Margaret Thatcher dies, RIP Iron Lady
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Margaret Thatcher dies, RIP Iron Lady

Margaret Thatcher dies, RIP Iron Lady

Margaret Thatcher is dead.

What can be said.

We lost a giant for freedom and human dignity.

Thatcher Dies Telegraph


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And we have Hillary.

    Catherine in reply to dacama. | April 8, 2013 at 2:24 pm

    Two Hilary quotes come to mind: “It takes a village.” and “What difference does it make?” And I just thought of another one that there is “this vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president.”

A grand dame, for sure. We were fortunate to have had the Reagan, Thatcher, John Paul team when we did.

Class, all up and down.

littlebeartoe | April 8, 2013 at 8:58 am

Fantastic collection of clips, Professor. Thank you. What a wonderful iron lady she was!

Doug Wright | April 8, 2013 at 8:59 am

My favorite bit of Thatcher lore was when Saddam invaded Kuwait and PM Thatcher was quoted as telling President G. H. W. Bush not to go wobbly on her. President Bush didn’t then and instead got softhearted after the gore of the Highway of Death.

workingclass artist | April 8, 2013 at 9:10 am

Great tribute to a Great Lady.

Godspeed Baroness Thatcher…You will be missed but not forgotten.

Watching MSNBC this morning, somehow Mika got Hillary’s name in the opening sentence of the announcement of Thatcher’s death.

Too much support for Thatcher on Morning Joe, Chuck Todd takes the reigns, and goes full blown Thatcher bashing via surrogates on his show.

If state-run media are not able to successfully paint Thatcher as an evil, war-mongering, union busting corporatist by this evening…

…Hillary will become Thatcher in waiting.

RIP Lady Thatcher! You are my hero and inspiration! We will miss the Iron Lady’s presence, but her wisdom will live on.

Thank you, Professor for providing the tribute and video clips.

I am thankful for the way she handled her responsibilities in life. That was well done. And, the clips of her speeches are the best way to honor her memory. Thank you, Prof. Jacobson.

    santee in reply to Valerie. | April 8, 2013 at 9:30 am

    I love this quote:

    Watch your thoughts for they become words.
    Watch your words for they become actions.
    Watch your actions for they become habits.
    Watch your habits for they become your character.
    And watch your character for it becomes your destiny.
    What we think, we become.
    My father always said that… and I think I am fine.”
    ― Margaret Thatcher

[…] These fools do not even comprehend the good this woman did and how their lives were made better. Legal Insurrection has it correct, we lost a giant of freedom and human dignity. Check them out for even more amazing […]

There will never be another known on this Blue Orb, as ‘The Iron Lady’.

Rest in Peace..

We all owe her. She was the backbone of her nation when it couldn’t be found elsewhere.

What a marvelous leader! The world could use a few more like her today. Leading from behind would never have dawned on her. RIP Lady Thatcher.

Boy, I sure wish what she says here didn’t seem like the hammer hitting the nail on the head…

    Doug Wright in reply to Ragspierre. | April 8, 2013 at 3:49 pm

    Rags: Excellent video for two reasons. 1. Yes, the Iron Lady did hit that nail on the head and that foretold what is going on here with our own version of redistribution politics straining to run amuck. 2. Buckley was quite a bit of a ham, mixed with pompousness, run amuck on itself, and lots of egocentric love!

    Still, both were then huge symbols of strong conservatism expressed well; the Lady Iron always did it better, with style, on point.

Why are leaders like Margaret Thatcher so rare? It seems perverse. When you would listen to her and see her in action it all seemed so clear that this was what and how leadership should be. And the results always demonstrated the truth of this sense.

    theduchessofkitty in reply to raven. | April 8, 2013 at 10:55 am

    “Why are leaders like Margaret Thatcher so rare?”

    Because the Left seeks those future Great Leaders of Freedom… and strangle them right where they are, just before they cause the Left any damage.

    That is the reason why we no longer have leaders of her caliber. They’ve been killed long before we ever notice them.

MaggotAtBroadAndWall | April 8, 2013 at 10:31 am

What a wonderful collection of videos to honor her. Truly a great woman.

I was blessed to come of age in an era when Margaret Thatcher, W.F. Buckley, Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan, Jack Kemp, Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell, Pope John Paul II, and others were shaping policy that inspired optimism and confidence.

The whole world was a much better place.


    From what I recall from the “current affairs” at the time, the world seemed to be in a state of turmoil.

    What those mentioned brought, more than anything, was a change of attitude. From fear and loathing, to pride and optimism–cemented by concrete action.

    ….in my opinion.

    Remember, Thatcher–Reagan–John Paul II– all survived assassination attempts.

    A list, short but good, of people from an unimaginably wide variety of backgrounds, places, and circumstances. All were (stay with us, Dr. Sowell!) thoughtful, clear eyed observers of the world around them and human nature, constantly adjusting and modifying their conclusions accordingly. And perhaps, more than anything else, they were unimpressed by notoriety, all decent people who would have been good neighbors, satisfied even if no one had ever heard of them beyond the village grocery store, fire stations, and church that share the intersection.

    Contrast these qualities with those of the people a disturbingly large portion of the country is willing to either put forward or tolerate as its leaders and the face of the nation. They are unaccomplished in private life; their actions are empty at best, destructive at worst, and far too frequently, willingly deceitful or corrupt; they are shallow simpletons shocked to find garbage when they look in the dump, criminals when they look in jails, the sick when they look in hospitals. Uniformly they are snobs, far too many are crass, crude, or just plain foul. It is difficult to know which is worse, the damage they do or, that they are chosen or permitted to be the face of the nation. But, I repeat myself.

theduchessofkitty | April 8, 2013 at 10:52 am

My all-time favorite quote of Baroness Thatcher:

“If you want someone to make a speech, ask a man. If you want something done, ask a woman.”

Juba Doobai! | April 8, 2013 at 10:54 am

Rest in peace, Lady Thatcher.

Her only possible successor is Governor Palin.

[…] Tip for some of the video links: Ace of Spades HQ, Legal Insurrection, National Review […]

[…] 8 April 2013 | 12:30 pm A grand dame, for sure. We were fortunate to have had the Reagan, Thatcher, John Paul team when we did. Class, all up and down. Leave a Comment. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail (or subscribe without … […]

How the left made sure another Thatcher could never be elected

Must read

    BannedbytheGuardian in reply to Browndog. | April 8, 2013 at 9:57 pm

    Brown dog – as someone who filled out a work visa form to Gb in 2008 I gotta say it was not easy to get one.

    I am not sure of the immigration thing but it is highly hypoctical for Brits as they themselves have been emigrants extra ordinaries for 300 years. It is how they got rid of riff raff , the working class so as to keep the population down to manageable levels. It is how they kept the countryside pretty & peasant less.

    It is like he Irish who had the gall to complain about immigration in the hothouse years . Sheesh.

[…] she died this morning. Discussion:,, Colorado Peak Politics,Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, The Week and NBC 5 Dallas-Fort […]

Judging by some of the slime being spewed, I wonder if the progressives at MSNBC and elsewhere believe that RIP is a synonym for “rip” — as in rip to shreds?

If it were up to me, she’d have a place right next to St. George as one of the greatest dragon slayers of all time.

What an impact she and Reagan had together on the at least the last 25 years from their time in office. Now, we have the ugly head of socialism creeping back and emboldened by the paucity of leadership in our great nations of Britain and the USA. We must take her example, and fight this creeping socialism. She fought the good fight, and triumphed.

She will always be fondly remembered. Rest in peace Iron Lady, Rest in peace.

I read this morning that there would not be a State Funeral.

Now, I’m reading (Drudge) that there will be the largest funeral since Churchill.

Bad reporting, changing of minds, trial balloons?

You’d think they’d have had a protocol in place years ago, due to her age and health.

    Now, I’m reading (Drudge) that there will be the largest funeral since Churchill.

    As well there should.

    I hope I’m wrong, but:

    The Brits are burying a lot more than a (great) Prime Minister. The least they can do is to do it right.

Laughing at all the “American” Brits on the left deny there was any sort of socialism in Britain when she came to power…

…like she was always addressing some sort of figment of her imagination.

Kinda like America today. None of the progressive/marxist will even admit to being socialists–they’re all just red, white and blue Democratics! (formerly known as Democrats, members of the Democrat Party, now the Democratic Party)

Henry Hawkins | April 8, 2013 at 3:13 pm

It was Thatcher’s resume and bio that made and continues to make me think that the first female US president will be a conservative, not a liberal. Sorry, Hils.

Oh happy day! Ronnie and Maggie together again!