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Branco Cartoon – Foolin’ Around

Branco Cartoon – Foolin’ Around

Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here.  Branco’s  page Cartoonist A.F.Branco

April 590 LI


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Yes… And we are the fools that the butt of dear leader’s lavish monarchy-like lifestyle.

We never learn…

Right On, Branco..

Didn’t the LEFT just compare this PUTZ to Nelson Riddle, or some crap?

SoCA Conservative Mom | April 1, 2013 at 9:10 pm

I freely admit, I don’t know enough about the budget for the White House, Secret Service, Presidential vacations, etc. However, I’d like a little comparison for how much it costs for all the vacations, every penny, and how much is spent so that anyone wishing to visit the White House can visit. I do wonder which department’s budgets covers each expense. Supposedly the Secret Service’s budget can’t cover White House tours, but can cover all the vacations, would be interesting to see.

As they say on that myth busting show – plausible.

Right On, as usuual, Branco!!

And the Boy King has declared that this month is to be dedicated to “teaching young people how to BUDGET RESPOSIBLY.”

Not unlike a very busy Hooker giving Virginity Lessons!!!!
CANNOT possibly make this s**t up!!