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Branco Cartoon – You’re Welcome

Branco Cartoon – You’re Welcome

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source.  To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click hereBranco’s page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco


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Pyramid scam sounds more like it.

I have to ask .. can the 2001-2007 GM be subject to criminal prosecution ?

According to the terms of TARP, the result of the reorganization is not subject to review by the courts. The liabilities of 2001-2007 GM have be quantified by the TARP settlement (however lousy it is).

DOJ has no say at this point regarding a new civil settlement. That can only be done by Barack Obama.

But does that also apply to criminal activity that might generate a “fine” or legal fees ?

Given the President’s position, does DOJ have a conflict-of-interest ?

Did the government know they might sue GM when they sold securities of the new GM to on the stock market ? This might be fraud .. like what DOJ is prosecuting now with Wall Street firms who sold tainted securities to clients, but this would be fraud by the government.

Love these cartoons. They are always spot on.