Election 2014: America “completely out of control” and “women feel unsafe”
Fear of the Obama administration’s incompetence is the defining issue of our time.

I’m combining two video reports.
First, Politico’s report that 64% feel things are spinning out of control:
More results on specific topics here.
This is how Morning Joe reacted (h/t Right Scoop):
Also, we reported yesterday on Obama creating a woman problem for Senate Democrats. This may be why.
Tina Brown notes that Obama makes women feel unsafe (h/t White House Dossier):
Hope and change is gone. Fear is driving this election.

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I saw someone compare the current situation to 9/11. It seems that then NYC had Guiliani, a man who many disliked but everyone believed. At this point, President Obama isn’t believed, even by people who like him.
Some 72% of those polled think we will have troops back in Iraq, even though POTUS says otherwise. More than 80% think it would be a good idea to have travel bans from the Ebola hot zone, even though POTUS and his “experts” say it isn’t.
That’s “President Barrack Ebola Obama!”
Has anyone called the administration out yet on all the “cutesy” news articles they are planting in the press – to try and make us mere mortals think that Obama is just a ordinary “Joe the Plumber” kind of guy? (He’s really a neer-do-well, elistist who grew up affluent in Honolulu – going to their pricey prep schools.)
Credit card declined? Like that isn’t a zombie plant –
in my opinion!
Think it through.
Why would the Ebola President whip out his personal
credit card to pay for anything – when the taxpayer is giving him a free ride?
Stop asking impertinent questions; you’re screwing up the soft glow.
A lot of young, single women have been voting Deemocrat on the basis of the promises of protection given them by the Collective. That is a visceral appeal.
But there is a visceral fear of ISIS, monsters who behead.
There is a visceral fear of Ebola, and the terrible death it brings.
And now there are WAY too many demonstrations that BIG GOVERNMENT is a lover who is short on delivery, tells you stories you can’t believe, and costs WAY too much to have in your life.
not to mention a really stubborn, drippy case of the clap
Just don’t look at the boils on his back and the fantasy stays intact.
“Costs too much” is a relative thing. They’re still going to vote Democrat because women are net beneficiaries of government largesse and useless but well paid jobs. The net cost is borne by men, not women.
Ladies, I told you “Fantasy Boyfriend” was a dud. And a weasel one at that.
I think it’s a bit dismissive to say women ‘feel’ these things. I would say, rather, that they have noticed these things. It’s not just crazy hysterical women noting that the middle east is a mess, the CDC seems to be incompetent at their one job, and despite all the ‘hey the economy is great, look at the massaged unemployement numbers!’ talk from the media, the situation on the ground is not so great.