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The Clintons: on being above the law

The Clintons: on being above the law

Why wouldn’t they think so?

Rand Paul said it just a couple of weeks ago, but a lot of people have thought it for a long time:

I think the thing is about the Clintons is that there’s a certain sense that they think they’re above the law.

There are some good reasons the Clintons might have come to believe that.

Both Hillary Rodham Clinton and Bill Clinton have always been powerful people, even as young adults. As early as college and law school they were both widely considered to be brilliant and charismatic, albeit in somewhat different ways. Recall, for example, that Hillary was chosen to give a commencement speech in her graduating year at Wellesly, a very unusual honor. The main speaker was Senator Edward Brooke, but she stole his thunder:

Clinton, then just Hillary Diane Rodham, was chosen by her peers to be the first student speaker to deliver a commencement address at Wellesley College. Clinton electrified 400 of her peers at the women’s liberal arts college with a fiery speech that captured the young generation’s disillusionment over President Richard Nixon’s war in Vietnam.

…Brooke spoke first and suggested the anti-war protests sweeping across college campuses were a poor way of exercising students’ constitutional right to assemble, saying “coercive protests” would discourage support from people empathetic to their cause. Clinton, who had led demonstrations against the Vietnam War on campus, wasn’t afraid to take a moment to go off script and respond to Brooke’s speech.

Life magazine did an article that featured her; the whole thing was somewhat like the fuss made when Obama was chosen as the first black president of the Harvard Law Review. Husband Bill was a star in school too. He was twice president of his class at Georgetown, for example. Then later, Rhodes Scholar. Suffice to say the accolades came early and they were numerous.

Can you imagine the power these two people felt when they united forces in marriage? Remember, also, that when Bill became the governor of Arkansas he was only 32, at the time the youngest governor in the country.

Of course, being a person with a record of early achievements doesn’t mean you will consider yourself above the rules that govern the little people. Nor did this necessarily happen initially for the Clintons (although Bill had long been that way as a sexual adventurer, and the more he got away with it the more immune from consequences he probably felt). But as time went on, the combination of brains, people fawning over them, and the gaining of more and more power must have fed the feeling that they were immune to the usual rules for public servants.

The most important thing of all was that they got away with it. The more a person gets away with, the more impervious he/she feels. The pinnacle was what ought to have been the nadir: the Lewinsky scandal. Bill Clinton was finally caught and exposed, and what happened? Essentially nothing of consequence, although it was embarrassing, and he may have felt vulnerable for a while.

My hunch is that the Clintons’ primary motivation has never been money, and initially money really didn’t enter into it very much at all. It was only slowly that money became a big part of their lives, and then that element grew in importance as the Clintons became accustomed to their lavish lifestyle.

I submit, therefore, that it is somewhat rational for the Clintons to believe they are above the law. Events so far have proven them correct, haven’t they?

[Neo-neocon is a writer with degrees in law and family therapy, who blogs at neo-neocon.]


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“I submit, therefore, that it is somewhat rational for the Clintons to believe they are above the law. Events so far have proven them correct, haven’t they?”

Sure. It was TOTALLY rational for Al Capone to believe he was above the law. He owned the law in Chicago, and made no bones when bragging about it.

Now, as you’d expect from “Slick Willie” and Ol’ Walleyes, they are much less open and vulgar about the people they own and the influence they wield than was Capone.

But everyone knows who these people are, just like we all really know who Barracula is.

And I blame the Media. They’ve attempted (and partially succeeded) to create a “Royal” Family in the United States.

They succeeded with Kennedy but he was murdered and the whole thing collapsed. Which is one reason why the Media hated Nixon, hates the right and will say anything to elevate their “Chosen One” to the almost godhead. Because they’re jealous of the Brits or something.

No one can deny that the complicity of the Media then and their “previous to recently” false and baseless praise and at excuses haven’t contributed to their sense of a “Cocoon” protecting them from the effects and responses to their actions.

Only until Obama and his crew decided they would renege on their deal to at least keep silent about Hillary has the bubble been penetrated and there’s still the chance they may skate on the most damning of evidence. Her chances of being elected President are quickly diminishing. I think they knew this could happen which is why she played so coy for so long and tried to rush the gate and fumbled.

There were rumors of what Obama (read Valerie Jarrett) would do or might do or could do so they played a waiting game to see if anything happened. When it didn’t they started to think they’d got away with it all and that ValJar was going to let them slide or maybe they got head faked into making the jump. Either way all this coming out has at the least got the tacit approval by Obama to happen if not been orchestrated and perhaps planned since 2008.

Now we have to see what part 2 of this saga will be and whether anyone on the right has the brains, courage and the will to know what to do to overcome the Democrats and the Media’s continued attempt at some kind of American Dynasty.

    randian in reply to jakee308. | April 27, 2015 at 8:56 pm

    Women and those who deem feminine sensibilities to be paramount (feminists) are those most fascinated by royals and royalty. They also, not coincidentally, form the largest base of liberal voters and the population from which journalists self select.

Midwest Rhino | April 27, 2015 at 11:20 am

Certainly Billary must feel they will get away with these brazen acts … though these recent revelations make me wonder if they aren’t somewhere deep inside trying to get caught, by being so audacious.

The Clinton book I’d like to read is written after they spend a few years in a comfortable prison, written by their psychiatrist. What pathologies were at work, that would make the largest figures in the Democrat party into such lecherous, contemptuous, and traitorous villains? Or vice versa, what collectivist pathology makes such greedy, dishonest, arrogant figures into the heads of the Democrat party? A match made in some globalist hell I suppose.

“Above” the law is right in one sense, but in another they try to thread the needle through the holes in the fabric of the justice system. They seem to feel if they do the right paperwork, and delete or kill the evidence, then they threaded their way “through” the law. If they are not found guilty in court, then they are simply NOT guilty. That’s how the legal game is played … he who has the most lawyers wins, especially if he finds sympathetic leftist judges that owe favors.

Obviously the Clintons work at coverup, so they don’t think they are above the law, only that they own enough people in their “racketeering cabal” (as I see it), that any prosecution can be short circuited, obstructed, delayed, dismissed. They don’t care if they are presumed guilty outside of court, as long as they can make the LIV hate the Republican more, using the Alinksy playbook on subversion.

    J Motes in reply to Midwest Rhino. | April 28, 2015 at 5:42 pm

    An excellent comment, Midwest (may I call you Midwest?). I just have one eensy-teensy quibble about the phrase “after they spend a few years in a comfortable prison”. Does it have to be a comfortable prison? I kinda like to picture Him busting up great big rocks with a sledgehammer, day after day after day, and Her sweating over steamy washtubs in a prison laundry that is hotter than H-E-DoubleToothpicks.

a fiery speech that captured the young generation’s disillusionment over President Richard Nixon’s war in Vietnam.

Huh? Kennedy’s and Johnson’s wars in VN were OK, but not Nixon’s? Dumb college kids think Vietnam was “Nixon’s war”, but adults should know better.

Given the incredible performances of both McConnell and Boehner since November, it would appear that some Master Plan is working like a charm.

And Loretta Lynch will assure nothing goes wrong.

They’re not above the law. They’re simply in league with other criminals, who in this case control whether they get officially investigated and prosecuted.

And John Boehner is the GOP’s Squeaker of the House. Elections of squeakers have consequences.

I think I can identify the core problem. It’s right here:

“Clinton electrified 400 of her peers at the women’s liberal arts college with a fiery speech that captured the young generation’s disillusionment over President Richard Nixon’s war in Vietnam.”

Was it really “Richard Nixon’s war”? What does that phrase say about the writer of the article, aside from merely being tolerant of inaccuracy?

The US got involved in Vietnam on Kennedy’s watch, and became more deeply involved throughout the Johnson presidency. Nixon inherited that war from the Democrats.

The reason the Clintons act like they are above the law is because they know that Democrats will tell any kind of lie in support of a Democrat.

It isn’t just the Clintons.