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Gabriel Gomez called a LINO (Latino In Name Only) by Boston Spanish newspaper

Gabriel Gomez called a LINO (Latino In Name Only) by Boston Spanish newspaper

The Boston Spanish language paper El Planeta has an Op-Ed by its former(*) Director and longtime Spanish language media executive Gerardo (Jerry) Villacrés, in which Republican Senate candidate and former Navy pilot and SEAL Gabriel Gomez is called a LINO (Latino in name only)(h/t @DBernstein), ¿Qué es un LINO?

Qué es un LINO

(via Google Translate)

What is a LINO?

In an almost unexpected Gabriel Gomez, a Latino son of Colombian parents, just won the nomination to run for the post of Massachusetts state senator, to fill the vacancy left by Sen. John Kerry who replaced Hillary Clinton in the post Secretary of State for the Obama administration….

As Gabriel has not been in politics before this race he is being promoted as “an outsider” something that has a certain appeal for people who do not like politics. And at this point I want to emphasize that for the Latino community itself has been “an outsider” and that in no way he has worked with organizations and individuals in our community so that, for me, it’s Latin In Name Only (LINO).

Really now.

(*) Per commenter the author apparently is a former Director.


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Doug Wright | June 3, 2013 at 11:45 am

The Collective is not pleased with Mr. Gomez! “They” demand that he not stand!

Well, maybe the Collective should realize the errors of its many ways, which would cause its head to swell beyond all bounds of nature!

These people are IINO’s. (Intelligent in name only)

I would say that those idiots are AINO’s .. Americans In Name Only !

    IrateNate in reply to Dannytejas. | June 3, 2013 at 7:31 pm

    well, they ‘aino’ friends of mine!

    mike138 in reply to Dannytejas. | June 4, 2013 at 12:13 am

    Actually, I would say that Gomez is an AINO. I took some heat for making a similar comment here, back when he first announced he was running, but that’s okay. He made it clear with his first public statement, that he’s Hispanic first, American second. His first public address to the voters of Massachussets began with a message in Spanish, a language that the majority of his potential constituents don’t understand. Those voters that don’t understand Spanish had to wait while he spoke to his people first. It was a sign of disrespect, consious or not, to the non Hispanic population of his state. If he had waited till the end to make a special plea in Spanish to Spanish voters, that would have been different. He puts his heritage ahead of his country, and it’s time to stop pretending otherwise.

Well he’s no Azteca for sure but from the look of things he’s probably less of a Conquistador-American than Marco Rubio or LA mayor Villagrosa.

Shouldn’t it be “La Planeta”?

Just saying.

Not A Member of Any Organized Political | June 3, 2013 at 12:06 pm

Why is Obama and the Press
Persecuting Hispanics?

    The first order of business for the left is to demonize this guy as not racist enough to suit Latinos. You see, in this country, if you are even part of any non-white ethnicity, you MUST be pro-whatever ethnicity that is first in order to meet the leftist smell test. If you consider yourself a homogenous American and nothing else or a homogenous American first with a nod to your ethnicity, you are a racist.

    Remember, George Zimmerman, the “white Hispanic”? That’s the only way they could frame his ethnicity in order to get away with demonizing him for shooting his black attacker, blacks being the most protected species in North America.

Just another protected racist being racist….it’s nice when a plan works as designed, eh MSM?

El Platano is not very inclusive. Fruity, yes, but not very inclusive. Where’s the diversity love?

Maybe El Platano believes that you have to be here illegally before you are Latino. Or, maybe they think you are not a Latino unless you rail against the very system of liberties found here in the good ole U.S.

Quot latinos loquerisne Latine?

Henry Hawkins | June 3, 2013 at 1:21 pm

Administration-wide announcement just released by WH:


theduchessofkitty | June 3, 2013 at 1:27 pm


It looks like, according to them, this Duchess of Kitty who was born and raised in Puerto Rico, of Puerto Rican parents, who spoke Spanish first before English, who lived about half of my life in the island before coming to the Mainland, reads Spanish literature, etc… etc…

… is just another “LINO”… because I vote Republican.

Stuff like this makes me wanna have a Twitter account… just to Twitter-bomb them and tell them that no tienen una pizca de vergüenza – they don’t even have a hint of shame.

Villacres used to be the Director of El Planeta many years ago. Now he is just an outside columnist

Soy Americano, izquierdistas – Lino is the left’s bigotry of Republicans. Being of Mexican descent and a former socialist – these leftists (izquierdistas) won’t rest – I’ll go farther, last longer, than these idiots to fight for America.

When I use to blog I came across many British Anarchists and anti-Catholic lefties – the more they push me the bigger enemy they have.

We need to call the Hispanic left – izzies.

Pero, ¿quién es más macho?

Don’t they remember? Here in MA. ehnic fraud wins elections. I guess the main difference is Gomez actually has the genealogy, unlike our own Lyin’ Lizzie Warren the CIHMO(Cherokee In Her Mind Only).

BannedbytheGuardian | June 4, 2013 at 1:57 am

Was Gomez Adams Latino? Lucy’s Ricardo was .

Which reminds me no one ever did that Gothic look like Morticia & Wednesday.

This just proves that leftists are racists.

teapartydoc | June 4, 2013 at 5:29 pm

This is liberal Aryanism at it’s best.

[…] Gabriel Gomez called a LINO (Latino In Name Only) by Boston Spanish newspaper The Boston Spanish language paper El Planeta has an Op-Ed by its former(*) Director and longtime Spanish language media executive Gerardo (Jerry) Villacrés, in which Republican Senate candidate and former Navy pilot and SEAL Gabriel Gomez is called a LINO (Latino in name only)(h/t @DBernstein), ¿Qué es un LINO? […]