Forwarded to me by a reader.
Sounds like a good idea to me. (details and locations at the link)
On behalf of Tea Party, Patriot groups, 9/12, liberty activists, and the American people, we are calling for anyone and everyone to protest the IRS’ complete abuse of power on Tuesday, May 21, 2013 at noon local time.
Right now we are determining the best locations to host these rallies, so please let us know if you are available to go and where you are located. We will use the information to identify the closest IRS offices so that we get the most patriots to each location.
IRS Protests
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is out of control and we need to stand up and let them know that we will not take their intimidation tactics!

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Count me in!
[…] Tea Party IRS Protests May 21 – Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion […]
I think that conservatives should focus on the corrupt nature of big, bureaucratic government, rather than directly on Obama. Yes, Obama favors said big, bureaucratic government, but he’s only going to be around for another three years. Exposing the abuses of the IRS will hurt Obama, but more important, it may lead to actual reforms.
Obama is the figurehead of his big, bureaucratic government overseers.
Call it all out.
BTW, liberals focused on Bush, right? That’s why liberals lost in 2008 and 2012, right?
You’re quite right. Obama is the worst but it’s a waste of time to focus on him. It’s forgotten that it was a matter of life and death for the GOP to silence the Tea Party. Per NY Times: The Tea Party “nearly captured control of the Republican Party through a potent combination of populism and fury.” Thanks to help from democrats the GOP beat the TP. The GOP is very happy democrats are in charge, and plan to keep it that way so they never have to go thru that again. And yes, the TP began as a reaction to government corruption (by both political parties). This is a link to a rant from one of the guys who sent tea bags to the Beltway at the very beginning of the TP, and he’s disgusted the TP has gotten off course. The date is Oct. 20, 2010 which it may not say on the page.
Probably a good time to join the rallies without being as fearful of audits….
Count me in as well: I live in Thousand Oaks, California.
I’m in with liberty bells on!
I’m going!
Also, why the heck is the IRS only being protested??….. 7 freaking a-hole dem senators are ON RECORD INSTRUCTING the IRS to go after tea party and any opposing views!
and now Max Baucus wants an investigations??!?!?! HOW ABOUT HE STARTS WITH HIMSELF!
Count us in! And one other thing, no matter what happens, take the Ghandi approach and DO NOT COMPLY with whatever the IRS asks. We’re a big country and if the majority just sits down when pushed/slapped/threatened, it can be louder than a gun shot.
Elliot Gould has so got to play this guy in the movie.
I wish one of the congressman would have asked the IRS commissioner what he thought of the Tea Party. Seems relevant.
I have some problems with the Tea Parties generally and that’s why I haven’t even thought to get involved. But after the last few weeks–if there’s one within driving distance of Detroit, I’m there.
[…] #ScandalPalooza: Tea Party IRS Protests May 21 […]
Cincinnati, since apparently we are the heart of the problem
The word is getting out! Of course noon on a workday is probably not the best time for conservatives (who often have jobs) to protest, but still . . . how about everyone send their photos of their local IRS protest on May 21st to Professor Jacobson?
Would I be labeled a terrorist if I simply mailed them an envelope with nothing but an unused and still wrapped Lipton tea bag?