Detroit Front Porch Shooting case: Day 1 Mid-Day Wrap-Up
Today began the 2nd degree murder trial of Theodore Wafer for the shooting death of Renisha McBride on his Detroit front porch.

By order of trial judge Dana Hathaway there is no live streaming of the second degree murder trial of Theodore Wafer, the Detroit man who shot and killed Renisha McBride, a young black woman who was on his front porch in the early morning hours of November 15, 2013.
The defense claims that Wafer reasonably used deadly force in the belief that someone was attempting to violently enter his home. The state argues that Wafer unreasonably created the circumstances in which an innocent person was killed.
OK, folks, that’s it for now. We’ll have more coverage at day’s end.
–-Andrew, @LawSelfDefense
[NOTE: Images of trial postings from the live blog of the Detroit Free Press have been removed at their request.]
Andrew F. Branca is an MA lawyer and the author of the seminal book “The Law of Self Defense, 2nd Edition,” available at the Law of Self Defense blog (autographed copies available) and (paperback and Kindle). He holds many state-specific Law of Self Defense Seminars around the country, and produces free online self-defense law educational video- and podcasts at the Law of Self Defense University.

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Watching the Zimmerman trial allowed to to see what a biased moron judge Debra Nelson was (is).
Guess this judge is not taking the risk.
Wasn’t the screen door out of it’s frame? Doesn’t much matter whether the door is still locked if it’s out of it’s frame.
What photographs?
I see some similarities with the Zimmerman trial.
The young woman was driving while highly intoxicated. She caused an accident and left the scene.
After that she wondered around, still intoxicated, for about three hours. Finally, she came to somebody’s house violently enough to cause fear of a home invasion.
Things end up badly for her, and now the homeowner is accused of being a racist, all because he is white.
How can somebody not see who “unreasonably created the circumstances” that lead to this death?
I call bullshit again.
What is your view on Ronald Westbrook/jJoe Hendrix matter?
I don’t know the details.
Just googled it, but as of right now I don’t know enough to form an opinion.
Don’t worry about it he is just looking for a reason to suggest that you are a racist.
Losing a drinking game. Hmmm. That can’t be good for the prosecution.
peripheral observations:
Dana Hathaway is the daughter of (former) Michigan Supreme Court Justice Diane Hathaway, who is currently in federal prison for real estate fraud.
Dana was need deep in it:
I’m certain some of you are wondering if Momma used you sizable influence to get her very, very qualifed daughter on the court.
Renisha McBride was a 19 yr. old “Detroiter” that spent her free time drinking and doing drugs, according to published reports and interviews with her semi-literate friends that aired in the local media market.
As tens of thousands of experienced and loyal autoworkers sit home unemployed, McBride held a very well placed, high paying job at Ford Motor Co.
Many are still wondering what qualifications she had to land such a sought after job.
What was her job title?
What was wrong with Renisha McBride having a job?
Unless if you consider the 10,000 men in the immediate area that have families to feed and house that are way more qualified sitting home, when it appears all a paycheck was to her was party money.
Other than that…
Depends on the job.
What is in the cell phone photos the crooked judge won’t allow the jury to see?
Pictures of the victim flashing gang signs and holding a gun.
I predict a hung jury for this one.
I can see that happening.
“Prosecutor said it’s not their position that Wafer intended to kill McBride”
Huh? They charged him with 2nd degree murder. If they believe that he didn’t intend to kill her isn’t that manslaughter?
On You-Tube, the trial is now available for the first day. The link is
Thanks for that, looking at it now. 🙂
–Andrew, @LawSelfDefense