Turkey’s ‘Tiananmen Square’ moment?
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Turkey’s ‘Tiananmen Square’ moment?

Turkey’s ‘Tiananmen Square’ moment?

We are covering Turkish police renew assault on Gezi Park protesters.

This video stands out (warning, graphic):


I wonder if it will be compared to this video:

Probably not, as the whole world is not watching Gezi Park.


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If it’s not on television it didn’t happen.

Brian Williams & Diane Sawyer are too busy covering for their Messiah Barry to cover actual news like this!

And this is a NATO member? interesting. Wonder what Germany thinks of all this??

BannedbytheGuardian | June 15, 2013 at 8:14 pm

The fight is over the proposed redevelopment of a favourite urban space which along with new mosque will change the very nature of the area.

I think it goes to show that in 2013 states can do a lotta bad moves but do not upset the Cafe set. Do not take away their quaint little hangouts. As a fan of eclectic urban mish mash I agree .

Modern Mosques are an abomination & mega spoilers of neighbourhoods. They loom darkly over everything & are totally fake . There is nothing to admire -as against historic examples – because construction is just everyday technology now.

There is a $100 million Erdogan sham mosque being built in Maryland. I hope to see similar demonstrations.

[…] Jacobson at Legal Insurrection has up an important post today on “Turkey’s ‘Tiananmen Square’ moment?” Watch the videos even though they are […]

It’s now or never for these protestors, lest the country fall into the radical theocracy model.