A group of 40 tourists peasants stormed Castillo de San Marcos in St. Augustine, Florida, as reported by First Coast News (h/t Amy):
A group of tourists didn’t let the government shutdown or the gate at the Castillo de San Marcos in St. Augustine stop them Monday.
A group of people went over the gate and walked around inside the fort, wanting to see the National Monument that was closed due to the government shutdown.
“They were juveniles that were escorted off the property by Chief Kim Mayo of the National Park Service. She issued trespassing warnings as well,” according to Mark Samson, St. Augustine Police.
The trespassers faced going to jail or a fine of $150, but the fort representative chose let the people go.
A witness estimated there were about 40 people who jumped the gate.
There’s a lively discussion about it going on at reporter Jessica Clark’s Facebook page.
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to the full extent allowed by law.
The tourists were instructed not to breath Park Service air during the shutdown.
The WaPo has a piece this morning claiming that the House has gained nothing from the federal shutdown.
Meanwhile, we can say that the Administration has gained something .. notorious. It has managed to convert the National Park Service from an inert federal organization into one of the most hated departments in the federal government, bar the IRS, in record time.
How appropriate that they wear brown shirts.
Crapo fulfilling it’s duty to spread the propaganda of president peckerhead.
My favorite comment was:
Frankly, I think we should have a national “Storm the Barrycades” day. Across the nation the people should take our monuments back. Storm the campgrounds with tents, highway pulloffs with cars, war memorials with veterans. Overwhelm the National Parks Socialists with citizens exercising the freedom of assembly on our land. Maybe on Columbus Day? Time to “rediscover” America…..
#OccupyAmerica 🙂
This is our land. Our tax dollars built that! How dare Obama try to keep us from driving on our roads and viewing monuments to our history? He didn’t build any of it, but he is damn sure trying to destroy it and us.
That’s another point people are missing.
Those roads were built and are maintained by the DOT. Usually the various State DOT.
There are very strict laws and regulations governing the use and modifications to those roads.
Barricading shoulders and turn offs, turn arounds, etc. violate so many DOT safety laws it’s headspinning.
Every cone, every barricade set by the Parks Service on, near, or adject to public roads that was not cleared first by the State’s DOT must be removed.
I can’t understand how this is flying under the radar.
Truckers, bikers and Vets have their sights set on DC over the next week or so.
On Wednesday, October 13, there will be a showdown between the Obama administration and a ‘Million Vets March’ to convene at the WWII Memorial in DC.
They arrested Veterans in NYC last night for violation of curfew.
Can’t wait for next Wednesday.
Obama has truly outdone his own self-worshipping, spiteful, obnoxious, petty, petulant self lately.
See, this will work very nicely to teach a lot of people quickly what their government actually thinks of them.
And a growing spirit of quiet rebellion will ensue.
Civil disobedience is unstoppable when supported by enough people, and that number need not be very large.
Oh, and it’s time to take the parks back for the states.
Let’s liberate the self supporting ones first and bring government closer to home where it is more accountable to the people.
It only teaches those who have the mental acuity to grasp that it could be them next. The libtards are ingrained with the firm belief that they are “different and special” therefore this sort of thing does not ever happen to them.
This is illustrating for me how dangerous it is to have the federal government in control of too many things to the complete exclusion of the state governments.
I never had the National Parks on my radar this way. If we ran the federal highway system like this, Barack Obama would be closing down roads across the country.
I think many are missing the main point to this sordid exercise.
The Parks are closed because the government can’t afford to pay the park rangers.
That fact has been turned on it’s head, and the main point is:
The parks are closed because the parks are closed. We need to pay park rangers and and spend money on additional resources to keep them closed.
*Park rangers are out in droves in Gettysburg telling people they can’t park or walk around grounds.
*That time they put up gates at the battlegrounds in Gettysburg & chased pedestrians with squad cars and sirens
* http://twitchy.com/2013/10/08/catch-us-if-you-can-gettysburg-visitors-defy-spitehouse-cones-and-barrycades-pics/
The government showed more restraint under Occupation. It actively accommodates an invasion. I can only conclude that the government is acting in collusion with these domestic and alien interests.
This is getting out of control. Latest example of Shutdown Theater in Yellowstone, which exemplifies exactly what Browndog is saying above:
This is obviously no longer about allegedly “not having the money to keep National Parks open”. This is, exactly as Browndog points out, “The parks are closed because the parks are closed. We need to pay park rangers and and spend money on additional resources to keep them closed.”
And Neo, above, is also correct about one of the side-effects of the Democrats’ shutdown: “It has managed to convert the National Park Service from an inert federal organization into one of the most hated departments in the federal government, bar the IRS, in record time.”
I’ve got it. Anyone who wants to visit a National Park property just needs to get 50 friends and pretend to be a flash mob. Nobody will dare bother them. Oh, and be sure to ransack the gift shop.
Why in the interstate highway system still open?
Not enough park service employees.
In case anyone is still following this, it turns out that the revolt was led by a FRENCHMAN. Serious you guys: