Canadian terrorist plot foiled — arrests made (Update – supported by al-Qaeda in Iran)
Plot was “al-Qaeda supported” by al-Qaeda elements “located in Iran” consisting of “direction and guidance.”
Canadian police and intelligence agencies will announce later today they have thwarted a plot to carry out a major terrorist attack, arresting two suspects in Montreal and Toronto, CBC News has learned.
Highly placed sources tell CBC News the alleged plotters have been under surveillance for more than a year in Quebec and southern Ontario.
The two men are expected to appear in court tomorrow.
The investigation was part of a cross-border operation involving Canadian law enforcement agencies, the FBI and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
According to a Reuters report, U.S. law enforcement and national security sources said the alleged plot targeted a railroad between Toronto and New York City.
From News conference:
Charged two people, alleging “al-Qaeda supported” conspiracy to derail train. Neither person a Canadian citizen.
Al-Qaeda elements “located in Iran.” No indication “state-supported.” Support was “direction and guidance.”
From a written statement handed out:
Today, the RCMP arrested two individuals and charged them with conspiring to carry out a terrorist attack against a VIA passenger train. The accused have been charged under sections 248, 235 (1), 83.2, 83.18, 83.21 of the Criminal Code of Canada. As a result of extensive collaborative efforts, the RCMP was able to disrupt the threat early. While the RCMP believed that these individuals had the capacity and intent to carry out these criminal acts, there was no imminent threat to the general public, rail employees, train passengers or infrastructure.
The two accused, Chiheb ESSEGHAIER and Raed JASER, who live in the Montreal and Toronto area were conspiring to carry out a terrorist attack against a VIA passenger train. Charges include conspiring to carry out an attack against, and conspiring to murder persons unknown for the benefit of, at the direction of, or in association with a terrorist group.
Update: I guess it depends on what the meaning of “decimated” is:
There will be a live press conference at 3:30 p.m. Eastern, watch below:
[conference over]

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Any news yet on the ethnically suggestive name of any mountain ranges that the would be perpetrators’ distant ancestors hailed from?
If you picked The Sierra Nevadas, don’t quit your day job.
Well, lucky for me, mine’s a night job!
New MSNBC slogan:
Lean Forward … and we’ll move mountains to bring you the PC story!
This needs no mountain-moving. Iran and Aryan are related; in fact, Iran means “Land of the Aryans”. So, since this plot was backed by Iran, it is obvious that it is the work of the Aryan Brotherhood. Score another one for MSM.
4 .. 3 .. 2 .. 1 … that’s how long it will take for Justin Trudeau (aka “The Shiny Pony”), the newly crowned leader of the federal Liberal party to apologize on behalf of all Canadians for how poorly the police have treated the arrested suspects. His preference, it seems, is not arrest & incarceration but dialogue & cupcakes to find out the “root casues” of why people do such things. It’s truly sick.
So he and princess barry are bronies?
Actual attacks based on the principles of Islam have a way of focusing attention that foiled ones do not. If nothing else, they force the MSM and leftists onto the defensive of telling us that an obvious Muslim attack is not an obvious Muslim attack.
But foiled Muslim plots in truth count for nothing. Nothing in terms of proving to the unknowing world that a 1400-year jihad against the Islamic-named House of War is afoot.
To the unknowing world, to liberals, and to Muslim apologists, only actual Muslim attacks count for anything. And even then when they do occur, the predictable, super-annealing use of the Muslim EXCUSE Machine, familiar to every JW reader, will be kicked into high gear, with its sole purpose being to invent reasons why an obvious Muslim attack is not a Muslim attack. “Who are you going to believe, us or your lyin’ eyes?”
That machine is fully engaged at the moment. Following the Boston Marathon Massacre the left has given this machine a new coat of paint and fresh lubrication. We know what the machine and its operators will be doing, but this time the circumstances are slightly different. We have the written proof, from the murdering Muslim brothers themselves, that Islam was their motivation.
Such proof is available iwth Hasan’s 2009 Fort Hood attack is a perfect example of all that. Hasan Allahu Akbarred his way through his rampage, but the MSM instructs us that Hasan was a lone wolf, having nothing to do with Islam’s principles.
Nothing grabs one’s attention like being hit on the side of the head with a 2 by 4. And from all appearance it will take more Muslim attacks against infidels with the loss of Western lives before more necessary lessons are learned.
[…] The plot was “al-Qaeda supported” by al-Qaeda elements “located in Iran” consisting of “direct… […]
It said “cross-border”. So – what was going on inside the US?
Who is this Al Qaeda guy anyway? Some white guy who works at
Didn’t Paul Simon write a song about him?
[…] More: But…al Qaeda has been decimated! […]
[…] arrests were part of an ongoing investigation conducted by the RCMP and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, which “had been going on for a considerable amount of time,” CTV’s Ottawa Bureau Chief […]
Thank goodness they stopped it.
Here is some advice to all: Mamas don’t let your babies grow up to be converts…
MSNBC has learned that a possible third cousin, twice removed from one of the suspects, spent time in Grand Teuton National Park last summer. ***Developing***
[…] Legal Insurrection reminds us of President Barack Obama’s false rhetoric … I guess it depends on what the […]