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April Fools’ Day recap

April Fools’ Day recap

Did you catch all the good April Fools’ Day posts on Tuesday? Here’s just a small sampling of some of what was floating around out there in case you missed them.

Domino’s UK was “ridiculously excited to announce the launch of the #DominosEdibox, a world first in snackaging innovation.” Because everybody loves the pizza crust. Check out the Edibox.

And then they revealed…


Samuel Adams beer introduced HeliYUM – helium beer! Available April 1st only, wink wink.

Texting-​​and-​​walking: there’s a lane for that: Northeastern University‘s campus paper announced plans to install “text-​​and-​​walk” lanes “to help ease pedestrian traffic and reduce awkward exchanges.” For that extra kicker, they added:

Stu­dent vol­un­teers will be sta­tioned at the end of each lane to safely guide text-​​and-​​walkers to the next closest lane. Stop signs will also be installed.

To handle sit­u­a­tions in which text-​​and-​​walkers are wearing head­phones or show no signs of stop­ping, vol­un­teers will also be dis­patched with air horns and buckets of con­fetti to use at their discretion.

In keeping with the interwebs’ love of cat memes, LinkedIn announced its LinkedIn CYMK (Cats You May Know) – “Connecting Felines One Paw at a Time.” Even allows you to see how you’re “Cat-Nected.” (Not really, of course).

I too loved Netflix’s April Fools’ Day prank last year, when the online streaming service reorganized its content into some pretty hilarious categories.  This year, Hulu, another streaming service, took things in a slightly different direction with trailers for fake spinoff series to popular shows.  One of the spoofs included a cooking show titled “In the Kitchen with Hannibal,” with a description that reads, “Dr. Hannibal Lecter shares his most treasured recipes on this new kind of cooking show, coming only to Hulu this Fall.”

The GOP even had its own little stunt. Changing their color from red to blue: “Now Democrats will be the party of red, which is much more in line with their record and values. After all, they are the party of red tape, red lines, and red ink…”

Today RNC Chairman Reince Priebus announced new changes to the Republican brand as part of the party’s ongoing effort to give candidates in the field the resources needed to win in November. Republicans will now identify with the color blue. Democrats, as a result, can use the color red. In keeping with the new color scheme, the RNC also released a new logo for the party.

Time has a rather extensive list of all the day’s pranks.


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sjf_control | April 2, 2014 at 8:08 am

You left out the biggest April Fools joke of all — 7.1 million signups! Can’t beat that joke!

Uncle Samuel | April 2, 2014 at 8:49 am

Right sjf, the real April fools are the Obamacare sign-ups and Obama voters.

    Uncle Samuel in reply to Uncle Samuel. | April 2, 2014 at 8:50 am

    …oh, and the Republican establishment and anyone who votes Republican establishment candidate (ie, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Mitt Romney, Chris Christie et al).

DINORightMarie | April 2, 2014 at 10:37 am

You left out the Netflix film “Rotisserie Chicken” – which, in the vein of Benjamin Button, started out cooked and went back to its “original state”!

“One of the spoofs included a cooking show titled “In the Kitchen with Hannibal,” with a description that reads, “Dr. Hannibal Lecter shares his most treasured recipes on this new kind of cooking show, coming only to Hulu this Fall.””

Color me crazy, but I actually think this is a weird, but wonderful idea. I’d watch it! Could be great comedy.

Henry Hawkins | April 2, 2014 at 3:29 pm

For April Fool’s day I scared the mail lady by going to the door naked. I’m not sure what scared her more, my naked body or the fact that I knew where she lived.

My favorite was the announcement that Bloomberg’s MAIG group was de-funding Moms Demand Action because he wasn’t getting what he thought he was paying for.