There was a major development in San Diego today, as notorious civil rights lawyer Gloria Allred just finished a press conference with her client, a woman charging Mayor Bob Filner with sexual harassment:
Irene McCormack Jackson, Mayor Bob Filner’s former communications director, has filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against the city of San Diego, attorney Gloria Allred announced Monday afternoon.
Allred said she filed a lawsuit against the city on behalf of McCormack Jackson, who is the first woman to come forward publicly with sexual harassment allegations against the mayor.
Allred repeated a previous accusation that Filner had told a staffer she would work better “without panties on,” and noted that the identity of that woman had been unknown.
Irene is that woman,” Allred said at a downtown news conference, with McCormack Jackson sitting by her side.
This site’s legal scholars can click here for the copy of McCormack Jackson’s lawsuit.
McCormack Jackson said that Filner “was not fit to be Mayor of this great city”. This also corresponds to statements made during another press conference, held earlier in the day, with San Diego City Councilmen Kevin Faulconer and Todd Gloria.
“We know that we have a city in crisis right now, but we know we have the ability as a council to come together and make sure that it works. That’s going to be my focus in the coming weeks and as long as it takes.”
Faulconer also renewed his call that Filner step down immediately.
“It’s time for him to go. He does not represent our city,” he said.
I suspect it will be quite some time before Bob Filner is compelled to leave office of his own volition, no matter what is said of him. For instance, Filner has now become the subject of comedy skits, as TV jokesters have a feeding frenzy discussing the “Filner Dance” and “Filner Headlock”.
Sadly, Colbert does make a valid point in the skit: Modern Americans are very forgiving when it comes to representatives caught in sex scandals. Voters gave Mark Sanford another chance by granting him a seat in the House of Representatives (as South Carolina governor, he disappeared for six days for an extramarital fling), and are poised to make porn-tweeter Anthony Weiner the next mayor of New York City.
I think that our city’s citizens are made of sterner stuff.
More than 80 supporters of a fledgling effort to recall San Diego Mayor Bob Filner rallied outside City Hall this past Friday, and are signing-up volunteers to collect petition signatures. Despite the celebrity lawyer distractions and comedy skits, the new revelations are likely to inspire San Diegans to force out a man unsuited in every important aspect to the office that he holds.

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Gloria Allred is the epitome of “Ambulance Chaser” when it regards anything having to do with democrats and women.
Allred seems to be an equal-opportunity ambulance chaser.
She went after Republican Herman Cain during the GOP primary.
She only went after Cain because she was helping democrats to keep Cain out of the running.
My first thoughts when this news hit the media was here’s a Democratic politician who doesn’t have a problem with sequester. He has a problem with squeeze Esther.
Yep, the party of no shame…
This clown is the Michael Scott of office ethics.
Somebody forgot to tell Mayor Filner that what happens in Tijuana stays in Tijuana and to keep his hands north of the border.
Yes a “great city” ruined by idiots.
Maybe Filner should move to New York and run for office there.
i’d be more impressed with this show if I didn’t know that this guy is a known quantity in San Diego. Yet, the Democratic party ran him, and the Democratic voters put him in office. The obvious conclusion is that the Democratic Party is deeply corrupt.
Call me old fashioned, but I had a higher regard for sexual harassment back in the days when old guys harassed pretty (operative word here) 20-somethings as per Alfred Hitchcock/Tippi Hedren and Strom Thurmond/entire female population of the state of S. Carolina. Even JFK’s amours were mostly attractive young women. What, pray tell, is happening to American randy old goats? Have they all gone the way of Schwartzenegger and Clinton, choosing convenience and pliability over quality?
Wymyn! Always with the jumping to conclusions.
A guy suggests you come to work without panties, grabs your breasts and buttocks, and invites you up to his office for a little privacy, and you just have to make some great big deal of it.
He’s a DEMOCRAT, for crying out loud! It’s okay, he’s allowed to do that stuff. Just lay back and enjoy it. Think of it as the price you pay for the ability to kill babies.
Could it actually be possible that Gloria has a legit client this time? This is one stopped clock that hasn’t been right in years, but maybe this time…
I’m Bob Filner, and I approved this message because I believe it’s time to put the “ass” back in You Stay Classy, San Diego.
Allred going after a democrat???
Pigs are a-flying..
[…] Problems Pile Up for San Diego Mayor Filner in Sex Scandal There was a major development in San Diego today, as notorious civil rights lawyer Gloria Allred just finished a press conference with her client, a woman charging Mayor Bob Filner with sexual harassmen […]