Tomorrow will be a busy law day.
1. Zimmerman Trial Opening Statement and Prosecution case– 9 a.m.
We’ll have our live coverage, including video embed and live Twitter stream, as well as commentary during the day and in an end-of-day wrap up from Andrew Branca. If you haven’t seen his coverage so far, you’ve missed out.
2. Supreme Court — 10 a.m.
We almost certainly will get one of the big 4 decisions from the Supreme Court — Gay Marriage/DOMA, Voting Rights Act, Affirmative Action.
I’m guessing Voting Rights Act. We’ll have coverage as decisions are released starting at 10 a.m.
3. Senate Amnesty Vote — 5:30 p.m..
This is an attempt by Democrats aided and abetted by anywhere from 10-15 Republicans, to damage the rule of law by rewarding law-breakers and making fools of law-abiders, and giving Janet Napolitano sweeping power to disregard the law in her discretion.
In addition to everything else we have written, this Heritage Foundation alert pretty concisely sums it up:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is looking to make good on his promise to pass an amnesty bill through the Senate before the chamber adjourns for its week-long Fourth of July recess. On Monday at 5:30 p.m., the chamber is expected to vote on the motion to invoke cloture (i.e., end debate) on a 1,190-page substitute amendment (known as Schumer-Corker-Hoeven). That rushed vote, coming just 75 hours after the rewritten bill became publicly available, is considered a crucial. If more than 60 senators agree to end debate, the amnesty bill could be headed for approval by the end of the week even though it is riddled with earmarks and, as Heritage notes, “does not even promise a reduction in illegal immigration.”

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Interesting timing, William.
I just blogged this, ‘The Supreme Court’s Blockbuster Week Ahead’.
repubs are a joke. all these years I was a demon’s rat, I never realized how much of lying scum they are…. and now all these years I never realized how stupid the repubs are.
this is an amnesty bill, what a freaking joke, liars every single damn senator who votes for this crap.
Its Obamacare all over again.
I hate to be Debbie Downer but after last year’s Obamacare ruling I am expecting these SCOTUS rulings to be disappointments. The amnesty vote will just be icing on the cake.
You are Roxie Realist, not Debbie Downer.
[…] Legal Insurrection: Lawmagedon! […]
Wow… the Conservative Republican may either have a day worthy of fireworks or a day worthy of a dirge.
I predict a run on booze either way…
Our reps no longer represent us or the laws that are on the books. They represent illegal immigrants. Who needs ’em?
Actually, the Obamic batting average in any U.S. appellate court stinks.
I am hoping for some good decisions.
BTW, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Justice Thomas…!!!
One of the most brilliant nominations in decades.
[…] Legal Insurrection: Monday is Lawmageddon: […]