If you happened to read my prior post, you’re aware by now that today was Day One in the Trial of Accused Wikileaker Bradley Manning. One of the sites that has been reporting on the trial and the ongoing protests by supporters of Bradley Manning is Russia Today. The site has long offered coverage that is, shall we say, favorable to Manning and Wikileaks.
That apparently doesn’t sit well with some, most notably Antileaks, an outfit that is opposed to Wikileaks.
Last year, Antileaks launched a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack on Wikileaks’ website in retaliation for Julian Assange’s attempt at escaping potential prosecution by retaining asylum at the Ecuadorian Embassy. They also targeted Russia Today at the time for its coverage of Wikileaks. And that in turn prompted a skirmish between Antileaks and other hackers claiming association to Anonymous.
Now that the Manning trial has begun, Antileaks is back. And today they took aim again at Russia Today.
BREAKING: http://t.co/tZZZ3YIP1M is under DDoS attack. Trying to bring it back online. Stay tuned for updates
— RT (@RT_com) June 3, 2013
MORE: All members of RT family, including http://t.co/0tiMw08O48, http://t.co/zEtmYhjAc6 and http://t.co/IG4cPZlg3S are under DDoS attack
— RT (@RT_com) June 3, 2013
Despite attack on http://t.co/tZZZ3YIP1M we continue to post updates on Bradley #Manning trial, protests in #Turkey and other stories
— RT (@RT_com) June 3, 2013
UPDATE: @AntiLeaks claims responsibility for attacks on http://t.co/tZZZ3YIP1M and other members of RT family
— RT (@RT_com) June 3, 2013
Update: @AntiLeaks has claimed responsibility for the DDoS attack against @RT_com
— Anonymous (@YourAnonNews) June 3, 2013
@RT_com I'm sorry I spoiled your "1 Billion Views' Special Program" parading around a bunch of terrorists (cont) http://t.co/Ic9GQrlqyv
— Anti Leaks (@AntiLeaks) June 3, 2013
Yes we are responsible for the attack on #RT_Com. If you've been following our twitter you should already know this. #AntiLeaks
— Anti Leaks (@AntiLeaks) June 3, 2013
@RT_com We've held your website down since approximately 9:45 am PST. How is this breaking news? #AntiLeaks
— Anti Leaks (@AntiLeaks) June 3, 2013
Here’s what a spokesperson for Antileaks had to say about Wikileaks and Assange last year before they disappeared from online for awhile.
“You can call me DietPepsi. I am the leader of AntiLeaks. We are not doing this to call attention to ourselves. We are young adults, citizens of the United States of America and are deeply concerned about the recent developments with Julian Assange and his attempt at aslyum (sic) in Ecuador.
“Assange is the head of a new breed of terrorist. We are doing this as a protest against his attempt to escape justice into Ecuador. This would be a catalyst for many more like him to rise up in his place. We will not stop and they will not stop us.”
Conspiracy theories ran rampant in a corner of the hacking community at the time, as opponents of Antileaks speculated that they were actually CIA…or something. Antileaks responded with a somewhat comical denial of that notion.
Russia Today is now reporting that its sites are back up and in working order. For now, anyway.

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DDOS ain’t nothing special, I had 2 sites DDOS’d today. Whatever. The longer they keep this up, the easier it will be to take their network apart.
Antileaks are just as bad as Assange and his wikileaks crew imho. Those who live by the proverbial sword, will get hacked by the proverbial sword. Antileaks will soon face a situation where they may be fleeing to Ecuador as well.
i am of the opinion ,’whats good for the Goose is good for the gander.’ Good fine imo Professor
Speaking of treachery, perfidy and intentional leaks, The Blaze reports that
the Obama regimethe US has published the location of an Israeli secret base.Probably, this was just a low-level clerical error by someone in Cincinnatti.