Alec Baldwin | MSNBC | Suspended | Rant
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MSNBC suspends Alec Baldwin’s talk show after latest tirade

MSNBC suspends Alec Baldwin’s talk show after latest tirade

A mere month after its debut, Alec Baldwin’s “Up Late with Alec Baldwin” show on MSNBC has already been temporarily suspended after the actor’s latest public tirades, notably one in particular.

From the Hollywood Reporter:

MSNBC has suspended Alec Baldwin’s new talk show for two weeks after the actor’s use of gay slurs drew widespread criticism.

The announcement Friday followed the controversial actions of the 30 Rock star over the past several days. Up Late With Alec Baldwin had premiered only a month ago, on October 11.

“I did not intend to hurt or offend anyone with my choice of words, but clearly I have — and for that I am deeply sorry,” Baldwin said in a statement. “Words are important. I understand that and will choose mine with great care going forward. What I said and did this week, as I was trying to protect my family, was offensive and unacceptable. Behavior like this undermines hard-fought rights that I vigorously support. I understand Up Late will be taken off the schedule for tonight and next week.”

It all started Thursday after Baldwin had a confrontation with a photographer who got close to him and his wife as they were leaving their NY apartment.  The actor screamed a few choice words at the photographer, as the incident was captured on video.  Baldwin initially claimed he said “c**ksucking fathead” and not “c**ksucking f*g,” but later conceded that it was offensive to the gay community either way after condemnation from LGBT advocacy organization GLAAD.

The drama continued.

From the LA Times [longer excerpt cited to give context to its last paragraph]:

Anderson Cooper wasn’t buying what Baldwin was selling, however.

“Wow, Alec Baldwin shows his true colors yet again,” the newsman, who is gay, tweeted early Friday. “How is he going to lie and excuse his anti-gay slurs this time?”

Cooper then told a Twitter commenter he wasn’t asking Baldwin to apologize for what he’d said but wondered why the actor would say something and then “repeatedly lie about it afterwards.”

“Just read Alec Baldwin’s latest excuses,” Cooper wrote. “They are actually so ridiculous they are funny.”

Less amusing were Baldwin’s multiple run-ins with the media on Friday, which were documented by TMZ. He reportedly threatened and insulted one reporter, shoved a photographer and got up in the face of another reporter whom his wife Hilaria said almost hit her with a microphone the day before. Then he bumped into a parked car with his own ride as he tried to leave.

Among those Friday run-ins was NY FOX 5 reporter Linda Schmidt, whom Baldwin accused of assaulting his wife the previous day.

“The blonde? I do want to press charges against her. She assaulted my wife yesterday, almost hit her in the face <inaudible>…See that blonde woman? I want to press charges against her,” Baldwin could be heard on video saying to police as he pointed to Schmidt.

But later on Friday, Schmidt explained her side of the story, both on FOX 5 and on Megyn Kelly’s “The Kelly File” (video h/t NoMoreCocktails), which included video of the incident in question, and it appears quite different than Baldwin’s description of “assault.”

By late Friday, Baldwin had issued his public apology at MSNBC’s site and acknowledgement of his show’s two week suspension.

Baldwin of course has a long sordid history of tirades, some of which have included phrases like “uptight queen” and “toxic, little queen.”

The actor’s talk show has been lackluster since its debut last month; after a slow start, its ratings have continued to slump.


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Alec Baldwin is even funnier now than he was on Thirty Rock. So apparently gay hate speech gets you a two week suspension (but lots of free publicity). Win Win.

Baldwin found a good home at MSNBC…

His “apology” is about as sincere as B.O.’s “apology”.

View the Alec Baldwin’s Capital One Percenter RaceCard Commercial at

You can slander Christians. You can slander conservatives. You can slander Southerners. You can slander men.

But don’t ever, ever say anything bad about homosexuals.

    aoibhneas in reply to mariner. | November 16, 2013 at 1:00 pm

    And kiss your First Amendment goodbye if Obama and Holder can prosecute citizens for speech against Islam. I get ostracized for merely not approving of gay marriage. Not that I speak out against the sainted gay interests. We’re here, we’re queer and we’re in your face! Amusing how the media could be all over McCain for a fake affair (not that I give a rat’s asp about Juan) or W’s Tango service but won’t even mention any of Obama’s scandals or hypocrisy. And where’s the outrage for MSNLSD host Martin Bashir’s calling for someone to defecate in Palin’s mouth and urinate in her eyes?

Baldwin may be an ass with a repeat vulgar mouth, but I’m uncomfortable with the constant PC word policing.

By the way, I thought “sucker” as in fish or gullible baby/child, evolved into tit-sucker and then to c-sucker as popular language got more and more out there injecting sexuality into existing slurs. When I’ve heard it, I’ve never thought “gay”. More of an up-down kind of thing, like s-my-d. Interesting that certain groups first lay claim to ownership of old slurs, and then decry their use as evidence of discrimination.

Not A Member of Any Organized Political | November 16, 2013 at 1:15 pm

The GLTB community has zero idea of what their Leftist, Democrat Party Handlers really think about them.

Alec is good insight into their real attitudes though.

[…] Alec Baldwin has yet another hateful tirade and his month-long show will be suspended for 2 weeks. So after more homophobia hate, Ultra liberal Baldwin keeps his lucrative Capital One endorsement and his MSNBC show and everything else in spite of ongoing hate rants he refuses to apologize for while Southern Paula Deen loses her entire career over a racist comment she made more than 30 years ago after profuse and humiliating public apologies. […]

Who is NY gonna call? “bio-exorcist” Beetlejuice

He’s only been sent to his room for two shows.

What he said is of far less consequence to this country and our society than the fact that anyone cares what he says.

Paparazzi is showing less and less class these days… not that they ever had any to speak of.

I point out here that another MSNBC employee, Martin Bashir, subjected Sarah Palin to outrageously obscene filthy remarks recently. Nary a word on this site about that. She doesn’t fit the put-upon homosexual template.

    aoibhneas in reply to Searcher. | November 16, 2013 at 4:18 pm

    My take is that many people accept the media propaganda on anything. Fox news or faux news as progtards label it, is called out as being radical. In any case, most women I know loathe Palin with a passion, finding Tina Fey’s mere portrayal of her as the gospel truth. I’m personally offended by the likes of Hillary, Sebelius, Mooch and the numerous “female” media imbeciles such Obama butt lickers Maddow and Chrissie Matthews. People complained that Palin had no business on the GOP ticket since she was so lacking in governing experience. But objectively speaking, was not her experience far greater than those senatorial know-nothing, collegial jackasses McCain, Biden and Obama? Amusing that Sarah remains vilified and labeled a quitter when she resigned as governor and an actual loser like Barack Hussein is deified by his adoring, fellating masses. Oh and fake Cherokee Injun E. Warren with HER vast experience is the next coming of Obama. Yes, we need a far left dingbat with a vagina.