Amherst College Creates Another Victim of Campus Assault “Investigations”
“You’re done. Once you are accused, you’re done.”

We’ve discussed extensively the problems and scandals surrounding the campus sexual assault investigation process. Procedures that favor the accuser, and offer no protection to the accused, have led to lost academic careers, ruined reputations, and high-profile lawsuits brought by the accused against the institutions that allegedly threw them under the bus.
One such lawsuit has risen out of sexual assault allegations brought against “John Doe” by another female student at Amherst College. John Doe was expelled after Amherst’s kangaroo court decided with 50.01% certainty that he may have raped “AS.”
After the expulsion, John Doe’s attorney dug deeper into the case, and discovered a series of text messages that eviscerated AS’s testimony:
In fact, as Doe’s attorneys later would discover, AS had texted two people after the hookup—a friend, and a possible paramour. Even before hooking up with Doe, AS had texted the other male student, telling him, “I mean I happen to have my room to myself this weekend, if you wanted to come over and entertain me.” After she finished with Doe, AS resumed flirtatious texting with the male student, who came to her room and spent the night with her. He found her “friendly, flirtatious, and spirited,” and not “anxious, stressed, depressed, or otherwise in distress.”…
Just after Doe left her room, AS also had (as she told the disciplinary panel) texted a friend. But (contrary to what she told the disciplinary panel) she didn’t invite the friend over to her room. Instead, she informed the friend, “Ohmygod I jus did something so fuckig stupid.” Coarse language from her in subsequent texts implied an awareness that she had initiated sexual contact with the student she later accused of rape. AS was upset in these messages—but not from being raped.
Rather, she worried (not unreasonably) about the fallout of a sexual liaison with the boyfriend of her roommate, who “would literally never speak to me again” if she found out. AS continued texting her friend after the male student arrived; she described her attitude toward her guest: “Like, hot girl in a slutty dress. Make. Your. Move. YEAH.” At 5am, she sent another text to the friend indicating that some sort of sexual liaison had occurred with her male visitor.
In spite of this new information, Amherst College is refusing to reopen John Doe’s expulsion.
Yes, really.
Megan Kelly spoke with professor and author K.C. Johnson, who broke open the Duke Lacrosse rape hoax and was the first to report on Amherst’s joke of a hearing process:
During the interview, Kelly said what we’re all thinking:
“The injustice of the process that happened at Amherst…is where things get really awful.
“You’re done. Once you are accused, you’re done. You can’t have a lawyer in there representing you, and the rules say, don’t allow the accused to cross-examine the accuser because it could be intimidating and threatening for her. Well, she might be a liar! She might deserve a little intimidation if she’s lying.”
Johnson, in his initial breakdown of what Amherst is doing to students accused of sexual assault, explained the procedure in detail:
Once the complaint is filed, an investigator, who lacks subpoena power, interviews the accuser and the accused student; beyond that, the college promises only that the investigator will make a “good faith effort” to speak to relevant witnesses, and will “try” to obtain relevant physical or medical evidence. If the investigator’s “good faith” effort doesn’t track down relevant witnesses, the policy presumes that the accused student won’t be able to call those witnesses before the hearing.
“Attorneys cannot participate in the Hearing Board process” at Amherst (although, the college helpfully notes, the accused student can hire an attorney—at his own expense—and have the attorney present on campus the day of the hearing, perhaps for a very expensive form of virtual, moral support). The attorney-less accused student does receive an “advisor” from the campus community, but this advisor “is not an advocate for the student.”
Amherst does not permit theaccused student to directly cross-examine his accuser; he can only submit questions to the panel chair, who may ask or reject the questions as the chair chooses. Effective cross-examination under such circumstances is all but impossible—even more so since the accuser is allowed to write responses, rather than respond to questions orally. Any guilty finding is “permanently noted on the student’s record.”
This is what we have become.
Anyone who has followed the issue knows that these policies and procedures are a knee-jerk reaction to the hypersensitive activist culture surrounding issues of human sexuality. What was once a not-so-innocent college hookup is now a test case for just how far these false feminists will be allowed to go when it comes to making examples out of men.
This isn’t justice—it’s social justice…and that should make you very, very nervous.

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“This is what we have become.”
No. This is decidedly NOT what “we” have become. It IS what the feminist wing of the Collective in the madhouses of liberal colleges…with the active support and PRODDING of the Obamic DOJ…has wrought.
Amherst should be sued til they squeak. EVERY young man who has been crushed by this witch hunt should fight back, and they should have very good legal help in doing so.
You’ve come a long way baby! So sue, man, sue them!
I’m actually a little surprised that the male students are still hooking up with the female students. Perhaps universities should post warning labels on college dorm rooms, like warnings on cigarette packages:
“WARNING TO MALE STUDENTS: Engaging in sex, or being in physical contact with or close proximity to a female student, even if obviously consensual, may result in a false accusation, a shoddy investigation, an unfair hearing, and your expulsion from the university.”
In other words, let’s at least be honest with the boys about what’s happening.
You can’t expect 18 to 21 year old normal males not to have sex in college. The hormones just won’t allow it. The women won’t allow it. The solution to this problem is to sue these colleges until it really hurts. Once they start paying multimillion dollar settlements the trustees will wake up to having radical feminists destroying the college endowments.
If the Department of Justice has placed its imprimatur on this type of kangaroo court hearing, what judge or jury is going to gainsay them and grant the accused the rights that he seeks?
Pretty much all of them.
Haven’t you noticed how often the Obami have been bench-slapped?
“bench slapped” lol
Being seduced isn’t the same thing as being raped.
Being seduced isn’t the same thing as being raped.”
Absolutely correct, but irrelevant.
Seducing someone isn’t the same as being raped.
Enough rape stories! More feminism stories!
Here’s a feminism story:
Thanks to feminism, young girls today are straight up sluts. Still warm from her roommate’s boyfriend, this Amherst feminist (who obviously wants to screw over her roommate the same way she did the other girl’s boyfriend) invites another young man over for sloppy seconds.
Simply disgusting. The she has the nerve to cry rape on the young man she banged.
“Here’s a feminism story:
Thanks to feminism, young girls today are straight up sluts. Still warm from her roommate’s boyfriend, this Amherst feminist (who obviously wants to screw over her roommate the same way she did the other girl’s boyfriend) invites another young man over for sloppy seconds.
Simply disgusting. The she has the nerve to cry rape on the young man she banged.”
Do you know the definition of feminism? It is the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. Calling someone a feminist should be a compliment. Anyone who is not a feminist is sexist, and yes, I mean you.
Your point is absolutely asinine for several reasons. The first is that you imply that women acting like “sluts” today is somehow a product of feminism. It is institutionalized misogyny that has enabled you to think that women cannot have as many sexual partners as men. Next, your comment implies that her invitation to another man later that night somehow makes her desires with the first man absolutely consensual. Reality check, sir, not all women want to have sex with all men. If she consented at the beginning and said no mid-sex and he refused to stop, it is rape. This still stands regardless of her later sexual encounters. Finally, you’ve used the word “banged,”part of a list of terms that originate from sexual violence towards women (ie. banged, fucked, porked, etcetera).
Educate yourself on equal rights on women and all people and watch the way you speak.
cforrest26 – You are a MORON.
— EVERY — individual here both understands what “feminism” is. — EVERY — individual here also understands how “feminism” has been perverted, abused and tortured into a farce by the anti-penis crowd of shrill harpies that want to have their cake and eat it too.
The long and short of it is that these “women” are mostly daddy’s special little snowflakes who have never been told “no.”
Educate yourself on equal rights on women and all people and watch the way you speak.
With equal rights comes equal RESPONSIBILITIES. These “women” need to put on their big girl panties and accept that their CHOICES may have consequences. They don’t get to have a consensual encounter and the next day, 3 days, a week, 6 months later decide “maybe it wasn’t a good idea to bang my roomie’s boyfriend. Let’s call it rape so I can keep my relationship with my roomie intact.”
The first is that you imply that women acting like “sluts” today is somehow a product of feminism. It is institutionalized misogyny that has enabled you to think that women cannot have as many sexual partners as men.
NO. Women acting like “sluts” today is a product of the 1960s sexual revolution of which “feminism” was a necessary ingredient. However the sexual revolution perverted feminism by conflating sexual liberation with freedom. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME.
Further, you show your bias regarding the ~innocence~ of women in these claims by calling it misogyny that women can’t have as many sexual partners as men. Men can be sluts just as much as women. The fact that you frame your argument in such a way to make females the only inclusive definition of “slut” is both telling, and uninspired.
In other words cforrest26, stop being a MORON, take off those feminist-colored glasses where a woman can do no wrong, and start seeing the world for what it IS: that the anti-penis crowd are abusing a poorly designed, poorly run and inherently unfair system to attack individuals with no process, no safeguards and largely no evidence, to ruin some men’s lives for no reason other than expediency and to avoid consequences that the “feminist” herself incurred by actions she individually CHOSE to undertake.
This isn’t justice—it’s social justice…and that should make you very, very nervous.
Maybe Amherst should be the one that is nervous. I would hope our courts are still available to remedy these situations….monetarily. Nervously monetarily.
If he committed rape, he is guilty. If he denies committing rape, he is lying. Burn him at the stake! But not before legally and socially flogging him to within an inch of his dignity and life.
You need a /sarc tag.
Amherst College with “socialist justice” & no due process actually expelled the Victim of sex assault
DOJ is an enabler, but this is not their creation. It’s the inevitable result of giving power to crazy feminist idiots and putting up wastes of money in “Women’s studies” and other nonsense non-disciplines.
Cut off the taxpayer money to schools, faculties, and students, and let them do their best in a free market. And close the Civil Rights Division of DOJ permanently, it has long outlived any usefulness. Amend Title IX so it cannot be twisted in the many ways it has.
TRAGIC!! And this school boasts a “law” school!
I lived in and around Amherst for 50 years and never heard of Amherst College having a law school.
you’re horribly misinformed and must be thinking of UMass Amherst. No law school.
The emails give us an idea of why this female waited 21 months before reporting John Doe’s “rape”. There still remains the question of why she reported it – i.e., made up the lie – at all! What was the incentive? What did she hope to gain? Hopefully the suit will bring out some of the answers.
Victim status, as sick as that IS, is a powerful motivator for these sick little fly-traps.
Consider Munchausen syndrome.
I suppose Munchhausen-by-Proxy can’t be ruled out, but somehow all the recent false sexual assault accusations don’t seem to fit; ditto the victim-hood thing. The one thing that is sure is these SIJ (social injustice warriors) are getting something out of their actions, something that personally and powerfully motivates them. Something that makes them do this even though there is evidence readily available that clearly proves their stories are just that … made-up stories.
I suppose the REAL question is: Why are so many institutions staffed by soi disant intelligent people so anxious to toss the Rule of Law out the window and replace it with the Law of Innuendo and the concept of Guilty Even If Proven Innocent? I’m glad none of the professors whose law classes I audited back in the day didn’t live to see what has become of the ideals they held so dear.
Why are so many institutions staffed by soi disant intelligent people so anxious to toss the Rule of Law out the window
They were required to do so by the ‘dear colleague’ letter of April 2011 from Eric Holder’s corrupt DOJ. It provided for the star chamber tribunals of University staffers – all too frequently activist feminists – and threatened their colleges with loss of Title IX funds for failure to do so. Rules of due process were NOT a part of that letter, accusers were encouraged, accused were assumed guilty, verdicts were ‘revolutionary justice’ and expulsion was the preferred penalty.
She’s a woman. We women tend to be bitches sometimes. Likely, her room mate did something to piss her off so she decided to stick it to her, and threw in the boyfriend into the pot for good measure. Remember, at one point, she didn’t want the roomie to know. Something must’ve happened to make her change her mind and dunk on both roomie and boyfriend. From this woman’s long observation of other women, it was likely something petty.
Maybe she can do porn with Emma Sulkowicz
What about the male professors that bang their female students? I don’t see any of them getting fired or even suspended. But, that is ok. The female student does that to get a higher grade and a better class positioning. There is a double standard here, The male black athlete, the professors and other high college officials can do anything they want. Pity the white male student (especially if he conservative and Christian) who gets the shaft every time.
Actually most of the colleges and universities have policies against that kind of thing. Usually if it is found out, the Professor will either be quietly “retired” (depending on age) or will suddenly find himself or herself significantly marginalized in their department, with the only “out” being to find a new job.
Only the most powerful professors, who draw large volumes of students to the college or university itself are immune to that sort of marginalization, and fortunately there are few who fall into both categories (sleeping with students AND too important to fire).
The second wave of feminism made sexual liberation their primary talking point. It ruined feminism, allying it to the bohemian left. See
Sadly, the Amherst story and John Doe’s expulsion are a reflection of what goes on behind closed college hearing doors. Shame, shame on colleges that bow to DOE’s threats of losing federal funds at the cost of ruining an innocent man’s future. source:
Back in the 60’s, I was hearing feminists claiming that all hetro sex was rape. Sounds like they have taken over the campuses.