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Branco Cartoon – Fakers

Branco Cartoon – Fakers

Pro Gun Impostor

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source.  To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click hereBranco’s page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco


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OMG – Joe Manchin!!!

Too many Democrats, really. But Manchin is a die-hard liberal Senator in WV but ALWAYS plays the NRA gun-tottin’ red-neck, just like y’all schtick every election!

His Senate ad to get elected in 2010 – takes the cake!!

Mitch McConnell, Tea Party leader in the Senate.

That’s pretty funny, considering the NRA endorsed Harry Reid.

    platypus in reply to snopercod. | September 19, 2014 at 6:44 pm

    Seriously? I think you’re pulling my leg. If you’re not, then all I can say is it isn’t the first time I’ve been surprised by my own team doing dumb s**t.

      Yes, the NRA did indeed endorse Reid. The NRA cares about one issue and only one issue, they aren’t asses or elephants, liberal or conservative or anything other than defenders of the 2nd and firearm safety teachers. If satan had an A rating and the socon had an B, satan would win the endorsement. Now, the membership of the NRA is more conservative than the average voter, but the organization cares about only one thing.

        platypus in reply to wicked. | September 20, 2014 at 1:55 pm

        Yeah, I missed that part of reasoning it out. Yet there is another option – no endorsement at all. How hard would that be? I’m guessing it would be about as hard as passing a kidney stone (for the NRA).