This just in…
From the LA Times:
Janet Napolitano, the U.S. secretary of Homeland Security and former governor of Arizona, is being named as the next president of the University of California system, in an unusual choice that brings a national-level politician to a position usually held by an academic, the Times has learned. Her appointment also means the 10-campus system will be headed by a woman for the first time in its 145-year history.
Napolitano’s nomination by a committee of UC regents came after a secretive process that insiders said focused on her early as a high-profile, although untraditional, candidate who has led large public agencies and shown a strong interest in improving education.
Napolitano reportedly told staff on Friday that she would be leaving to accept the University of California position, according to the NY Daily News.
We’ll update this post with any additional information if/as it becomes available.

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What does this have to do with George Zimmerman ?
Our gain is the loss for the Universities of California…
I foresee some new rules at UC. All students will be forced to show their government-issued photo ID and undergo a patdown search before entering the clasroom. Sharp objects like pencils, pocket knives, and nail clippers will be forbidden in class. No sodas will be allowed. These new rules will be enforced by the Education Security Administration who will sport snappy brown shirts and shiny black boots.
As a Stanford alumnus and as somebody who left California three years ago, I applaud this move.
Re-educating is more like it.
The nation waould be better served if she were named ambassador to Easter Island…
“Her appointment also means the 10-campus system will be headed by a woman for the first time in its 145-year history.”
Will this part of the article be fact checked? That’s a man, baby!
I’ll check the history books; YOU check the uh, “candidate.”
[…] Others: Yahoo! News, Weekly Standard, Business Insider, Hot Air, Outside the Beltway, Weasel Zippers, Taegan Goddard’s …, Mediaite, The PJ Tatler, Daily Kos, Althouse and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion […]
[…] Another rat flees the sinking ship: Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to Resign, Will Head University of CA System […]
I’d say pity the University of California but the two deserve each other. The worst higher educational system in the country meets the worst administrator in the government. If you didn’t think the former could get any worse, just wait.
Clearly, you are not familiar with the UC system if you claim it is the worst in the country. The UC system boasts two universities within the Top 25 rankings, UCLA and UC Berkeley. In fact, there are only three public universities that are in the Top 25 rankings, two of those public universities are from the UC system.
You must be confusing the CSU system or CA’s HS or elementary systems. The UC system is pretty impressive, especially relative to other state systems. UC-Berkeley and UCLA are respectable institutions. It is sad to see her at the helm.
As @radiofreeca put it, the MOOCs are moving in. With sites like Courseware and iTunesU, people are increasingly able to get relevant skills all from home. HarvardX is free and MIT puts many of their course tools online.
The problem for the UC system is that there are several big name private universities in CA such as Stanford, CIT, and USC (all of which are also ranked within the Top 25). These universities do not face the budgetary constraints that the UC system does. USC lured a neuro research institute away from UCLA because of its lack of bureaucratic and budgetary constraints (this is big news since UCLA has a better medical support program than USC). I predict more of this with Napolitano at the helm.
pathos, in that case, her failure will be all the more obvious.
It’s a very sad day for the University of California, once the greatest public university system in the world. Dragged into the dust by a combination of Junior Brown as governor (twice), an exceedingly left-wing activist faculty, fealty to the Democrat party, political correctness, greed, a lack of academic integrity on the part of (mostly) younger faculty, and a desire for over 40 years to be “relevant” to kiddies who are too lazy to admit they don’t know shit.
I hold a handful of degrees from the UC system from ‘back in the day’, and my Dad before me back when Bill Campbell was president and Cal was a football power. It will be a cold day in Hell before I give UC another dime as long as Big Sis or her ilk are in charge.
Hmm… something’s up. Given the current push for amnesty, getting rid of a Cabinet Officer that isn’t trusted on ICE issues isn’t a surprise.
The other matter to consider is what’s lurking in DHS, waiting to hit daylight?
‘Trusted’ hatchet-men of her level don’t just up and leave…
Jeez, ever notice the conspicuous overrepresentation of lesbians in University leadership positions?
Women with family responsibility tend to be underrepresented at the top levels of everything. I wouldn’t trade places with her.
Her first priority will be to make sure than any illegal immigrants get special priviledges, and are held immune from the rules everyone else needs to follow.
Don’t forget special treatment for the muslim students.
She can inflict her socialist and political correctness on the citizens of California for all that I care.
It figures the ultra-left UCal system in the nation’s freakiest state would choose Lesbo Big Sis [or is she a chick with a *ick] to head up their bloated system. Next up … free tuition for all illegals.
She will fit in fine at Berkeley. But the UC has a much bigger problem (and they know it). MOOCs (Massive Open Online Classes) are starting to occur. And the private universities are all doing it first – Stanford, Harvard, Georgia Tech. Would you pay $40K/year to go to a UC school, or $4K to go to Stanford-online?
I’ve read that the big question is what the country will do with all that real-estate and buildings.
My condolences to the University of California System for all the credibility they lost by appointing Janet Incompetano president.
Can we find a job like that for Hillary? Pantsuit U president?
Well, so much for going back to UCLA for my MFA degree.
The good news is that the failures coming down the pike are going to be owned by her and her alone. Let’s see her dodge this.
I got the news here first. OMG!! She’s my boss now!
My most sincere condolences.
How appropriate… I don’t think anyone with a brain back in AZ wants her back!
No we don’t. We celebrated when she left for the fed.
There’s something very very wrong with this
hmmmmm…..sounds like someone doesn’t want to be in that job when the immigration issue collapses and is shown to encourage massive illegal entries.
I am sure the nation will be heaving as great a sigh of relief to see her leave the Fed as Arizonans did to see her leave our state.
Doesn’t California have enough problems? Why inflict this woman on our great University system.
[…] you may have heard, Janet Napolitano is leaving Homeland Security to head the University of California system. Students who favor immigration reform are less than […]