Does John Kerry worry about a Palestine that reveres such monsters as the murderer of Nissim Toledano?
“I am peace, and when I speak, they are for war” – Psalms 120:7
When I looked over a list of the prisoners Israel is scheduled to release in the coming day in order to facilitate peace talks, I saw the name Isa Musa Isa Mahmud. The name meant nothing to me. But then I looked over to the column listing his victim and I saw the name, Nissim Toledano.
Nissim Toledano was a policeman. He was also a married father of two young children. One morning in December 1992, as he headed to work he was kidnapped by a gang of Hamas terrorists. In exchange for his release, the terrorists demanded the release of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin the leader of Hamas who had been jailed by Israel.
#Palestinian prisoner Abu-Sitta Taleb Mohammed Ayman mutilated the bodies of Dedi and Weizman cutting off their ears as proof of the action
— CiF Watch (@CiFWatch) August 12, 2013
Two days later, Toledano’s bound and stabbed body was found. In response the Israeli Prime Minister immediately ordered the deportation of 415 identified leaders of Hamas into Lebanon. Syria, which controlled Lebanon, refused to repatriate the terrorists and they were stuck in a no man’s land between Israel and Lebanon.
The deported terrorists became an international sensation. They set up tents. The international media publicized their fate. The world condemned Israel. By the way, the Prime Minister involved, was not some right wing Likud fanatic, but the late Yitzchak Rabin.
Amnon Pomerantz was brutally murdered when he was set upon by a #Palestinian mob that stoned him and set his vehicle on fire while inside.
— CiF Watch (@CiFWatch) August 12, 2013
The killing of Nissim Toledano gives a good snapshot of how Israel was treated before the peace process. After declaring that the PLO as no longer a terrorist organization, ceding much of the West Bank and all of Gaza to the Palestinians, withdrawing from southern Lebanon, transferring arms and money to the Palestinians and suffering hundreds of dead through numerous waves of terror, Israel is not treated much better now, twenty years later. No one remembers Israels very significant material contributions to the peace process. The international diplomats, journalists, NGO’s just acknowledge the eternal Palestinian grievances.
At the time, Israel and non-PLO Palestinians were engaged in talks. The deportations imperiled the talks. The Palestinian delegation would not continue talking in deference to the deportees. No one seemed much bothered that these Palestinians, who presumably were moderates were looking out for the welfare of Hamas, whose extremism we were told threatened them.
79 year old Morris Eisenstaat was sitting on a park bench when he was axed to death by #Palestinian murderer Ra'aei Ibrahim Salam Ali
— CiF Watch (@CiFWatch) August 12, 2013
The New York Times in its infinite wisdom wrote in Don’t Orphan the Peace Process:
The Hamas killings were clearly meant to provoke the Israelis into reprisals that could jeopardize the peace talks. And Mr. Rabin’s mass deportation of Palestinians, though understandable in the face of outrage in Israel, will only inflame the confrontation.
#Palestinian prisoner Sualha Bad Almajed Mahmed Mahmed stabbed to death Baruch Heizler on a bus. Mahmed is a hero in #Palestinian eyes.
— CiF Watch (@CiFWatch) August 12, 2013
A Baltimore Sun editorial at the time, Terrorists Take Charge lectured:
In other words, every regime acted with pompous deceit and played into Hamas’ hands. The PLO is Hamas’ chief target. It knows that Hamas is out-terrorism-ing it and is gaining adherents because of the PLO’s tentative new moderation. Israel’s government of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin knew that deporting Arabs who had not committed the murder would produce this effect, but hoped to silence hawkish Israelis who oppose giving away territory in peace talks.
But of course, Hamas gained adherents because of a culture that glorified violence and those who committed violence against Jews. The murder of Toledano was not done to endanger the peace talks but to kill Jews. Even then, Hamas was characterized as acting against the PLO and the interests of the Palestinians who really wanted peace. Even then Israel was condemned for taking actions in response to terror to protect its citizens.
Some people got it right. A. M. Rosenthal noted in As you sow:
Presidents and prime ministers talk solemnly about how many miles Israel must give up, which cannot bring peace. But they never ask that Arabs first give up Holy War, Holy Hate, Holy Embargo, Holy Laws against Unholy Jews, the weapons that have made peace impossible. Sometimes even Israelis wearily accept the unacceptable as unchangeable.
A Wall Street Journal article, Last Spring’s Darlings noted that the enthusiasm that had greeted the election of Yitzchak Rabin and the ouster of Yitzchak Shamir, was now gone:
Six months later, the left-wing government is no longer the darling of the West. Maybe the Middle East’s problems are deeper than a few stiff-necked old men.
Israel’s future ambassador to the United States, Michael Bornstein-Oren wrote Rabin acted for national survival:
Death was the sentence passed on Nissim Toledano, the Israeli policeman kidnaped last week by Hamas gunmen who brutally murdered him. Death might also have been fate of hundreds of civilians, targets of two car bombs recently found–fortunately in time–in Israeli neighborhoods. But not only Israelis have to face the prospect of Hamas terrorism. Hundreds of Palestinian residents of the West Bank and Gaza have been executed by Hamas. These assassinations, like that of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat in 1981, were perpetrated against any who defied Islamic law as defined by the fundamentalists; against any who sought peace with Israel. Thus, the Palestinian representatives to the peace talks in Washington are also prime targets for Hamas. Only days after discovering Toledano’s body, Israeli police foiled a plot by Islamic Jihad, parent organization of Hamas, to shoot Faisal Husseini, a chief adviser to the Palestinian delegation. Though Palestinian supporters of the negotiations have publicly condemned the deportation order, secretly they can only be relieved.
The four suspected collaborators, Samir Alsilawi, Khaled Malka, Nasser Akila and Ali Al Zaabot, were tortured then killed
— CiF Watch (@CiFWatch) August 12, 2013
How much has really changed though?
The arrogant and ignorant Secretary of State was quoted last week saying that he’s worried about Israel’s future if there’s no peace.
.@pigwithwings It's terrible. As if the US were to free Khalid Sheikh Mohammed & Nidal Hassan as a goodwill gesture toward al-Qaeda.
— Jeff Jacoby (@Jeff_Jacoby) August 11, 2013
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has reportedly made several specific requests, asking for the release of Hamas operatives Mahmoud Isa and Majed Abu Kteish, who were convicted of the abduction and murder of Border policeman Sgt. Maj. Nissim Toledano in 1992; Jamil Hassan Mahmoud Abu Srour and Hassan Abd Hamid Nasser Abu Srour from Beit Jala, who together murdered Shin Bet agent Hayim Nahmani in 1993, one month after Israel deported hundreds of Hamas operatives to Lebanon; and Daoud Adal Hassan Mahmad, who was convicted of the 1987 murder of Ofra Moses and her son, Tal, in a Molotov cocktail attack on their car near the Alfei Menashe settlement in western Samaria.
Does John Kerry worry about the future of a Palestine that reveres such monsters? Does Kerry wonder why it is that peace seeking Mahmoud Abbas is so keen on freeing members of Hamas? Doesn’t Hamas threaten the moderates now as much as it did twenty years ago? Does Kerry realize that even as he pronounces the need for peace that one side in the talks over which he is currently presiding demonstrates that it does not value what any Westerner would call peace?
According to Wafa, the #Palestinian murderers will be officially received in the presidential residence of Mahmoud Abbas. #peacepartner
— CiF Watch (@CiFWatch) August 12, 2013
JoshuaPundit tells the stories of many of the killers and their victims.

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Were they smart the Israelis would begin executing anyone who committed murder in a terrorist attack.
The west would complain about it, but the alternative is eventually letting the terrorist go.
I’m reminded in one of the last goodwill gestures when the Israelis released a man that bludgeoned a toddler to death with a rifle and he was hailed as a hero by the Palestinians.
Yes, we should, but we won’t, and I will tell you why.
While my fellow Israelis love the US, we are a thoroughly European country. Besides such obvious things as traffic signs and electric sockets, the death penalty is entirely out of the culture here. We might as well speak about bringing back stoning (even the Jewish version, which does not normally involve throwing stones at people).
“And for the Land will not be atoned the blood that was spilled in it, except by the blood of the spiller.”
If only…
The United States should demand that, in exchange for the release of the prisoners, the Hamas covenant must be repudiated.
The test of the Hamas covenant is the basis for the demand.
It’s time to talk about what is in that document.
We all know what’s in it. Israel gone. Every Jew, wherever he may be found, dead. Israel doesn’t care, so why should the rest of the world?
I’m working from memory here, but as I recall, the release of prisoners as a condition of returning to peace talks is a ploy the Palestinians have used in the past. As we know, little if anything has resulted from these prior releases.
Little or no results on the peace front. More terrorism, though, so there’s that.
Mystery – Very little?
When you show that you care more about PR than the crimes committed against your people, you show weakness and pave the way for more of the same. Israel has been doing the same nonsense repeatedly and expecting different results. There is a name for that, isn’t there?
So, the question is in regard to our current Sec. State J. F. Kerry, the well known anti-American anti-hero of the Vietnam era?
Shouldn’t the answer to this most interesting question be: “Well, yes, Sec. Kerry does worry about his bosom buddies, the PLO, Hamas, and Hezbollah!” Kerry also worries that someone might infer that he’s against anything that might impugn his character, such as it is!
Sec. Kerry is continuing the “Smart Policy” foreign policies as begun by his immediate predecessor and as desired by his boss; Obama’s transformation strategy is moving forward!
There is not, and never will be, any peace between the two countries while Hamas exists.
This whole ‘peace process’ is nothing more than Palestine trying to wring more concessions from Israel (while giving up NOTHING from their side), until Israel refuses to give any more, and Palestine withdraws from the talks…again.
Palestine has no intention of ever being at peace with Israel. Any so-called ‘peace talks’ are just Palestine trying to get Israel to give them more.
Israel needed a better game plan, and didn’t come up with one.
It’s not just Kerry. Before Obama came in, Jew haters in “justice” went after two men from AIPAC. They had their lives ruined. They were rung through the mlll for 10 years. Justice had no evidence at all. And, the case finally dissolved in court, when the judge pulled the plug.
No place to go to regain your reputation though.
And, since Oslo, at least, the Israelis knew they had this problem. Land, that if they didn’t expaned onto it, they wouldn’t be able to stop the terror.
Terror, just like at the Boston Marathon, a small number of idiots can bring bombs disguised as something else … “to the people” … And, if they run fast enough … they think they can get away. Didn’t in Boston. Didn’t in Israel, either.
But with Kerry now the head pusher … You’ve got the antisemites from around the world all salivating. (Good news for Assad in Syria, because he can push out the saudi funded rebels, who came to take his country away.)
Some of how this works is easy to spot. It begins with a rotten media, who don’t seem to care that they’re not at the top of their game. Earning money. Instead, they just breed hostility … And, this one makes them feel good. There are people rooting against Israel. Just as Europe once rooted against Jews, generation in. And, generation out. Kill Jews is every century. In every generation. Until they went over the top with the Holocaust.
It’s just an incurable disease.
But I lay the weakness at Bibi’s feet. And, at the right in Israel, who seem incapable of finding leadership. They didn’t with Begin. They didn’t with Shamir. They didn’t with Arik Sharon (though he was stellar as a strategist in tank warfare.) Politics is different.
And, like here in the USA what we’ve incurred as well, is an elite group … where that’s all you can elect.
And, as much as you see RED when you look across the map of the USA, you fail to see how a creep like Kerry rose to the top in a body of 100 men.
You know, all Bibi had to do was hold our for the release of Pollard, and he might have checked obozo and lantern face.
Yes, I was thinking of the same thing, regarding Pollard.
Did you mention prosecutors out for the blood of politicians (especially ones not from the left-wing camp), and a judiciary that almost always finds for the prosecution?
Here’s another story. Israel, as you know, has no death penalty. And, her supreme court is as liberal as you can get. So one judge gets appointed who is supposed to be right wing. Let’s look at him. His name is “Gurnish.” (Close enough.)
The survivors of the soon to be released terrorists were allowed to present their case to the “tuchis” of the high court. And, you know what he did? He ran in. And, as soon as on parent began speaking, he hit his gavel down, and said “that’s enough.” He then got up. And, ran out of the courtroom.
The “right wing judge.”
Catch on?
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What is the classic definition of insanity? “Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.”
There is no Palestinian Peace Initiative, only more concessions for more Israeli dead. I would demand the Palestinian leaders to tell Israel what the prior concessions have accomplished, other than the obvious and ever increasing death count of the innocents.
[…] Gerstman/Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion – Does John Kerry worry about a Palestine that reveres such monsters as the murderer of Nissim Toledan… submitted by Liberty’s […]
[…] Gerstman/Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion – Does John Kerry worry about a Palestine that reveres such monsters as the murderer of Nissim Toledan… submitted by Liberty’s […]
[…] these people, and what were they convicted of? My friend David Gerstman over at Legal Insurrection has a piece about that, and some of you might remember that I also had a piece on this a while ago. These are not […]
[…] Gerstman/Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion – Does John Kerry worry about a Palestine that reveres such monsters as the murderer of Nissim Toledan… submitted by Liberty’s […]
[…] Gerstman/Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion – Does John Kerry worry about a Palestine that reveres such monsters as the murderer of Nissim Toledan…submitted by Liberty’s […]
[…] Gerstman/Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion – Does John Kerry worry about a Palestine that reveres such monsters as the murderer of Nissim Toledan… submitted by Liberty’s […]
[…] Gerstman/Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion – Does John Kerry worry about a Palestine that reveres such monsters as the murderer of Nissim Toledan… submitted by Liberty’s […]