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Bill de Blasio Still Won’t Endorse Hillary

Bill de Blasio Still Won’t Endorse Hillary

“This is a different country we’re living in right now.”

Uh oh, it looks like a certain someone didn’t get the message the first time.

Bill de Blasio’s effectiveness as the mayor of New York City is open for debate, but his dedication to progressive politics is beyond dispute. The American left adores him, so his reticence to endorse Mrs. Clinton comes as no surprise.

Like many people in the Warren Wing of the Democratic Party, he’s not quite ready for Hillary.

Daniel Halper of the Weekly Standard:

De Blasio Shuns Hillary: ‘This Is a Different Country We’re Living in Right Now’

New York City mayor Bill de Blasio once again refused to endorse his former boss, Hillary Clinton, in remarks today. “This is a different country we’re living in right now, and I think we need to hear a vision that relates to this tim,” de Blasio said.

The mayor also suggested that Clinton indeed is a candidate of yesterday. She’s “a candidate who has not been in the public eye in this sense for almost eight years, and we’re still beginning to hear what she stands for,” he said. “It’s normal to want to hear more.”

Here’s the video:

Bill de Blasio’s non-endorsement of Hillary is what Joe Biden might call a big f-ing deal.

Michael Howard Saul of the Wall Street Journal:

Political Circles Buzz Over Bill de Blasio’s Non-Endorsement of Hillary Clinton

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s decision to not immediately endorse Hillary Clinton’s presidential candidacy sparked plenty of debate in political circles Monday, with some calling the move a slap in the face to his former boss and others describing it as a reflection of his commitment to liberal issues.

“While he’s usually a very smart politician plotting his route to a goal, here there was a collision of goals: To be a national, if not international, voice against economic inequality, yet show his fidelity to a home-state friend and mentor,” said Mark Green, who served as public advocate between 1994 and 2001 and lost a 2009 bid to regain that post to Mr. de Blasio. “He chose self-aggrandizement [over] Clinton loyalty.”

Clinton loyalty is pretty important to Clinton loyalists.

Bill de Blasio may find that out during his next campaign.

Featured image via YouTube.


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legacyrepublican | April 15, 2015 at 7:55 am

Well, Bill de Blasio did stop short of saying “You didn’t build this party Hillary!”

But he came very, very close to conveying that idea.

Henry Hawkins | April 15, 2015 at 9:51 am

Big weasel eats little weasel. Film at 11.

Maybe he’s considering a run at the White House himself?

Sammy Finkelman | April 15, 2015 at 12:11 pm

One thing Hillary’s people claim, according to a newspaper story, is that Bill de Blasio does whatever the Working Families Party (closely tied to municipal employees unions) wants, and right now the WFP is hoping for Elizabeth Warren.

Or maybe, since everyone knows Elizabeth Warren is not running, wants something specific in exchange for making an endorsement of Hillary Clinton, like Hillary coming out in favor of a $15 minimum wage, and against teacher evaluations, especially by students test scores.. And maybe really other things.

Even Warren is not Left enough for Warren Wilhelm.

In not endorsing Clinton, the oaf finally does something intelligent.

Now, back to stupid.