The sick BDS movement, Leftist-Islamist coalition, and anti-Israel academic movement are frequent topics here.
There is good news — despite all the hoopla and vitriol, these miscreants have made no progress with American public opinion.
Via Times of Israel:
Americans’ sympathy for Israel is at a 22-year high, according to Gallup figures released on Friday, just five days ahead of Barack Obama’s first visit to Israel as president.
In figures gleaned from the polling organization’s early February World Affairs poll, 64 percent of Americans say their sympathies “in the Middle East situation” – Gallup’s term for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and peace talks – lie more with the Israelis than with the Palestinians. Just 12% favor the Palestinians….
The figures mark a 22-year high in sympathy for Israel. The last Gallup poll that showed 64% sympathy came in 1991, at the height of the First Gulf War and in the midst of the first intifada….
Sympathy for Israel among respondents aged 18-34 is at 55%, compared to 71% among those over 55. But both groups favor the Palestinians in equal measure, at just 12%.
“Younger Americans show less favoritism toward Israel than middle-aged adults and, in particular, seniors; however, they are no more likely to favor the Palestinians,” Gallup notes. Younger Americans “are simply less anchored about whom they favor.”
The poll also found that “Palestinians receive the highest sympathy from Democrats, liberals, and postgraduates, but even among these, support tops off at 24%.”
And yes, Democrats and liberals are the least likely to support Israel:
The poll also found that “Palestinians receive the highest sympathy from Democrats, liberals, and postgraduates, but even among these, support tops off at 24%.”
Self-described “liberals” show the highest level of sympathy toward the Palestinians — 24%, compared to 51% for Israel — while 19% of Democrats are partial toward the Palestinians, and 55% toward Israel. Sympathy for Palestinians is at just 5% among both Republicans and self-described “conservatives.”
Here are the Gallup charts:

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“And yes, Democrats and liberals are the least likely to support Israel”
None too fond of God, either…
Israel is a civilized country. A critical mass of the Palestinians are not civilized people.
It’s that simple.
(The above is not the only reason to support Israel. Another one is the moral claim, based on the Holocaust, of the Jewish people to a homeland.)
Americans’ sympathy for Israel at 22-year high MAKES NO SENSE. Anti-Semitism is Walking-Places in America. Who dares to Gallup incivility? This Worthless Rhetoric ain’t but GoogledJunk & WikiTrash Horsemanure ain’t Worthy Perused. It’s a deceptive sponsored scam and spam authored by Bribed Anglosexual Paparazzis to influence public opinion Ahead of Obama’s visit, Gallup poll alleged 64% of Americans sympathize more with Israel, just 12% with Palestinians. The opposite is right of course. Unless this unfound hearsay signed & sealed as narrative by renowned Journalists and published by reliable source of information credible as Bloomberg, Der Spiegel, La Figaro, New York Times, Reuters, Rolling stones, The Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post or equivalent. it’s nothing but thesaurus exhausted Vocabulary Worth Loathed.هذا الهراء ليس خبرجديربالقراءة حتي يوثق من قبل بلومبرج أوديرشبيجل أو لافيجارو أو نيويورك تايمز أو رويترز أو رولنجزستونز أو التايمز أو وولستريت جورنال أو واشنطن بوست واخواتها Don’t bother moderating this statement. You ain’t allowed to publish my Picassoic Commentary. Here’s the deal.. I will save you the trouble and virally blog it for you.
A joke post or just a crappy translation from a true hater? Hard to tell…….probably makes no difference.
God bless America. The average American is a good person. Our pop culture focuses on the corrupt and dysfunctional, but that doesn’t reflect your average American.
The blame Israel Firsters just seem to be a larger percentage of the population because they make so much noise … talk about corrupt and dysfunctional.
It’s the nature of news to be bad news. As George Will said, and I paraphrase, it doesn’t make news that each and every day 10,000 commercial flights land safely.
In this depressing world, good news is news to me, and I welcome it.
Judah and his brothers have had a claim on the Land of Israel for a few thousand years, but a little advertising doesn’t hurt, eh? ANYTHING to counter the lies of those invaders called Palestinians…
It’s a little much to hope that the UN and NGOs would gain integrity – at least the majority of Americans can see through the lies spewed from their bullhorns.
[quote]“Younger Americans show less favoritism toward Israel than middle-aged adults and, in particular, seniors; however, they are no more likely to favor the Palestinians,” Gallup notes. Younger Americans “are simply less anchored about whom they favor.”[/quote]
So the 18-34 crowd, over all, has no real opinion either way? Expect the “new” Core curriculum to address this with workshops on how to build a better flotilla and other assorted exercises geared toward destroying America’s support for Israel and propagandizing “Palestine.”
Baruk Hashem Israel is forever!
Polls are BS usually, stats can be misinterpreted any way they want. Yes, of course, civilized rational people support the only democracy in the Middle East. As for the young people, the IDF has at this time 5,000 young volunteers in the MACHAL,(No, it is not an acronym for Meshuga’im Mi’Hutz La’Aretz).That proves to me that young people support Israel in the most REAL way possible, with their life.
Failure to wind over hearts and minds hasn’t always stopped people with a political agenda. After all, we see the signs of force in the politically correct attacks on free speech in this area and the use of smears with cries of Islamophobia, racism, etc. What cannot be done with words moves to the next phase….
And this quote makes me wonder if the root cause is the public education system: “Younger Americans show less favoritism toward Israel than middle-aged adults and, in particular, seniors; however, they are no more likely to favor the Palestinians,…”
Young Americans as a class have missed out on their history. All you have to do to change their minds is have them read the Hamas covenant. It is especially effective to show them the expurgated version, and then the real one.
It doesn’t hurt to point out the difference in the identity of the websites.
[…] Good news – Israel-hating academics, leftists, Islamists, BDSers making no progress with Ameri… ( […]
9/11 gave Americans an unclose look at the Israeli experience. the percentage supporting Israel would be higher but for the media’s refusal to remind us what Israel’s enemies, and ours, would bring to us all.
[…] Obama Kooks are all for BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) against Israel but pinkwashing of the Muslim Brotherhood politics. Don’t trust […]