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Obviously, with 288,000 jobs created Congressional inaction is working. Record low legislative activity equals robust job growth. For all the consternation about Obama’s actions or lack of action he’s pretty much irrelevant as are most presidents. When Congress and the Executive pretty much are constrained by writing checks (transfer payments) to the voters we know we’ve reached peak government. From 1945 to today we find each Congress has passed fewer and fewer bills (with a few spikes here and there) which seems to be an emerging firm rule of diminishing returns from new legislation. IOW the value of new legislation in getting re-elected is approaching zero. This explains why the Executive went after voters because voter suppression is the only way either party holds onto power.
He started using the term above “Where Congress…” in 2011. Here’s the link to the PR
Obviously, with 288,000 jobs created Congressional inaction is working. Record low legislative activity equals robust job growth. For all the consternation about Obama’s actions or lack of action he’s pretty much irrelevant as are most presidents. When Congress and the Executive pretty much are constrained by writing checks (transfer payments) to the voters we know we’ve reached peak government. From 1945 to today we find each Congress has passed fewer and fewer bills (with a few spikes here and there) which seems to be an emerging firm rule of diminishing returns from new legislation. IOW the value of new legislation in getting re-elected is approaching zero. This explains why the Executive went after voters because voter suppression is the only way either party holds onto power.