The Associated Press reports that Harvey Whittemore skirted campaign finance laws in order to make contributions in others’ names to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
The federal jury returned unanimous guilty verdicts on charges of making excessive campaign contributions, making contributions in the name of another and causing a false statement to be made to the Federal Election Commission. […]
Prosecutors say Whittemore gave money to family members and employees in 2007 to make contributions he had promised to Reid while concealing himself as the true source to skirt campaign finance laws.
BREAKING: Former Nev. powerbroker convicted of making illegal campaign contributions to Sen. Harry Reid.
— The Associated Press (@AP) May 29, 2013
Whittemore was just found guilty this afternoon by a US Judge on three counts of making illegal campaign contributions.
The jury is still deadlocked on a fourth charge involving lying to the FBI.
A U.S. District Court jury has found developer Harvey Whittemore guilty on three counts of making illegal campaign contributions.Jurors are telling U.S. District Court Judge Larry Hicks they don’t think they can reach a verdict on charges Whittemore lied to the FBI. HIcks is sending the jury back to deliberate on the lying charge.
According to an AP report in 2012, Reid’s office said the money donated has been given to charity.
UPDATE 6:10pm EST: The jury has returned on the last remaining charge against Whittemore. From Reno Gazette Journal:
U.S. District Court Judge Larry Hicks has declared a mistrial on a count that developer Harvey Whittemore lied to the FBI. Hicks called the jury hopelessly deadlocked.

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“Prosecutors say Whittemore gave money to family members and employees in 2007 to make contributions he had promised to Reid while concealing himself as the true source to skirt campaign finance laws.”
The wording of that sentence certainly implies collusion on the part of Reid.
Not that he would EVER do such a thing…
One thing people never ask is why businessmen are so desperate to funnel cash to politicians that they break finance laws. There is only one answer to that question. And Harry Reid is likely an excellent investment for those who can afford him.
But it was for the cowboy poetry reading thing!
…and just imagine how close someone as loony as Sharon Angle nearly unseated Harry Reid (Crapweasel – NV). I certainly hope the difference wasn’t those extra bucks for crucial, last minute attack ads.
Washington DC: Best government money can buy.
If this is the best government money can buy, we didn’t get a very good deal.
…and of course I’m sure that Reid claims non-knowledge of any illegal contributions, (wink-wink).
The democrats have soiled democracy in this country for decades to come dwarfing anything the GOP has done.
Gawd he’p us…
Is it just me? When I read “Larry Hicks” my brains says “Harry Licks”
Illegal donation? Hey, let’s not forget it was Reid who took it!
So the obviously corrupt Harry Reid, wholly owned subsidiary of Organized Crime, Inc. ‘gave’ illegal funds to ‘charity’. Wouldn’t this be considered money laundering an act covered by the RICO statutes? Another question: when did he make the contribution? Was it before or after the news broke? Were those funds used by his campaign during the election cycle?
It is truly amazing how a ‘public servant’ (read Professional Politician) can become a millionaire in office.
I suggest Harry (and all of his odious ilk) attend the next underground nuclear test – up close and personal in the chamber.
[…] Former Nevada Powerbroker Guilty of Making Illegal Contributions to Sen. Harry Reid […]