On April 22, 2013, we noted that a terror plot to derail trains headed for the United States was foiled, Canadian terrorist plot foiled — arrests made (Update – supported by al-Qaeda in Iran).
The FBI made the following announcement of the indictment of a Tunisian, Ahmen Abassi, in the U.S. in connection with the plot:
Abassi, who previously resided in Canada, traveled to the United States in mid-March 2013, where he remained until his arrest. While in the United States, Abassi, who was under surveillance by law enforcement agents at all times, maintained regular contact with an FBI undercover officer (the UC) and also met with Chiheb Esseghaier in New York City. Esseghaier, who was recently arrested in Canada and is currently incarcerated there on terrorism charges, was previously radicalized by Abassi. During Abassi’s discussions with Esseghaier and with the UC, which were recorded by the UC, Abassi discussed his desire to engage in terrorist acts against targets in the United States and other countries and his intention to provide support and funding to organizations engaged in terrorist activity—including the al Nusrah Front, which is recognized by the U.S. Department of State as an alias for Al Qaeda in Iraq—and to recruit other individuals for terrorist plots. In particular, Abassi discussed with the UC a number of individuals known to Abassi and/or to his associates, whom he described as like- minded and who, in his view, would be willing to engage in terrorist activity.
On April 12, 2013, Abassi and the UC discussed Abassi’s efforts to recruit others for terrorist plots and that he might be able to obtain immigration documents to remain in the United States, purportedly in order to work for the UC’s U.S.-based company. In reality, Abassi made clear that he wanted to obtain immigration documents and to remain in the United States so that he could engage in “projects” relating to future terrorist activities, including recruitment. Thereafter, Abassi made false statements on two immigration forms, under penalty of perjury, and subsequently mailed those forms to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for processing.
Here is a copy of the Indictment:
Indictment Ahmed Abassi Redacted

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Bush II was dead wrong or plain old lying.
Islam is the enemy and does the work of the evil one.
The Bushes were the Gilmour Girls of politics. It is a Conneticut thing.
Well sure, a few thousand of it’s adherents might be, but the other millions are mostly peaceful and law abiding. Chill out. /s/
Is it not appropriate for a day of reckoning with Iran?
When is enough going to be enough??
Unsatisfied minds want to know…