Why is the Brendan Tevlin murder so underreported?
Failing to cover Jihad in America

On June 25, 2014, 19 year-old Brendan Tevlin hopped into his car to return home after spending the evening at a friend’s house. Minutes later, Ali Muhammad Brown approached the vehicle as it was stopped at a red light and fired ten rounds into the car, killing Brendan.
Originally, the teen’s murder was labeled an attempted robbery, allowing the media to remain silent.
Now, court documents have revealed that Brown’s motivation for killing Tevlin had less to do with thievery, and more to do with America’s pushback against Jihadist terrorism in the Middle East.
Via the New York Daily News:
According to court documents, Ali Muhammad Brown described his June murder of 19-year-old Brendan Tevlin as a “just kill” and said it was an act of “vengeance” meant to compensate for U.S. military killings in the Middle East.
Brown is a devout Muslim, and has been extremely vocal about his opposition to U.S. intervention in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan.
“All these lives are taken every single day by America, by this government. So a life for a life,” he told investigators, according to the documents.
Brown further justified killing Tevlin by claiming the shooting was a “just kill,” meaning he targeted an adult man and did not put any women, children or elderly people in danger.
In police interviews, Brown described the U.S.’s military campaign in the Middle East as evil and said if a “man sees evil, then he must take action against that evil,” the court papers show.
Now, pundits and media outlets are speaking out, crying foul over the media coverup and questioning whether or not this act of violence serves as the moment the current wave of Jihadist violence came to America.
From Fox News:
Todd Pettengill, host of WPLJ’s “The Todd Show”, discussed the death of Brendan Tevlin for more than eight minutes this morning, asking why the case has not received more attention despite the alleged murderer’s admissions that he killed Tevlin as an act of vengeance for U.S. military actions in the Middle East.
“It was in fact an act of jihad, perpetrated by a fellow American who sympathized more with those who want to annihilate us than with his own country and its people,” he said.
Pettengil criticized President Barack Obama and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder for not referencing the case in recent addresses and downplaying the level of threat radical Islamists currently living in America could pose.
Whether or not Brendan’s murder was part of a systematic plot to introduce jihad to our shores or a self-directed act, is beside the point.
What’s important here is that an innocent American is dead because of Jihadist violence, and the media is keeping it relatively quiet.
Please share this story about my sweet cousin who was shot and killed because he was American http://t.co/8kibrl0yqT @nj1015
— MP Mannion (@MPMannion) September 12, 2014
Glad people are waking up to #brendantevlin story. Here's my column on the case from 3 weeks ago #payattention ==> http://t.co/wEug6aMMZE
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) September 13, 2014

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How many narratives does this story threaten…???
It’s radioactive.
The media is working hard to propagate the meme: it is wrong to defend yourself if you are attacked by a black person.
It’s gonna be a tough sell …
Brown further justified killing Tevlin by claiming the shooting was a “just kill,” meaning he targeted an adult man and did not put any women, children or elderly people in danger.
This victim was just a teenager. Brown murdered him as an act of “vengeance” for actions by his government, most of which occurred when Brendan Tevlin was still a kid. Tevlin wouldn’t even have been old enough to vote for the politicians who authorized the acts that Brown objects to.
On what planet is it a “just kill” to murder a victim for acts in which the victim had absolutely no say, acts done by other persons, over whom the victim had absolutely no control?
Ali Muhammad Brown is nothing but a coward. If he truly believes Obama and Hagel and the U.S. military are evil, then why doesn’t he stand up and challenge them? Why choose a sneak attack on an unarmed, unsuspecting, and completely innocent teenager?
There was nothing “just” about this murder, and the only real evil on display in this case is the evil in the cowardly soul of this pathetic killer.
Brown is a bi-coastal serial killer, robber, bank scammer, etc.. There’s much more to the story, and he doesn’t always act alone. There’s a lot about him on the ‘net. He is an ex-con and sex offender registrant.
Here is just one story, but many others exist. Just Google Ali Muhammad Brown.
“On what planet is it a “just kill” to murder a victim for acts in which the victim had absolutely no say, acts done by other persons, over whom the victim had absolutely no control?”
On any planet run by Mo-ham-head’s Allah, of course. He says that all of this is normal, moral, and justified as long as those to whom it is done are infidels or apostates.
How could you possibly have any doubts? Don’t we have Mo-Ham-Head’s personal word that it is all true? Would he lie?
The whole jihadi thang this brotha is touting may just be his cover story for being nothing more than a garden-variety serial murderer, homophobe, robber, scammer and sex offender. Maybe he figures he can catch a break from the libtards running the courts if he plays it all off as a religious thing. Supposedly he went to jihadi school in California, but there’s no actual evidence of this happening nor even any indications that it’s actually true.
His victim count is at least three, probably five, and maybe higher. His travels and activities of his associates are still under investigation.
“The whole jihadi thang this brotha is touting may just be his cover story for being nothing more than a garden-variety serial murderer, homophobe, robber, scammer and sex offender.”
Isn’t also interesting how many folks like this are drawn to “the religion of peace”?
Not interesting so much as expected. Islam gives license to the most vile behavior. Theft, rape, pedophilia, and murder are all sanctioned, laudable even. If you are inclined to these acts, what’s better than to know that Allah says its ok and that Allah’s model of best behavior, Muhammad, did them too?
It is likely that the only way to stop this crap is to treat them as bad (or worse) than they are treating us. An absolute minimum is tossing them in Gitmo as soon as they are known to be connected to terrorism. Give them their habeas corpus hearing and be done with it.
If any one of them wins a habeas hearing, deport them instantly with a warning that if he/she does ANYTHING more, a kill-on-sight order will be issued. If any of them loses a habeas hearing, offer them a choice – unlimited confinement or a lethal dose of cyanide. Alternately, we could offer them a transfer to Russian custody or a dose of cyanide.
Babying a baby insures an adult baby. Same is true with these sickos. Playing nice means they will never change.
The shooting at Fort Hood was a workplace accident. This was a road rage incident.
Move along, folks, nothing to see.
Yet all terrorist training by the feds on homegrown terrorists is about the Tea Party.
This gets real for me… he bought one of the guns in a neighborhood I drive through all the time.
The same reason why some crimes are elevated to exquisite resonance, while others are quietly managed and dismissed: leverage. How do these elite bastards manage a well-armed population of over 300 million people? Other than “planning”, that is.
What’s the opposite of mass hysteria — mass complacency? I’ll settle for something in between.
Wait, I remember in school they taught us a phrase for this, I think it was Domestic Terrorism, yep that was it, or was it work place violence, I’m not sure anymore.
Road rage incident.
The great thing about Islam is that it’s decentralized. Sudden Jihad Syndrome doesn’t have to spring from a systematic plot, it only requires that individual believers think themselves entitled to act as Muhammad, the Perfect Man, did.
Geert Wilders, Dutch MP, has this nailed.
“Marked for Death: Islam’s War Against the West and Me.”
This is what islamists do: kill non-believers. There is no such thing as “moderate” islam.