Shadow theme song for Hillary 2016 shadow campaign: “I want you to want me”
Same theme song she’s played her whole political life.
Much like insurance, Hillary Clinton isn’t bought, she’s sold.
And it’s always been a hard sale.
She has name recognition, and is the default candidate for a significant percentage of the electorate, but there’s always been something missing. It’s why Obama could appear out of nowhere to take her down, and it’s why Elizabeth Warren could do the same thing if only she would run.
That’s why there is the Ready for Hillary shadow campaign apparatus — we must want Hillary.
The selling of Hillary by the Ready for Hillary PAC is playing out in the earliest stages of the Iowa caucuses, as Ruby Cramer at Buzzfeed reports, Clinton Supporters Want Iowa To Want Her:
After the meetings, the exhausted team declared the day a success. Attendees had been excited; had pinned “Iowans Ready for Hillary” buttons to their lapels; had smiled wide watching video clips from Clinton speeches; had even, at one point, broke into spontaneous applause and cheering at her mention.
“If we build it, she will come,” said one of the meeting’s organizers, Bonnie Campbell, a former Iowa attorney general and Clinton administration appointee….
Another frustration emerged during meetings. In spending time and resources on a candidate who isn’t even in the race yet, some said, Ready for Hillary stages a “total inversion” of the traditional primary, as state Rep. Jo Oldson put it.
Iowa, Oldson said, likes its candidates to beg voters — not the other way around. “This is just a different twist on how Iowans view getting into presidential campaigns,” she said. “It’s Iowa asking her to run, rather than the candidate asking Iowa to elect her.”
All this We Want You To Want Hillary stuff could backfire, as Michael Warren at The Weekly Standard points out, Hillary Supporters in Iowa: She Can’t Be Seen As ‘Ordained’:
A gathering of pro-Hillary Clinton activists in Iowa this weekend revealed how supporters of the former first lady are hoping to learn from the mistakes of Clinton’s failed attempt to win the Iowa caucuses in 2008. America Rising, a conservative opposition research firm, had its cameras rolling at the meeting, organized by Ready for Hillary, a super PAC that supports Clinton.
In one video, a supporter notes that Hillary must not be seen as the “ordained” candidate. “The environment has changed a lot in eight years. There’s even more negativity about everything coming out of Washington,” says the supporter. “All this stuff about her being, kind of, destined to be this, and it coming from top down, and it being ordained, we’ve really got to work hard to overcome that. It’s really got to be grassroots up.”
This shadow campaign should have a shadow campaign theme song.
Bill Clinton’s theme song was Don’t Stop Thinking About Tomorrow.
Hillary 2016’s song should be I Want You To Want Me:
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to the full extent allowed by law.
I can think of a better slogan for a Hillary campaign:
For the uninitiated, that is an acronym for, Bend Over, Here It Comes Again!
Cheap Trick also did a song called “The House Is Rocking (With Domestic Problems).”
The other news out today is that she hasn’t driven a car since 1996. She’s got a lock on the votes of the chauffer driven populists.
I have to say, I think her campaign will be entertaining. Wellesley grad, Yale Law grad, first lady of Arkansas, first lady of the U.S., Secretary of State – the last time she was in the same zip code as anybody in the 99% JFK was still alive. But she feels your pain.
It’s gonna be sorta fun watching her stroll around the Iowa state fair talking about how tasty the fried Twinkies are and how much fun she had watching 4-Hers have their favorite pig compete in the swine judging competition.
My sweetheart is part of the demographic that is most solidly behind Hillary: a middle aged woman. I mentioned to her the other day that Hillary had an enemies list and she refused to believe it. I thought she was going to cry. Also, put me in the dog house for a while.
I cannot hold it against her. She is just acting out her demographic.
Always liked that song. It’ll never be the same.
An afternoon emetic.
Gee. Thanks, Prof….
Remember in 2008, Hillary couldn’t be stopped?
Remember how she had a huge war chest, ran it into the ground to the point she was already in the red leaving Iowa because she hired every high dollar Clintonite in the country?
Remember how they said it might snow the morning of the Iowa caucuses, so she spent a ton of money on snow shovels to hand out to people so they could go vote for her, and it never snowed?
Remember how she got creamed in Iowa by a no-name snake oil salesman?
Progressive ideology suggests that if they fail, it’s not because they were doing it wrong. It’s because they didn’t do more of it.
Yes, I very much look forward to Hillary’s March to History II.
I saw that banner on a car in front of me the other day .. on my way to being laidoff.
Warren/Davis 2016
Because Who Cares About Truth!!
The Pretender
Send in your skeletons
Sing as their bones go marching in… again
The need you buried deep
The secrets that you keep are ever ready
Are you ready?
Paging Vince Foster, paging Vince Foster.
There is something about “Ready for Hillary” that is very off-putting to me. Can’t put my finger on it.
It’s this: the prospect of another much hagiographed empty suit being foisted upon us from on Alinskyite high replacing “black” skin with a vagina.
The last one could be depicted with a coat of café au lait paint, since he’s so bloody race obsessed. This next one can be represented by a playbill from the Vagina Monologues. Think of the next eight years with a shrew who will screech that every objection to her every Communist policy will be because she has a vagina.
They defaced the flag with Obama’s face. For Hillary, they will deface it with a vagina.
That’s seriously off-putting.
This was one of my favorites from the 2008 campaign…
Let’s bring back our democracy! Wooo
Maybe Rush will try to save her campaign again when its on the rocks.
I know many libs who HATE her to the point they would stay home.
What difference does it make if they’re Ready for Hillary? She’s still the same vicious, potty-mouthed, vindictive, win at all costs, the end justifies the means, excusing the inexcusable, power hungry bi…, er, woman with a résumé of lack of achievement in a list of positions that she’s ever been.
Still waiting for her to apologize for blaming BJ Clinton’s problems on a “Vast right wing conspiracy”.
The real truth about Hillary. She is a failure.