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Classified Emails on the Homebrew Server: 600 and Counting

Classified Emails on the Homebrew Server: 600 and Counting

Doc dump? Must be Friday…

Because it’s the Friday before a raucous drinking holiday, the State Department released today 7000 new pages of messages (or, 4432 individual messages) pulled from Hillary Clinton’s homebrew email server—including 268 more classified emails.

That brings the grand total of classified messages housed on the former Secretary’s unsecured server to over 600.

Most of the messages released are from 2011-2012, and reports show that none of them are related to the attack on the American outpost in Benghazi.

More from the Washington Free Beacon:

State Department spokesman John Kirby said that none of the emails now marked classified “were marked classified at the time they were sent or received.” Most of the emails set for release Friday were sent or received by the former secretary of state between 2011 and 2012, save a few from 2009 and 2010 that haven’t been made public in earlier releases.

The release of Clinton emails in September saw 215 messages marked classified, three of them designated “secret.”

While the State Department says the newly classified messages were not classified at the time they were sent or received, the inspector general of the intelligence community did determine from a small sample he reviewed that two emails held on Clinton’s system contained top secret–the highest classification–information at the time they were sent. Other intelligence agencies have backed up this finding.

Some highlights from today’s dump include Hillary’s enthusiasm over the writings of one Max Blumenthal…

…and an enlightening discussion about the State Department’s use of vulnerable technology:

She really resented having to work with Benjamin Netanyahu:

She enjoyed trading nasties with her aides about Republicans’ foreign policy ideas…

…and was super paranoid about being monitored by the “neocons”:

We still have three more releases to go, pursuant to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.


Shot: subject line
Chaser: Hillary’s reply

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I have often wondered about the meaning, “John Kirby said that none of the emails now marked classified “were marked classified at the time they were sent or received.””

Did it mean that they were not then secrets, or that they were not marked? Now I have my answer, “While the State Department says the newly classified messages were not classified at the time they were sent or received, the inspector general of the intelligence community did determine from a small sample he reviewed that two emails held on Clinton’s system contained top secret–the highest classification–information at the time they were sent. Other intelligence agencies have backed up this finding.”

The REASON none of Hillary’s emails were “marked” classified is that her aides removed the marking before sending to her. Under the law, labeling is irrelevant.

Many of these tidbits were “born classified,” meaning either the subject matter automatically made them so, or the originating agency classified them. When Hillary uses the excuse of “State disagreed with the classification,” it’s a complete red herring. There is a procedure to resolve disputes over classifications, BUT the originating classification stands until changed by that process. As far as is known, NONE of these were even submitted for challenge.

    Olinser in reply to Estragon. | October 30, 2015 at 7:53 pm

    ANYBODY else would already be in prison over this shit show.

    But not her highness, the designated heir of the Democrat party.

    When I was in the military we had a guy who transferred what had originally been a non-classified file from SIPR to NIPR (that’s classified to the non-classified network), and sent it out to a large number of people.

    Think about that for a second – all he did was take a file that was not actually classified and move it between networks. Except you can’t DO that, once it touches the classified network it is classified.

    He lost his security clearance, was sent to a Summary Court Martial and given an Other Than Honorable discharge. He’s lucky too, if the CO had sent him to a General Court Martial he would have ended up in prison.

      Olinser in reply to Olinser. | October 30, 2015 at 7:57 pm

      Remember. Hillary didn’t just have classified emails on her server.

      Now, because of this shit show, every single one of those emails is PUBLIC.

      She is directly responsible for the compromise of every one of them.

        snopercod in reply to Olinser. | October 30, 2015 at 8:17 pm

        True, but as you can see, nobody cares.

        Sammy Finkelman in reply to Olinser. | November 1, 2015 at 3:43 pm

        Remember. Hillary didn’t just have classified emails on her server.

        Now, because of this shxx show, every single one of those emails is PUBLIC

        No – some of the contents of some of her emails were NOT MADE PUBLIC on grounds of secrecy.

        They are sort of saying: Now that we are taking a closer look at these e-mails, some facts mentioned on them are classified. Now of course, if they don’t wnat to reveal things, they have an incentive to say as much as possible is classified.

        The White House is also looking for other grounds not to release e-mails between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama (there were a few) without, however using the Nixonian words:

        Executive privilege”

        White House officials said they were not asserting executive privilege, a specific legal authority that Mr. Obama has used only once, in the case of congressional inquiries into the “Fast and Furious” gunrunning operation….

So it wasn’t secret to begin with but it became secret. The horse was out of the barn before being in the barn. It was the truth before it became a lie. Got it.

    aerily in reply to alaskabob. | October 30, 2015 at 11:43 pm

    It’s more of a situation where Mrs. Clinton sent many emails discussing matters that are classified. She failed to mark the email as classified. At origination and receipt the email was not marked classified but it did contain classified information and thus was later marked as such.

    Mrs. Clinton knew better than to discuss classified matters on an unclass homebrew server. If it were anyone but a Clinton that did the same, they would be in jail.

      alaskabob in reply to aerily. | October 31, 2015 at 1:50 am

      Just imagine if she has a facebook page for all of this… ah… did she?

      I am certain it would have gotten “likes” by every foreign intelligence agency in the world.

Only something concerning hillary could be this preposterous. E-mails that were not classified when sent but are classified now WTF? How does the State dept pull this kind of mumbo jumbo and get away with it? No one else in our couuntry except hillary and obama can say things like this and get away with it. It’s like Marco Rubio said the msm is hillary’s superpac.

“Two of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides, Huma Abedin and chief of staff Cheryl Mills, tussled via email in October 2010 about what appears to be an outgoing Secret Service detail — and who would replace him.

Mills also lightly scolded Abedin in the exchange for sending her complaints over email rather than discussing them privately.”

Imagine how much more would be revealed if we had a sense of what was talked about OUTSIDE THE EMAILS. We saw coverage of what Hillary said in a phone call to the Eqyptian PM.

Hillary! is a woman of limited ability and zero accomplishments. One thing she failed to accomplish is invent a new area of information that wasn’t classified then, but is classified now.

No, it was classified long before her hubbie Billie Jeff was issuing E.O.s confirming it was classified.

Not even the stripping of the classified markings so you can pretend it’s not classified is an innovation. That’s been sending perps like Hillary! to prison for decades.

There is nothing about this woman that is new or original. Not even her crimes.

Her aides removing the classification markings from a document does not make it unclassified. It is a separate crime from improper storage and distribution. It is actually just as important as distribution.

The aides, whomever is her TS holder, everyone who knowingly handled it needs to go to jail. Whether or not anything was compromised doesn’t matter. The crime is in the action not the result.

    Sammy Finkelman in reply to forksdad. | November 1, 2015 at 3:44 pm

    That would be a different issue than what’s discussed here.

    Here we are talking about emails scheduled for release that some people decide contain classified information.