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All we are saying, is give community peacebuilding a chance

All we are saying, is give community peacebuilding a chance

Nothing wrong to me with community peacebuilding … hell, it’s working so well in Chicago, might as well give a try in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

From Phil:

I believe the Commonwealth of Virginia leads the nation in the number of different type of specialty license plates. I am fairly familiar with most. We have our own TEA Party plate with the Gadsden Flag, but today I saw something that almost made me wreck….

I have no idea what a Community Peacebuilder does, but there had to be 450 people prepay for the plate prior to the General Assembly approving the issuance.

Bumper Sticker - Virginia Community Peacebuilder

The “Peace Plate” is a project of the Virginia Association for Community Conflict Resolution, which gets a cut of the fee for the plate.


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.


Sears is having a sale on their Chicago line: a white washing machine with a black agitator.

Why that’s what is inspired by community organizers worldwide! On yeah, toss Hillary into the mix regarding, “It takes a village to bring up a child.”

Utopian logic at its best…

I am all for peaceful communities, and do everything in my power to assure them.

Including providing the deterrent of overwhelming firepower that has worked so well world-wide since WWII, along with a reasonable level of vigilance.

9thDistrictNeighbor | June 15, 2013 at 10:11 am

In Illinois, the comparable plate is called the “Prevent Violence” plate. It is extremely popular with gang bangers and drug dealers on the west and south sides if Chicago.

But here, no “Choose Life” plate available….

A community peacebuilder is someone who takes bread from your mouth, gives the crumbs to the “needy”, keeps the rest for himself and his cronies, then calls you a greedy racist bastard.

Juba Doobai! | June 15, 2013 at 11:34 am

All from Northern Virginia.