A recent Marquette University Law School poll shows that Democrats could be in for a real struggle come November.
Among likely voters, Scott Walker has 5 points on Mary Burke in the Wisconsin Governor’s race, with only 2.5% of those polled saying they’d vote for “someone else.” Just over half of likely voters hold an unfavorable opinion of the way Barack Obama is doing his job; in contrast, 52% approve of Scott Walker’s performance as governor.
This recent poll is casting doubt the affect of Democrats’ recent efforts to paint Walker in a bad light:
Wolf Blitzer confronted DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz today over her recent comment that Governor Scott Walker is giving women “the back of his hand” with policies she believes are incredibly anti-woman.
At a discussion on women’s issues weeks ago, Wasserman-Schultz had said, “Scott Walker has given women the back of his hand. I know that is stark. I know that is direct. But that is reality… What Republican tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch.”
Wasserman-Schultz had walked those comments back a bit, but Blitzer confronted her about it again today. She said, “I’ve already said that I chose the wrong words, but that shouldn’t distract from the fact that Scott Walker’s policies are terrible for women.”
Hot Air laid out a pretty exhaustive breakdown of the poll, which puts Walker outside of the margin of error and favorably on top as we move into the last month before election day:
By a double-digit margin, Wisconsinites say the state’s budget is in better shape than it was before Walker’s successful reforms (a sizable minority says ‘no difference’), and a healthy majority say the Badger State is on the right track (54/43). Walker’s job approval and personal favorability ratings are running even; Burke’s favorables are tied as well, but 26 percent of respondents said they didn’t know enough to weigh in. But those are the overall numbers; among likely voters, the governor fares noticeably better (+4.5 job approval, +6 favorability, with Burke -4 on favorability). Walker continues to win high marks for effective leadership but still faces a deficit on the metric of “caring about people like you.”
If Walker wants to make up points with voters in the “caring” category, he should serve up examples of how his policies have specifically helped women, minorities, and job seekers. He’s well on his way to burying the dwindling Democrat opposition in Wisconsin; if he can prove his worth to key demographics, Burke won’t stand a chance come November.
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Five points? the Dems will have no problem stealing that many votes.
But the new Voter ID law will be in place for this election. It will be interesting to see if it works.
I hope he makes it. He’s a good man and he drives the left absolutely bonkers.
Apparently Wasserman-Schultz doesn’t care about what’s good for Wisconsin, or what’s good for America.
The only thing that counts is what’s good for women.
No. The Collective. She hates Conservative wimmins most of all, because they are off the Plantation.
Rags, shame on you.
Leftists have wimmins; fruiters have wymmyns; conservatives have women and ladies.
No, as with all politicians, the only thing that counts is what’s good for them.
‘Walker […] faces a deficit on the metric of “
caring aboutinterfering in the lives of people like you.”’It’s all about how the question is phrased, isn’t it?
Next term, Walker should suggest to the Legislature that it pass a bill to abolish public sector unions and reinstating civil service.
The left will melt like a salted slug and the conservatives will have heart palpitations from joy.