bureau said Professor Dale Brigham's resignation was not accepted.
— KOMU 8 News (@KOMUnews) November 11, 2015
In the mean time, here’s the back story…
Brigham came under fire after refusing to cancel a scheduled exam after students complained of feeling “unsafe” on campus. Classes campus-wide followed a normal schedule, so Brigham’s refusal to cancel was in no way a departure from an established or encouraged policy.
He sent an email to his students announcing his decision—and all hell broke loose.
Campus Reform has screenshots of Brigham’s original email, and the email he sent following the mass freakout the first one caused. Here’s the first:
“If you don’t feel safe coming to class, then don’t come to class. I will be there, and there will be an exam administered in our class. If you give into bullies, they win. The only way bullies are defeated is by standing up to them.”
Unforgivable! A scandal! How dare this man not cancel his exam for the convenience of progressive performance art!
What happened next was horrifying:
Here's an email that Dale Brigham was sent last night after confirming he was having class. Not for young eyes.
— T.J. Moe (@TJMoe28) November 11, 2015
Dale Brigham PH.D. You are a complete failure as a human being, a school shooting threat after how many recently!!
— Chaquetaqua (@chaquetaqua) November 11, 2015
Brigham’s mentions on Twitter are an abomination. They’re worse than what I chose to include in this post. For the toddlers at Mizzou, this man is the second coming of Hitler, if Hitler were whiter and even more committed to the idea of white male privilege. (Whoa.)
People (especially alums) are shocked and upset by how things resolved:
No idea the professor who resigned was Dale Brigham! One of the kindest and best professors I had at #Mizzou
— Andrew Carnahan (@AndrewCCarnahan) November 11, 2015
And now Dr Dale Brigham, one of the most beloved teachers at Mizzou has been pushed out. When does the witch hunt end?
— Michael Sheehan (@Mediumsizedmike) November 11, 2015
@ClayTravisBGID 3 now. And Dale Brigham is one of the best and nicest professors I have ever had
— Evan Green (@EGreen10) November 11, 2015
Funny how when a professor actually tries to do the right thing, and the media/ school crucifies him. Have you seen enough yet #DaleBrigham
— Tim Ning (@timning1990) November 11, 2015
Really, really unfortunate to read about Dale Brigham's resignation.
— Jared Fenstermacher (@j_fenster) November 11, 2015
If you scroll down through Brigham’s mentions, you’ll find an outpouring of positivity and support about his classes and his methods, and evidence that he is well-liked and respected in the community.
Of course, none of that matters once you’ve kicked over the freak hive.
The most frightening aspect of all of this is that the university and the media has empowered this mob to the point that it is now actively destroying lives. At this point, I’m not even sure what the exit strategy is here. This “movement” will either fizzle, or turn Mizzou into another Oberlin or Yale.
Either way, it won’t leave the ideological terrorists of the left any less empowered.
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I believe that the threats included in various emails constitute extortion. Because they are on the internet are they federal crimes? I sure hope so. And because his race is cited in emails is this a hate crime?
1) yes, the threats constitute a crime.
2) and it may be a Federal crime, not only because it came over the internet; but also because I am sure that the school receives Federal funds, and it is possible that the threats originated across state lines.
3) this means exactly diddley-squat because you have to have a prosecutor willing to file charges. There are no such prosecutors in Missouri, and the Federal one’s will be defending the person(s) making the threats.
Does wire fraud ring a bell?
Up next: a pig’s head that has been cut off will be put on a stick sharpened at both ends, stuck in the ground, and left as an offering to the “beast”…
Pandora’s box was opened when homosexuality was accepted into the culture of the living. Now all hell is breaking loose…
“Pandora’s box was opened when homosexuality was accepted into the culture of the living. Now all hell is breaking loose…”
LOL, you’re blaming this on homosexuals?
The Gaystapo showed everyone how to conduct witch hunts against those who fail to toe the progressive, PC line. Or have you been hiding under a rock when they went after Christian bakers, B&B owners, and photographers, to name a few?
“Or have you been hiding under a rock when they went after Christian bakers, B&B owners, and photographers, to name a few?”
Is there nothing them queers can’t do!
Is it OK with you if the Christian bakers, B&B owners, and photographers refuse to do business with black folks?
Pathetic strawman.
No, it is not OK to refuse to do business with a black person, because being black is not a choice.
Being gay is 100% a choice, hundreds of scientists have tried to identify genetic traits for homosexuality and have failed.
I completely support them refusing to participate in gay weddings, the same way I would support somebody’s refusal to participate in a KKK party, a Neo-Nazi celebration, a polygamist wedding, or a swinger orgy.
Or do you think the KKK should be able to force a black baker to make them a cake for a meeting?
“Pathetic strawman.”
It might be if your next statement were true:
“Being gay is 100% a choice, hundreds of scientists have tried to identify genetic traits for homosexuality and have failed.”
Of course, it is not.
You probably believe in man made global warming as well since it is a settled science. I have no doubt some gays are a result of nurture. I have no doubt some gays are the result of nature. There is plenty of evidence in the animal kingdom for some mixed up genetic traits.
“I completely support them refusing to participate in gay weddings, the same way I would support somebody’s refusal to participate in a KKK party, a Neo-Nazi celebration, a polygamist wedding, or a swinger orgy.
Or do you think the KKK should be able to force a black baker to make them a cake for a meeting?”
Now there’s a strawman. The baker is not being forced to participate in the wedding, KKK party, etc. He does however have to sale his product to anyone regardless of race, religion, or ethnic origin. That has been the law for a long time.
Do you think a car dealership should be able to refuse to sale their cars to gay people?
In any event, claiming the gays are the cause of UofM’s current problems is pretty damn wacko.
I repeat. Literally hundreds of scientists have been totally unable to even tentatively identify ANY genetic trait corresponding to homosexuality, despite explicitly looking for it. There is absolutely zero evidence that it is anything other than a choice. If you want to follow the global warming lede, sorry bro, you’re definitely on the warming side. You have zero evidence to back up your claims but you ‘feel’ they are right.
That’s what the entire lawsuit was ABOUT. The gay couple had purchased many products from that same bakery with no problems until they wanted a cake FOR THEIR WEDDING.
The owner EXPLICITLY TOLD THEM he would bake them anything else they wanted, but he was not going to make them a cake for their wedding. They decided to sue and force him to bake a cake FOR THEIR WEDDING.
God, the ignorance is blinding.
As a gay conservative, I can tell you that being gay is most definitely NOT a choice. People do not wake up and decide “I’m going to be gay from now on”. It’s not something you can control by “choosing”. Whether it’s due to genetics, or early environmental factors, or a combination of both is up for debate, but I guarantee you that you can’t just “change” your sexuality by “choosing”. Let me ask you something: If were to ask you, when did you did “choose” to be “straight”? You’re going to say, “How dare you, I never CHOSE to be straight, I’ve always been straight”. Now, consider this, do you think it might be the same for gay people? Of course, this is assuming you aren’t one of those self-hating closet case homophobes, in which you know the answer better than anyone. Face it, being gay is not something you choose anymore than being straight is, and it is the absolute worst argument used against gay rights.
Thank you for clarifying homosexuality for us alec6542.
You are telling us that you are an automaton and there is no thought behind your actions. And no thought means no moral consideration of your actions for yourself, your homosexual partner or for society at large. You are basically an animal with physical urges.
You say homosexuality is not a choice. I say that you choose every time to act out in homosexual ways. If, as you claim and as bogus psychology claims, that homosexuality is not a choice then you have lost your identity within a lack of choice and lack of consideration and lack of conscience. You are no longer responsible for your actions because you living as an animal.
Labeling yourself a “gay conservative” does not change the fact of your dismissal of responsibility for your actions.
I am homosexual so I DO have a dog in this fight. Yes, it would be PERFECTLY acceptable with me if a baker, photographer, or whomever did not want to do business with blacks, or Jews, or anyone else with whom they do not wish to do business. There was a time when these conditions existed. Guess what? Life went on! Jews, blacks, and homosexuals still found hotel rooms, still found bakeries, still found photographers to do business with.
“God, the ignorance is blinding.”
Sure is. “I repeat.” You can repeat BS a million times. Doesn’t change the fact it is BS. You create a strawman by arguing geneticists are unable to find a “gay” gene, as though the scientific effort is complete or that is the only reason someone might be gay. I could care less if it is nurture or nature. Refusing to sale products to some members of the public is wrong. You admit the baker has sold the same couple bakery product after bakery product but refuses to sale them one that will be a wedding cake. Does the baker refuse to sale wedding cakes to those divorced folks getting remarried? If not, they are typical bigots, just like you. The law requires those in business to sale their products to all.
I’m from the South. I grew up with your world version and I do not want to see it repeated.
“I am homosexual so I DO have a dog in this fight. Yes, it would be PERFECTLY acceptable with me if a baker, photographer, or whomever did not want to do business with blacks, or Jews, or anyone else with whom they do not wish to do business.”
I don’t give a damn what you are. You wish to live in a segmented society where different groups will be relegated to 3rd class because of religion, race, etc.
It’s OK with you if muslims cab drivers check your religion before they will allow you to ride.
It’s OK with you if store owners do not allow blacks to purchase products.
It’s OK with you if the Saudi’s do not allow women out in public without their male minders.
I’m appalled.
Laughing Out Loud, a common interwebs thingy. Put ROF in front to get Rolling On Floor…
I know what LOL means. I don’t know what there is to laugh about.
Quite simple. Blaming homosexuals for the mess in Missouri is ridiculous. Only a complete and total fool could make that leap.
The fool is the one who says in his heart “There is no God.”
I know that there is a God, do you?
“I know that there is a God, do you?”
Are you changing the subject because you’re ashamed of yourself for blaming a group of people for something they had nothing to do with?
Offer your proof that God exists, and then I’ll answer your question. Take your time, I’ll be gone for a few hours.
You used the word “blame”, remember? A guilt complex perhaps?
You did not commit to knowledge of God.
I know that there is a God based on scientific fact (Briefly, the Big Bang and the extreme fine-tuning of the universe, specfically gravity, electro-magnetism, the strong and weak nuclear forces.) and reason along with the historical fact of the resurrection and faith.
“You used the word “blame”, remember? A guilt complex perhaps?”
Geez, you blame homosexuals for college unrest that has zero to do with homosexuality, I point it out, and you think I have a “guilt complex” for using the word blame to describe what you have done? You’re off your rocker.
“You did not commit to knowledge of God.”
I’m not required to commit to anything. I did say if you had proof God exists I would answer your question. Of course, you have not done so. You list physical phenomena and presto / change God exists. The proper response is “there is no proof, it is an article of faith”. That is the only truth there is.
I believe there is a creator. I do not believe in your religion or any other. I don’t know how the creator came to be. It is simply an article of faith.
“Pandora’s box was opened when homosexuality was accepted into the culture of the living. Now all hell is breaking loose…”
The moral fabric of our society has been under attack by those who would destroy this country for decades. The failure of marriage as an institution is just another log on the fire. The Communists in Russia were quick to allow divorce for any reason and abortion at any time for any reason. Children raised in a two-parent mother-father family are much less likely to engage in crime than those from single-mom families. Blacks have suffered more than Whites from the deterioration of family structure.
Homosexual marriage is a weapon used by others than the gay life-style promoters. Communists, starting with Karl Marx and Engels, have targeted marriage in the Judaic-Christian tradition as something that has to go. In Paul Kengor’s excellent book Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage details Supreme Court decisions dating back to the early 1960s that were undermining marriage.
One of the consequences of our welfare system is to encourage unwed-motherhood. We now have around 70% of African-American children growing up in a household without a father. I used think that was a bug, now I think it is a feature.
I digress. The professor was right, we need to stand up to bullies. However, perhaps some of his minority students are the bullies and pretend victims. The need to continue to over-dramatize this.
How parents of high-school seniors allow their child to go to such an insane place?
The simple truth is that there has been majority support for civil unions for decades, and supermajority support for allowing adults to arrange their lives as they wish.
Then there are the bullies, who want to rub their version of sex in other people’s faces. That has not gone over so well.
The inmates are running the asylum, and it ain’t a pretty sight ~
Weeeeelllll, hell.
When the “soiled brats” (no “p”) start feeling their oats…or whatever is in fashion now…there’s no stopping them, no matter who you are.
You can be ONE of them yesterday, and today find yourself the pig on the spit for saying or doing any innocuous damn thing.
It was just that way with Mao’s “Cultural Revolution”, too.
Time to purge! And purge good and hard…!!!
“Time to purge! And purge good and hard…!!!”
GoLightly(R) works wonders as a purge, but you need a prescription and it tastes awful.
I do wonder how many of the twits (defined as “people who tweet nonsense or worse”) are actually Mizzou students. For example, Chaquetaqua: I suppose someone could check her bio on Twitter and see if she is a student. I bet she isn’t.
I bet most of the twits are not Mizzou students. For them, this is just another two-minute hate.
Von isn’t a student at Mizzou, Von’s vine posts appear to be as hate filled and malicious as her tweets.
After the good professor told the students to stand up to the “bullies”*, he caves in to a bunch of… bullies.
I’m going to buy some more popcorn.
*the unidentified, nonexistent bullies apparently
I wouldn’t be surprised to find his “resignation” wasn’t as voluntary as it seems.
University doesn’t accept resignation:
“I am just trying to do what I think is best for our students and the university as an institution,” Brigham said to KOMU 8 News. “If my leaders think that my leaving would help, I am all for it. I made a mistake, and I do not want to cause further harm.”
This professor is a bigger fool than the students.
More popcorn is going to be required.
I never felt safe going into a test I didn’t study for.
Nasty note in this post is claimed by @itsWTFVon on twitter and according to his tweets, he is proud of it.
Von is a she and doesn’t even go to the school. Von is in Houston.
Either way, it won’t leave the ideological terrorists of the left any less empowered.
I suppose, if there’s a bright side to this, it’s that these little baby fascists are scared to death of guns, too.
I’d hate to think what they’d do, if they were armed.
IF the majority of the faculty upped the ante and faced off against the crowd and football team….. any further demonstrations will be met with no further classes for the entire university… kiss that degree goodbye children. Of course that will not happen and the U’s administration has already folded.
Good profs are going to leave unless adults take charge soon. The president and chancellor have turned tail and run. The football coach is bolstering the terrorists. The governor of MO isn’t going to do anything after he let Ferguson burn with the Guard standing by.
Whitey is on notice: one wrong look, and you’re next. Get out while the gettin’ is good and let the antagonists enjoy their newfound “privilege.”
Welcome to Obama’s world. Where good is evil and evil is good.
These fascists demand a safe space with tolerance for their message, yet give the opposite.
Nothing is more revealing than a “anti-racist humanist” losing it.
Safe place at 0:28
“Classes campus-wide followed a normal schedule, so Brigham’s refusal to cancel was in no way a departure from an established or encouraged policy.”
Brigham should have simply said, “The University has directed that classes campus-wide will follow a normal schedule.” He had no authority to depart from the normal schedule or to explain the policy.
This man is like the meme, “You had one job.”
All of these students demanding a “safe space” on campus. What drivel! Take names and expel. Start with the football players. Go down the list and pull a Reagan on them.
I think Obama-Soros is coordinating this. The upheaval was intended to spread to universities across the country. This last year of Obama’s “presidency”, Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers and spare us from the evil that is to come.
Kudos to Professor Brigham for recognizing this leftist intimidation spawned by specious evidence. IMO, this is another example of George Soros-paid agitation following the strategy put forth by Alinsky in Rules for Radicals, the same text which our Marxist president used in teaching neighborhood organizing.
I can but wish you the best Professor Brigham. I looked over your student evaluations which are sensational. Obviously you are a credit to the teaching profession, and a man of principle. If anything, you deserve a promotion for your clarity of thought as well as the ethical manner in which you comported yourself during this sad episode.
One would hope that the reason the university did not accept his resignation is that they plan on apologizing to him and ask him to stay since he is such a good instructor and he is being maligned by such disgusting slime.
Then again, I’ve seen too much reality to hold out much hope for this.
What a wake up call the inmates at the asylum will face in the corporate world. Don’t feel safe coming into work, too bad.
Since this is Veterans Day imagine how “unsafe” our men and women feel when they go into work.
Actually, I’m reading that the university won’t even accept the professor’s resignation. (Source apparently “NBC station KOMU of Colombia”)
So the professor is expected to show up to work regardless of any future threats he might himself face. How lovely.
The university would be just as well off if they refused to accept the resignation of the college president.
“Actually, I’m reading that the university won’t even accept the professor’s resignation.”
He (very likely) signed a contract to teach the class. The university has not agreed to his request break that contract. He can break the contract, and the university can sue him, and the courts can decide.
“So the professor is expected to show up to work regardless of any future threats he might himself face. How lovely.”
The university (very likely) has policies on situations like this and he (very likely) agreed to follow those policies when he signed the contract.
(I’ve written “very likely,” because I haven’t actually read the contracts or policies of UM, but I consider these things virtually certain. If there is anyone who would like to bet the other side, I’d love to hear from them.)
I wonder how many parents are beginning to worry about the quality of the education they are paying for and are looking around for an alternative college to send their kids to? I wonder how many employers will be willing to hire someone from this school? I know I wouldn’t. Not if the feds paid me.
Ever notice how all these campus protest crises come just at either midterms or finals and are accompanied by demands for exemption due to the “trauma” endured?
Precisely. This is the academic equivalent of looters taking advantage of rioting. I’m sure all of those poor, frightened students are staying in their rooms studying and not going out to bars.
When I was in high school, the bomb threats that were then in vogue tended to occur on test days.
The fire at Seton Hall, that killed 3 students, was near the end of the semester, after about a month of nightly fire alarm disturbances.
Our schools have an established pattern of letting the kiddies go bezerk, and then wondering why somebody got killed.
What an amazing coincidence, no?
Kinda like the mob that took over during the French Revolution. Next up: People’s Courts for “offenders”.
Oh how I wish I taught there. I would announce that all my classes were cancelled forever, no class, no tests, no grades, no attendance, but if anyone did show up I’d just sit quietly at the front of the room, reading a book, headphones, on, silently, not responding to any statement or question from anyone at all, ever.
I think it’s time to consider raising the voting age. It’s evident that they need more time to mature. 30 for students and 65 for administrators seems about right.
I would bring back literacy tests for all.
You know, there are some sorry reasons for wanting to cut class. These children need to realize, the world isn’t there to make them feel comfortable. Life is TOUGH and we learn to roll with the punches. You know, grown up deal with problems by discussing it with individual that SUPPOSEDLY offended them.
So far, no evidence anything was wrong, but now three careers harmed and for what? An email warning people to be careful about Halloween costumes? About some rowdy students when little or no evidence has been given? Were these rowdy students even brought to campus security? Was there a complaint even made? Were the students identified? If not, how is the university president supposed to fix it?
These liberal professors who’ve spent DECADES spewing this garbage that white folks are evil and the government is your income and you deserve it, now have reaped what they’ve sown.
Grow up folks, the world isn’t fair. Wait until you get a job where the boss doesn’t put up with your poor attitudes, but sends you out with your last check without the ability to return. Oh and as you lose more and more of them due to attitude, employers will simply quit hiring you when you’ve lost multiple jobs frequently.
These so called students are nothing but whiny babies who will be shocked when they start losing jobs and relationships for being this way. I went to a college campus and I dealt with difficulties, with what I deemed unfair practices, etc. You know what I did, I dealt with was could be dealt with and I grew up and realized that some of the unfair policies were unfair only in my mind and I grew some. Good luck in life because your maturity level seems somewhere around 5 years old, maybe that high.
Agree, that will apparently come as a large surprise when an employer expects you to show up on time, do the job you were hired for, get along and work well with others.
I didn’t know Houston had a ghetto.
This was a reply to Juba Doobai’s comment about Von living in Houston. Something is wrong with the comments program in that it doesn’t always put a reply where it belongs.
They have a ghetto, believe me. Much of the detritus of Nawlinz settled there just after Katrina.
Let’s get to fundamentals. The universities are a vector of disease, and enrollment must be reduced to restrict the spread. The first practical move would be to index the inflation of the guaranteed student loan program to the overall rate of inflation, as opposed to the educational rate of inflation. That would reduce the universities’ excess funds.
By the way, jennifer a johnson, the real force for destruction of the family and our culture was probably the movement of women to the workplace, and their protection at the workplace through all sorts of legal means. I expect you don’t like to consider that because then YOUR ox is being gored.
And Barry, I have no problem if a taxi company hires Muslim drivers who won’t pick up Jews. I would take my business to taxi companies that do not hire such drivers. Oh, and in the Uber world, the drivers would get so down voted that they would not be around for long. Capitalism is awesome, isn’t it?
“And Barry, I have no problem if a taxi company hires Muslim drivers who won’t pick up Jews.”
That’s because your not a Jew standing in the rain and cold waiting on a taxi.
“Capitalism is awesome, isn’t it?”
Yes, but not perfect. We create laws to correct some of the imperfections to the best of our ability. One of those laws says that if you open a public business, you must serve the public. Otherwise, don’t open a public business. Then you will not have to associate with those damn jews, blacks, and homo’s.
You’re just a bigot trying to cover your ass with “capitalism”.
My ox is being gored? Which one is that? Hillary of the WH workplace?
Now heer is some folly:
“the real force for destruction of the family and our culture was probably the movement of women to the workplace, and their protection at the workplace through all sorts of legal means”
Proverbs 26:
“A whip is for the horse, a bridle for the donkey, And a rod for the back of fools. Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Or you will also be like him. Answer a fool as his folly deserves, That he not be wise in his own eyes.…”
No Barry, I’m not a bigot–except regarding Islam–it’s just that I’m a conservative. You “argue” like a leftist, which is what, I presume, you are. I am both a Jew and a homo. But I do not insist that it’s government’s job to impinge on the freedom of association of private persons. The whole “public accommodation” business was the key defect of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It should not be law, and I couldn’t care less what SCOTUS has to say about it. As we are discussing “ought” and not “is,” I do not feel I am required to defer to what the law is.
Note that if you don’t step up your game at once, I will treat you as a Liberal troll and ignore you forthwith. I am confident you are incapable of doing any better, though.
“I am both a Jew and a homo.”
Ok, I take back the charge of bigot (all though you can still be a bigot) and will only call you an idiot.
“But I do not insist that it’s government’s job to impinge on the freedom of association of private persons.”
Nor do I and never have. You have the right to associate with whoever the hell you want. You do not have the right to have a public business and not do business with the public.
“The whole “public accommodation” business was the key defect of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.”
I disagree. I grew up in the southern United States and have some idea of what you prefer. Pretending that “capitalism” will somehow solve those kind of problems is flat out absurd. If anything, we had a more capitalistic society in 1950 than now. A self evident analysis for anyone other than a moron.
“I will treat you as a Liberal troll and ignore you forthwith.”
I don’t give a damn how you treat me. Try not to cry over it.
“You have the right to associate with whoever the hell you want. You do not have the right to have a public business and not do business with the public.”
This is incorrect as it relates to federal law, the majority of states, and the vast majority of local jurisdictions related to discrimination in public accommodation based on sexual orientation.
There are some federal regulations that prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, e.g. federal hiring. And there are a minority of states and hundreds of local jurisdictions (out of ~22,000 local/county incorporated areas) with laws against such discrimination. But outside of those specific areas, one may discriminate in public accomodation based on sexual orientation 24/7. Also note that every case where private businesses have been found liable for discrimination based on sexual orientation, those business were located/litigated in those specific states/local jurisdictions which have such laws. The pizza restaurant that simply answered a reporter’s question that they would not participate in a gay marriage was not located in any such local jurisdiction/state, and their prospective action would have been fully legal under the laws that applied to them.
Here’s a map that details the current extent of non-discrimination laws on these issues:
As for you, Jennifer, I see that you use the Bible to cover your arse when you can’t deploy it for your little morality plays. Your self-interest, as you see it, supports the policies that have produced the economic distortions and bad parenting that have come because women moved into the workplace. So you use a minority villain, homos, as a scape goat. The timing doesn’t quite work of course, as the problems we see everywhere in the law, economy, and culture antedated gay marriage, and indeed any gay rights at all. Not that I supported SCOTUS’s gay marriage power grab, mind you.
I am awfully unimpressed by feminist “conservatives.”
“Blame” used again by Barry.
Misogyny invoked by skzion.
Barry and skzion, truly you have dizzying intellects.
“Pandora’s box was opened when homosexuality was accepted into the culture of the living. Now all hell is breaking loose…”
The only blame being used is by you. I just name it.
I understand. You want to hold me accountable to homosexuality while you want to be held accountable by no one.
Actually, I did not invoke “misogyny,” Jennifer. You did. And now you’re trying to play the leftist feminist “misogyny card,” while being rabidly and “religiously” anti-gay. The only thing less impressive than a feminist conservative is a rabidly anti-gay feminist conservative. Talk about a dizzying intellect, you can’t seem to engage my argument at all. This is not surprising because your own perspective is so incoherent that it could provide no basis for argumentation.
Your efforts here are embarrassing. This “exchange” ends now.
I have learned not engage evil in dialogue.
Evil, with nothing to add to a conversation, always ends a conversation with ad hominems.
Before you end this conversation, read this:
Misogyny is a characteristic of male homosexuality.
Misandry is a characteristic of female homosexuality.
Both issues (related to symbolic confusion) can be remedied and natural relationships restored, if you are willing.
Barry, you’ve bored me with your cliches, your unimaginative insults, and your inability to grapple with anything that requires some thought. To put the point in formal terms: as nothing you could say would be new to me, your writing literally contains no information, in Shannon’s sense. Therefore, it is irrational for me to read anything you write.
“your writing literally contains no information”
The information is quite simple: We tried your way and it results in the mistreatment of whole groups of people. That you will not acknowledge that is telling. You have your head in the sand.
Your not nearly as smart as you think you are. You cling to some dogmatic position, because “conservative”. We have real world proof of what your position does. You might want to read about it sometime.
I thought you were going to ignore me.