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New and Improved Law Professor Blog Rankings

New and Improved Law Professor Blog Rankings

It’s the dawn of a new era in TaxProf’s quarterly law professor blog rankings, as he explains, Law Prof Blog Traffic Rankings:

Below are the updated quarterly traffic rankings by page views of the Top 50 blogs edited by law professors for the most recent 12-month period (Oct. 1, 2012 – Sept. 30, 2013), as well as the percentage change in traffic from the prior 12-month period. As I previously announced, in response to several requests and in light of the continued degrading of Site Meter, I am now including the more accurate, stable Google Analytics data in these quarterly traffic rankings (marked with an asterisk).

The image above has the Top 5.  While we dropped from No. 2 to No. 3 since the last ranking, in reality we stayed the same since Instapundit was not on the previous rankings since it didn’t have a public Sitemeter.  Now that Instapundit is shown on the rankings, it’s pretty amazing just how big the Big Kahuna is.

I have found Sitemeter to be unreliable in counting pages and visits, so the Google Analytics data (for those who share it) is a welcome change.  TaxProf doesn’t show rankings by Visit, like he used to, because Visits (unlike page views) is not an objective measure, as some counters use different parameters as to how much time elapses before a return is a new Visit.

College Insurrection also made its debut on the list (because a full year of data was needed) at No. 20:

Tax Prof Blog Rankings 9-30-2013 College Insurrection


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I’m vastly tickled by this. Some of the best blogs belong to lawyers. Lawyers, I tell you! Lawyers! You guys are the redemption of the legal beagles out there, Wm.

Well done!

Honestly, there is no comparison. I never go to either of those sites: Instapundit or Althouse, esp. the latter. Her site is too ego-centric.

Thanks for a well-designed site, great, reliable content and up-to-the-minute, in-depth coverage of all that matters.

Plus, Cartoons and Bumper Stickers.

Love LI!!!

Maybe you should quit your day job, Professor.

I wouldn’t call Instapundit a law site.

Glad to see you are closing in on the vain and trifling Althouse.

I keep hearing ‘The Jeffersons’ theme song popping into my head.

Good job.

Well done good sir.

Not for nuthin’ but a friend of Harry Reid’s told me Althouse is cookin’ the books.

I have just recently started reading your site and have found it to be a great read. I am sure that you will move ahead in the next ratings period.

Good luck.

I been a reader for a long time, a subscriber this year, and this is the site I check first daily. And that is ahead of my own.


David Gerstman | October 23, 2013 at 12:44 am

My mother wanted me to be a lawyer, I wonder if this will make her happy. 🙂