Before you scream that it’s too early for this, let me remind you that it’s never too early to start thinking through a plan to oust a vulnerable Democrat like Kay Hagan (D-NC) who shouldn’t be in the Senate to begin with but for a horrid campaign run by Elizabeth Dole and an Obama tailwind.
Hagan is vulnerable per Larry Sabato and even PPP Polling shows at best mixed numbers for her.
The folks at Daily Kos, when they are not calling black conservatives Mandingo, often have pretty straightforward electoral analysis (PPP is their house pollster), as in this March 13 analysis of possible Republican contenders.
One of the people featured in that analysis, and called to my attention by Henry Hawkins in the Tip Line, is Dr. Greg Brannon.
Brannon was featured in a recent Beaufort Observer article:
We’re still more than a year and a half away from the mid-term elections, but a challenger threw his hat in the ring to run for US Senate.
Wilmington was the first stop on Greg Brannon’s campaign tour this morning. The Tea Party conservative wants to unseat Democrat Kay Hagan.
“I was raised by a single mom, I have a younger brother, grew up in a working class neighborhood,” Brannon, an obstetrician from Cary, said. “I was the first member of my family to go to college. Fortunately I got a scholarship and was able to become a doctor. It’s been the dream of my life, and I had the opportunity to live the american dream.”
Now the conservative is calling out supporters in an effort to take over current Sen. Hagan’s seat.
“I believe central planning has destroyed individual rights we have to get back to the understanding that when individuals are in charge of their freedom, society is at its best,” Brannon said.
At The Daily Haymaker Brannon was pretty direct about his appeal:
“If you want to be represented by a Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Lee or Jim DeMint type, send me to the US Senate.”
Sounds good to me, but … I don’t know much about Brannon other than these articles or the likely Republican field.
So tell me about Dr. Greg Brannon.

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Gosh, what a racist homophobic misogynistic egotistical freedom-hating bible-thumping right-wing extremist one-percenter…..Did I get all of the likely progressive epithets to be used against him? As the election gets closer surely we will hear each one of those individually if not in unison.
Don’t know the man, but a box of rocks would make a better Senator than Hagan. Smarter, too!
I’m hooked after reading this one sentence at his website:
Yes. That plus he argues for the rule of law versus the rule of man. I’ll vote for him.
It’s not too early. It’s too late.
He’s extremely articulate and intelligent.
An immediate strength I’d give him kudos for is not falling for the “Liberal” framed set up questions. The natural questions in the “Liberal” paradigm are, “does that mean you’d cut people’s free stuff?!” “Wouldn’t that make gridlock worse!?” etc.
He repeatedly reframed and answered. If he wants to win he’ll have to do that forever on. Patiently, compassionately reframe the question and answer intelligently.
[…] Jacobson at Legal Insurrection has up a terrific post today on “So tell me about Dr. Greg Brannon (for U.S. Senate in North Carolina […]
[…] Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion. “Before you scream that it’s too early for this, let me remind you that it’s never too early to start thinking through a plan to oust a vulnerable Democrat like Kay Hagan (D-NC) who shouldn’t be in the Senate to begin with but for a horrid campaign run by Elizabeth Dole and an Obama tailwind” […]
I hear him often on the radio. He’s worth a look.
[…] Related Reading: So tell me about Dr. Greg Brannon (for U.S. Senate in North Carolina 2014) […]