Branco Cartoon – Wheeler Peace Dealer
Excuse me, is that a nuke in your pocket or….
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As usual, nice work!
American and Israeli flags are both on Netanyahu’s side–nice touch!
Imagine: it took the leader of the tiniest nation in the world to expose (to most sane people) what a pathetic, malignant flea the elected leader of the greatest nation in the world, in fact, is.
Excellent, Branco. One suggestion, however: Bibi hasn’t turned his back. Only Eddie Haskell Obama has done that.
I had a thought tonight- maybe Obama and Bibi are in on this together to punk Iran. You know- make believe to the world they are fighting when what’s really going down is some serious joint special ops voodoo that will cripple the entire plan.
Cuz if that were true, I’d actually respect it.
I know, I know. We’d have to have another person and party in the white house for that to be true, but I’m in the desert and need a glass of water.